An open letter to HPC Server admins

Hi crossfire people from the Internet,

I don't always post journals, but when I do it's to share my nervousness.
Yesterday, I tried to play my beloved game called return to castle wolfenstein enemy territory and it was pretty fun because i met my old soldiers (golden medalist like me) United KingdomniSmO & GermanyNazicon and NorwayEirik who played for some Europe sleeping team that noone has ever heard of. They told me to join a pubic server before going to teh cklub as I always do on satruday nights. This server is some kind o Harry Potter Cklub dunno wat... (sorry if i misspelled some words its because of alcohol still in my blood)
Anyway, I wanted to try my new cfg that I made with my own gamer hands and see if i can still own.
Result : 69% acc @mp40 (first try)

But this isnt the problem, the thing is there was someone who was using external gaming program and some nerds there wanted to ban him, the thing is I said I wanted him to stay because I needed real challenge to improve my skills and get back my high+/+ level. It seems like noobs on this server cannot handle my awesomness and decided to kick me. YES THEY KICKED ME

I think old gamers like me who havent enough space on their penis to tatoo all their achievements should get some "immunity" status.

This is it, I know you guys understand me because we are/were real eSport athletes and I encourage you to practice your skills somewhere else unless admins reply to me with some kind words.

Bonus : Id like to bring a new trend to this fora since we've been asking for years and never got it, a +/- 1 system. I suggest you to reward good comments with a golden medal (bronze one if its a shitty comment). Lemme show you with a real example (no p'shop involved)
image: msh100

image: 939b7fb845f8393e

MarseilleColonel LeFrancis - An ex-eSport Athlete who simply wanted to practice his gaming skills
So you went all this hassle just to tell us that you got kicked from a pub and feel bad now.

ugh, worst journal I ever read
maybe its normal for finnish people gettin kicked as u guys drink bears & play computer 24/7 in ur basement thus ur skin is white coz u never see the sunlight but for people like me its a real struggle :s :s :s :s
ouch, that was uncalled for - you really know your way around words dont you.

“Never argue with an idiot. They will only bring you down to their level and beat you with experience.”

gotta love that quote tho
Its a very cool quote m8 i think it's always welcome to bring some poetry in such gaming fora. Please tell my kind regards to ur dog police clan if you still talk to them.
Fait lui putain de savoir comment les putains de choses ce putain de passent putain draaaap
Hey toi petit oeuf ont a rien a foutre de toi et tes conneries de pute negro tu entend rien a foutre de toi et tes saloperies de faux negros qui font les fausses choses tu na meme pas de nom dans ce ET game de merde tu. na aucun poid sur la balance du journal a la Lefrancis de la lecture intelectuel pour ton cerveau a la noix
because quote
"I think old gamers like me who havent enough space on their penis to tatoo all their achievements should get some "immunity" status. "

Sounds like your penis is to small :(
chick is like 15? :/
Non mais le mec casseur de couilles qui ne reconnais meme pas les journaux de LeFrancis comme etant l'art la plus finne sur ce putain de site honte sur toi petit finnois tete de noix blappppp les putain de pyramides de chez G&G tu putain d'entend mon frere blanc qui fait pousser cette cereal francaise hydroponique dans le placard
Je t'entends frère blanc d'outre atlantique les connexions se font. Tabernacle! Les vrais font de vraies choses nous même nous le savons chronomètre calotte sur leur bouche à ces putain de finnoises!
Et vous les enculers de hpc faites tres attention cars les long cannons sont braque en votre direction bande de petit pute negrito liberer lefrancis sinon les represailles ne seront pas sympa vous ne ferez pas les petits con avec les putain de pyramides et G&G avec leur gorilles mafieux
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