most memorable..

what are your favourite, or most memorable frag sprees from any ET fragmovie?

i. Finland Xpaz's ace+2 on radar main vs violence is bad (@Zaigon)
ii. Germany sNoOp's 12 kill streak on gr tank stage vs overload (@This is ET)
iii. Belgium mAx's 5man on sd crane vs negative image (@Requiem)
iv. Belgium lio's ace+1 on b4 bunker controls vs Illusion (@ET Allstars 2)
v. Netherlands perfo's ace+2 on radar main vs team <[o]> (@Cavalcade)
vi. Finland weedy's ace+2 on sd vs saevus (@Zaigon)

image: large
butchji's one against rewind.
potter's quad^3 by ease
sNoOp 1000man against SNB on goldrush like you mentioned and perfo vs idle @ radar CP.
rip santa's hat
rip santa's hat
my own double nade in a 3v3 vs. u96d on tc_base
the nade landed more or less right on the head of the first player and both got killed by it...
that was oldskool boys!!!
Upload vs.. anyone, any game.
wheres my name m8
nerden op crossfire maar niet op irc?
me and tites are happy u finnaly show a picture of yourself
Whenever you playmate.
On about £200 I had in my bank when I scammed you. I enjoyed spending it.
You must be joking... That shit isnt even funny
Adroits LAN prizemoney. still hasn't been paid to the players.
Did you miss the bit where he called me out and said I was in with Seanza to scam the community? Guess you didn't see this delusional posts he was making?
I dont know what has happened between you and koop, but your comment basically mugs off me and the rest of those that Seanza owes money to. You are still friends with him, which i find amazing seeing how he promised countless times to pay the money to then delete everyone on facebook or create a new account, who knows.
I am not mugging anyone off. Whatever happened between seanza and people who he owed money to is their business. I have no reason to fall out with him, or anyone else, over it as he didn't owe me money. I don't know the full story of what happened with the money, probably never will, but that sits fine with me. I have him writing and doing a few bits for me because he is good at it - He doesn't do my finances either.

What this boils down to is koop being a bitch trying to call me out in public with out even asking the question of was I in on it. Pathetic, which is why I continue to be a little bitch back. Never had beef with you as I have had no reason to have anything with you.
give it a rest with this tbh, it's not amusing at all.
I find it very amusing that he actually thinks I was in on scamming people I went to LAN with. I guess you are gunna jump to his defense now and claim you know something I don't?
it's just a touchy subject as thousands are still owed, nothing to really joke about :p
But after some bullshit story being made up about me because koop is sour he is missing money I think I can havr whatever input I want about the money. The more I think about it now the less I care. It wouldn't be so bad if people accepted the fact they will never see the money. Whether it boils down to bad business a trip to portugal or someone scamming them. I have nothing to do with the money and find it amusing to be accused of taking the money by someone I played with for a pretty long time.
tripled mAus at lan, which isn't that uncommon but for me its about all the memorable stuff i ever did :'|

probably my top 5 favorite fragmovie stuff tho(not all killing sprees and some rtcw):
- jafo ~5.26
- tlr ~3.10
- xylos ~7.30
- wolff&sod ~2.20
- syl& darkie ~2.05

'honorable mention' ive seen unfinished material from a movie for Sight which was never released and those were fucking sick but I lost those clips when the laptop I was using at the time complete pooped :( *tease i know*
That jafo scene, objective player 100%
Also get a weird satisfaction from the TLR part with all the dead guy ungibbed, revive symbols all around
Violent reflection, maxuh @ 5:50, 8:32 and 15:08
Mostly Estonia gza's movies, because of the frags to camtrace ratio.
Pretty much most of Kamz ninja skills as engineer.
acozz vs pro5 or smth on frostbite
1. Wouldn't say it's a fragspree but that jump from Kamz at radar as fops dodging the panzer while throwing the can is amazing :_D
2. Kirark's 6men from SICK
3. ensam raping overload in Polarsoul
BelgiumGanon, BelgiumShewiee & BelgiummAx Tag Team of Three
I think Quake Movies have the most hardcore frags. It is a noob thing in ET when someone makes a Multi Kill /+ against opponents with low HP and everyone goes crazy.

A tough, victorious 1v2 or 1v3, obj., reviving, etc. situation is something! I havent got favourite spree, but Winghaven spam, Cs4f1 knifing are good examples of skill, and it is 100x more entartaining to watch someone non-lotto doing unique frags than mainstram "I am an awsome plejer i shut 3 hs on sp delivery" videos. Hail
The last frag of Born to be lame ( is the first one that came to my mind. Also InFragTes's 11-or-so-man killing spree vs idle on radar. It was on Intelligent Life's outro, a separate clip here:
.is freak vs idle 3x SMG ace in a row
also ensam destroying impact at grush
that whole movie was just amazing!
when esSe got a double kill with landmines at radar

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I actually expected a lot of people to go for this:

disappointed :S
Actually had that one in my reply before I edited it xD
Artstar destroying me @Artstar 2.0
My favourite has always been Finlandtorspo vs Swedendispo. Don't think theres a single clip that better states #rekt.
oh thats pretty good indeed :D
On a less serious note: I also loved kapaas radar docrun clip. The music is just perfect. :D
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