TALENT x AIMBOT you decide!

no point to discuss that..
Almost as skilled as I am
No aimbot
he moves around like a partly retarded and down syndromed horse :S with settings turned on 999999999
image: Weird-animals-1
new phyzic
phyzic has some of the best movement in ET :S
There's exactly nothing suspicious, its a waste of time to post smth like this.
You were speccing him the whole time and sadly wolfcam doesn't get get the 6hs in 1,5second doublekill that was even more obvious than this :(
one of my opponents had 80 hs in 8 minutes of 2o2 yesterday, thisone is just nothing.
Oh did you play against hevimies again?
Mongol is not an option?
Well, AIMBOT basically means he's a mongol so
skill ofc

but who is it?

e: cheater
Who is he shooting on at 0:09 after the second kill? Quiet suspicious.
there's nothing suspicious, u fool.
Dont know bout this clip as a whole but that 0:09 shooting sound is an mp40, the player is using a thompson. Just wanted to clarify that. But yeah, whether (the mp40 guy) was shooting the corpse falling down or the other guy outside the base - we will never know. The movement after the second kill is pretty suspicious I agree, nobody swings their aim at a wall like that after they kill someone. And it just so happens that there is an allied medic behind that wall somewhere. Everybody can draw their own conclusions from that.
I honestly cant spot, if u are either being sarcastic or never seen humanized at work? I mean, if u even think that the guy on the replay is clean, its hilariously stupid, cus its like the basic case of how humanized works.
read his comment again.
1) its not humanized.
2) u seem to have no idea how does humanized work. U have proven it many times while defending ur cheatbuddys.
I'm quite certain that regardless of knowing how humanized works, u cant really compare ur dumb knowledge to mine, u can defend that dummy who's on the video however u want, since u have proven ur stupidity over and over again, but it wont change the fact that this is humanized bot.
1) its just full aimbot without autofire and maybe lowered aimfov.
2) u couldnt realize that, u've been playing with cheaters all time long (pds, webe, juicy, but i wouldnt be surprised if u just know it) so ur arguments are totally invalid and ur knowledge compared to mine is like comparation of retarded cow to einstein, sorry.
Which is higher settings for humanized aimbot, same shit different toilet, u weren't even around when pds was still active so lets not go there, or were pubing on some random jaymod server, considering webe u are free to bust him anytime u wish. Doubt we can really compare knowledge about that, as u seem to make urself every time dumber with each reply u make, but then again, u are polak so not even shocked about that.
Im just not spreading around how long do i play it, still invalid argument.
Considering webe, spreading tzacproof cheats and playing clean seems not so legit to me.
So there's again another decent argument, keep blaming nationality.
no idea what u smoking, but hell, i want some as well.
I would've expected you to be able to read between lines.
ET is ridiculous anyway, what separates the skillers at the highest level is only how they register hits anyway, or rather how they register headshots... this game is so fucked up lol :D

from my poin of view it may sound ridiculous since Im med-, but heard even some skilled players admit that... You can have amazing aim and dont hit as well as others...

Im not trying to deny that this guy is good aimer, but he just registers hit so well, or rather he hits shit loads of HS when others wouldnt with exactly the same aim :P
must be the reason why i register headshots whey aiming on the guts...
well that's just false
well, thats only a quote of the best etplayer in et.
people even fall for that quote:D
i'd give that troll a 4 out of 5. definitely one of your better ones.
Is this a joke is there seriously some people watching this and thinking that the guy is clean lmfao ET 2015 the day people stopped being paranoid about everyone cheating cause its just a matter of who hides it the best now this is a terrible attempt at doing so, #freeabj fuck yea I can't spot cheats #questionerythang #ohurcoolilluminati #antiETpolishconspiracy

2nd kill he was just waiting for the pistol sound to pop off does a millisecond reaction straight on the guy then tracks the wall follows the head making a jump and snaps back at
if u think its a cheat, u'll need to ban half of the et scene
Nice defending your cheaterbuttbuddy.
i have no idea whos that guy
Should I reveal all of his ips there?
real nickname
Kapla, come on you were on the server stop acting like you don't know
i didnt play with apricot or even spend time on ts with him past 3 months probably. no.
actually played with apricot 2 or 3 games past 8 months. no lie.
i dont care how much u played but u were in our ts in past 3 months.
Half the ET scene sounds a whole hell lot of a reasonable number I'd ban 99% of them (none-etpro) included
EC strafe he got there.
As clean as Italydanone used to be
surely not talent, aimbot it is!
low/+ player
just wondering if this was a ger player called b3ckstar ? :_D
:DDD dachte ich auch
bei dem läuft hab ich gehört
judging from the movement its either supna or nazty
QuotenejmREPLY yesterday, 18:33
real nickname

