CS:GO Souvenirs

Seems that lots of guys from ET has got some souvenir drops so post urs!

My ratio from all majors is: 2 from 1st dreamhack and 2 now (Cobble and cache).

Gonna post this here coz she uses my acc :( woott got mirage and inferno drops from this major
I only got the one an overpass one but opened it coz fuck it might get summet good... UMP SCORCHED
I really don't know much about it, but I got this Hot Wheels-like knife the other day which looked pretty cool (M-bayonet fade something).
Katowice 2014 - nothing, ESL Cologne - nothing, Dreamhack 2014 - nothing, Katowice 2015 - cobble+nuke so far
got one at last years katowice, since then pretty much watch all games(with exclusion of some that I watched with reallife friends and didnt log twitch/game in at their place) from all majors and got nothing

these are better 'souvenirs' though:
nice one ;)
gimme more!!!11
check youtube in like a day or two when all the other people skimmed over all the replays for funny stuff xD
my friend got 6 on two accounts drops for last two days.. 4 cobble and 2 nuke, I got nuke yesterday and dust 2 from DH
got 10, worth 3000e
got cobble and mirage and bought another cobble to sell later for a better price ;)

the past majors i got nothing ;(
I never got 1 souvenir.

I had the Twitch stream on all day. Kurwa Gaben. I got stream 24/7 online during all majors :( [*]
got 1 from katowice 2014 and 2 from DHW 2014, none so far this major
2x fnatic vs. VP cobble drop and 1x VP vs. keyd mirage drop. No luck in the finals! :(
Only been following CS since Christmas so only streamed this, got 4 over 2 accounts. 2 cache, 1 inferno (final) and 1 overpass. Sold them all besides 1 cache where I opened it and got a shit UMP or something.

If only I had a cobble case :(((
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