See you at lan?

A whispering bird told me there is a ...LAN coming. I was about to say storm, but then I checked the weather channel and there is no storm. Is just me, enemy number 1, ready for duty! Checked in, checked out, lock and loaded, full option, packing size super large, adrenaline on level 99. You feel me?

Oh hush now, and don`t you worry, little birds. Daddy is harmless. Besides me and msh100 shaked hands virtually like two real G`s and after a short kiss on cheek, we promised each other to sign a peace treaty that will become official at this LAN.

Therefore I m here to wish good luck to this young padawan that goes by the name of Sebhes in his quest of finishing the LAN preparation (don`t forget to inform me about the hotel son), good luck to the teams that signed, and good luck to myself of course to travel safe from Belgium to Netherlands. (heard a lot of teenagers in Netherlands are jumping in front of the train, I wonder why?).

Oh, if anyone travels from Antwerpen to Enschede with this occasion, and wishes to hear glorious stories from the battlefield and spend quality time with a living legend, don`t hesitate to contact me!

May the light of your own wisdom keep you safe from possible temptations! (don`t smoke to much weed, don`t drink to much beer, and please don`t do drugs)

Yours truly,

The Legend aka The Beast aka The slayer of TZAC aka Bringer of madness aka The poor gypsy who went from rags to riches aka The hero of KRP and Belgian Fraternity aka The Public Enemy etc...etc
I'm glad the doctors have put you back on your medication.
hf mate :))
CAUTION: white heroin is being sold as cocaine, just sayin'
better let ddk know
Are you going to LAN? At this point I regret not going, I'd love to see if you're either insane in real life too or actually normal.
I'll let you know m8
hes prolly too shy and awkward to even show up tho
heh heh heh heh
good2see u m8 ;)
Oh dear.
I'm not coming now then
cu there m8
Why didn't your dad smack you more when you were even younger as you are now.
God help us.
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