ET-Scene Musicians

ok, now that i know of frostrumm and another person.

how many people in the et-scene are actually writing/producing music???
When I'm bored, sometimes I drum on the table with my fingers. Does that count?
if you can record, comp, eq, limit, mix and master it.
additionallly adding some vocals like 'wrooooooooom', punchin that through an fx device..

recording all that ..

sort of like dubfx ... then yes!

Czech Republic SpeedyBozar the singer with a gift from god
u kiddin me, right?
there is only a video of his god-level tracking, but anyone who has played with him (come outside you freaks, crono my brother) can tell it's the truth
god-level tracking.. talkin of aimni? :) .. .

i think alot of you never played cpma with a lightning gun .. ballson trackin .. if u'd wanna win.

This is him singing
first video is pretty weird !!! . ..
second video .. balls on .. shaftgun like ..
now i dont understand why you're showing me this video :D

and his singin skills .. he needs to train his notes .. sometimes abit offf ...
I'm showing you that, because this guy is god or god's son(not like a jesus, but a little god) and he's in the club of like 2 or 3 people who've beaten and outdamaged upload in 3o3 and he's god
wasnt he a known cheater? or people accused him bbeing a cheater
He is b4 only. Ex-dignitas player. Proven highskillor with telekinetic talents
Not even on my level
Lmfao my son speedybozar is soon going to be a Korean pop singer
He often likes to sing in TS, yeah :^^ good old times :D
He often likes to sing in TS, yeah :^^ good old times :D
Kanye West nerd version
[flag=germany] saskia!!
yeah, forgot about her, last time i checked on facebook she's doing pretty good right? (deleted facebook so i dunno now)
Ye she is doing pretty fine. Getting more and more popular
i know rizla was pretty nice singer , i got 1/2 songs from him !! Im still a guitare player and making some stuff too !!
I'm kinda dreaming / working on to get something actually finished and released someday. Got a lot of ideas waiting. I just need to grasp the thought of making complete songs and to get past my perfectionism filter.

Funny tho, how you first mention musicians in the title and then talk about writing/producing songs. A musician for me is more like a person who plays an instrument and usually does it well. Especially when talking about producing electronic music, which doesn't necessarily require a skill to play any instruments at all.
I'm a musician and college lecturer in Music, but not really creating much at the moment. Play in a few bands doing other people's music and a wedding band.
I'm also a music producer with many tracks, but my work doesn't let me have time for it anymore. Portugalbliserj is also a music producer
I'm working as a part time DJ, and well I'm also creating some stuff in FL studio :)
If anyone else plays the piano, I'd love to have a chat some day (not even gay).
Perfo? I only play a few songs, can't read sheet music
I play piano! We could be friends!
only mixing techno on private flat parties :P
Finnish player named eetee!!
Got his songs on youtube, king of rhyme etc. Check him out :)
Written/played Guitar and Bass, still missing a singer, no gigs (yet), but a 9 song debut :<
I've been playing drums for about 7 years now, playing with four friends in a ska/punk band (think [spunge] meets Blink182). We're currently on hiatus though. Also play guitar and a little bass. Used to have piano lessons as a kid from a friend, but I'm really unpracticed, think I can play 15 songs at most. A friend of mine is giving me some violin lessons. This is all just for fun though; drums is my true passion.
you stupid cunt .. stop playin et!

go pro in music
Nice one Abraham
Going full ISiSee

hahahahahah at kapot buttlicking at youtube
I compose, mix, trying to master with fl studio, I do play piano and I have couple of tracks and now i'm producing a prog house track for a change. Usually I produce bigroom but it's nice to do something different!
I think you know Germany schnee is going big : )
and you can find Hungary Seewi and me as Punjabi MC on Youtube

There is also a Polish guy making videos as Mrozu...
going bbig in what? .. dj'ing?
i'm talking of producin.

is she producin herself?
yes she has does her own music
nah, didnt know .. can't be that special .. cuz i've never heard of it nor seen anything on fb.
gotta ask her on fb .. :O
I dont like that music genre, but when she posts something i usualy check it, she is good.
prolly somebody doin it for her? .. what kind of genre is it?
schranz? stupidity techno?
Hahaha :D Why you insult her? You got dumped?
i aint insulting here.. i was wondering what kind of music it is.
never knew she was interested in producin music .. :P
dir sei verziehen, mein sohn
I'm a classically trained baritone and piano player

oh and also I play the recorder flute pretty well hue hue hue
I remember you playing piano :D

Stopped at the Peak of my career

been producing dnb 1.30 min long clips for 4-5 years :D
1.30 mins long .. why so short .. lol
cause I run out of ideas and its always cool to start a project - got over 250 of em :D
thats how I sound or am capable of even with 0 mastering -

anyways my real life takes all of my free time, which I only have at weekends when I pref to do some gaming or go out with friends etc, so I quited this music production thing couple of years ago and do it just for the funs nowadays. My gf pushes me to finish few songs and get my name out there :D but cba.
what daw are ya usin? .. maybe we cud collide ..

but i know what you mean .. i've also tracks .. unfinished .. even shorter than 1.30 .. just the raw idea :D
ah man .. fl .. no problem for me .. but .. fl ... :D

i hope no fancy vst/vstis .. most common ones?
CamelPhat & guitar rig for mid ranges, Fabfilter eq & compressors + some small filters and delays and reverbs
Im planning to get OZone for mastering (whenever I tend to make some beats again)

oh and Vocodex & BiFilter 2 are an awesome vsts for bass tuning
those which you named, i have. also ozone6 ... just dunno about vocodex and bifilter.
fabfilter are awesome plugs.

ye but what vsti's ? .. or just pure samples and fl's own synths?
bass and drums are hard work of re-sampling (got loads of em) and iv been trying to create some atmospheres with some random vsti's (and re-sample out of plugin) for intro n stuff and fail hard, so Im not that into that. Love re-sampling samples and just sample some sounds out of movies etc
i'd suggest you to get izotope's iris .. saample and create new sounds using it's spectral layer engine ;) .. select an area of the audio spectral and put effects on in and stuff.. and you can have more samples at once ..

one of my more serious d&b songs
yeah I got Iris too but not so familiar with it yet
I play low skill guitar
2006 FL productions bestests, real music folks

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