BOBiKAREPLY yesterday, 18:34
Kapla, come on you were on the server stop acting like you don't know
honestly u cant really tell for sure if he is clean or not.

I'd say it looks like cheating (considering everything - his movement is terrible like some noob who just installed ET, his mouse movements looks fucked up especially after the second kill, and also the second kill was kinda suspicious).

In the other hand he can be clean also... not everyone has good strafe or jump skills. For example my mate varadi who played ET for 8 years still couldn't do basic trickjumps, cause he just didnt care about this part of the game, but i have to admit his strafe was still far better.
His mouse movement is somehow weird, but i know a lot of players who has strange mouse movements and still hit pretty good. Also he could be just messing around, not really playing seriously.

From a single clip its impossible to tell if its cheat or not. Just some days ago i played on a public, somehow i did a 2 man kill that totally looked like aimbot, switched from head to head instantly, it was much more suspicious than this clip :D but i know im not cheating ofc.

Really if u wanna be more sure, u need to know a lot more things like
1- for how long is he playing ET
2- for how long is he playing any other FPS
3- on what level is he playing and for how long

I always come up with this example, but really :D there were some guys in Hungary who started to cheat. They were not that obvious, they were still loosing games, they played on a med/med+ level, but i knew they cheated, cause i knew them. I knew they played on a low-/low level, and i knew its impossible to improve in some weeks from low- to med+.
Also a good example is the newest team-romania. I knew those guys from public servers, and they had something like low/low+ aim and basically no war experience, thats why i knew they are cheating when they started to beat decent teams.

You have to know the guy, his background etc to judge him better.
Or I can give you any video where he isn't cheating and you compare those two.

But seriously if any of you thinks that THIS ISN'T HUMANIZED then you are fucking brainwashed over the years...
as i said, its likely a humanized bot, but not 100% sure at all.
The second part wasn't meant specifically towards you by the way, and what crono said.

ET community has become something, that is behind a polish cheater and doesn't recognise the most obvious humanized aimbot there is. Funny times.
not sure if troll
Man this is 75% max settings aimbot, how can people be that blind LOL no offense.
I'm also pretty sure he is using autoshoot setting. There is nothing to explain...
100% legit.

Please pm this person info as Team ROIDS could use someone with this tracking ability.
The guy would actually fit your team since he moves like a true American
as clean as kitt's undergarments
i love my diapers :S
Amen god is between us
He has been converting water into wine over 2000 years ago and now just giving few headshots as kind of miracle? such decrease...
talking about weird movement and aim lcd sux
Imo clean just lucky. It's something like:

More luck than skill.
Third frag was the most suspicious one.
And I would pick humM3L over this guy in a race.
I agree with NuggaN
the most suspicious frag is the 3rd one
the first 2 frags are really possible as I can myself do these kind of kills sometimes with a bit of luck ofc
If only the 2 first frags were shown on this video. i would have said he might be clean even if kinda weird ofc
but the 3rd kill is clearly cheat and that why I think he cheats, the opponents comes , he is actually still in the air, cause he jumped but he is almost at the good head height but a lil bit upper, and this guy in 0,0001 seconde has the perfect aim and the perfect reflex to shoot his head with no acceleration in his mouse movement... stop the joke, its cheat, im 95% sure he is
I mean for the 3rd frag you can see like a little screen shake, like you change an image by an other, or like you make a movie with 25 images per seconds, and you delet 3 or 4 images between the begining and the end of the action, it would give the same result

and PS: something who looks suspicious too is after the 2 frags, he is like tracking the wall, like already seeing his opponent coming, i find this kinda weird but maybe its just my opinion ^^
This is like watching supna, insane & co with wolfcam.

image: gus-psyche-popcorn
that movement > aim :D
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