Mouse Issues

So even on ET main menu if i move the mouse to the right or down i take my hand of the mouse and the cursor keeps moving, not happening if i move the mouse left/up. Changed mouse and the issue remains :( This problem doesn´t happens on other games just in ET :(

Any ideas ???
used to happen to me when I had ET running twice :|
:( not running ET twice googled a lot and still no idea of what´s happening grrrr
Use CTRL-TAB to switch from program to an another program and it should be fine.
If that doesn't works click in your ET and then CTRL+TAB it. Then it should work
Arci?! Oink oink!
Ui, mais um tuga que voltou? lols
Vê quantos ET.exe's tens abertos, ou entao experimenta outra cfg
Everything solved just had to change items size on windows ... loled
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