Exactly 1 month till LAN!

Today, the LAN is exactly one month away. At the end of the week we will need to confirm with Wzzrd if we want to use their location for the event.

image: RebornNoBG68

We are very, very close to reaching the budget we need to pull this LAN off. That is why we need your help! To prevent Sebhes and I having financial shortcomings after the LAN we could really use your support now. A donation to the LAN would be used for the following:
  • Rent location/electricity/Wzzrd staff;
  • Rent PC's and monitors;
  • Prizepool.

We are currently at 92/100% of our budget

If you wish to donate you can do so by sending it to this IBAN:
IBAN NL38 RABO 0301 1748 65 in the name of T. Bakker
In the description please add: donation [ nickname you are recognized with ]

Or you can donate via Paypal too by clicking on the image below
image: donate_hand

If the button doesn't work use the button in this link.

Thank you very much everybody for donating to the LAN. It really helps us a lot:
Netherlands 7ele & Switzerland v4ux13 (€10,-)
Germany cheeze (€15,-)
Germany cutee (€5,-)
Norway Domi (€25,-)
Germany eujen (€100,-)
Germany Felix (€20,-)
Netherlands Frop (€32,71)
Netherlands insAne (€15,-)
France KareNy (€15,-)
Germany FimS (€20,-)
Netherlands HunteR (€10,-)
Finland Niko (€20,-)
United States of America ohurcool (€20,-)
Netherlands outlAw (€15,-)
Germany Rayzed (€5,-)
Netherlands rezta (€15,-)
Netherlands Ronner (€70,-)
Finland sani (€20,-)
Estonia schnee (€10,-)
Finland SR (€20,-)
Germany stRay (€25,-)
Germany Tites (€20,-)
England toerag (€20,-)
Romania unforgiven (€30,-)
Netherlands voice (€10,-)
Poland zAAba (€5,-)
Anonymous 4x Anonymous (€57,87)

At the end of the week we will announce the seeding tournament. This online tournament will decide your seed in the offline LAN.
eujen richboy
"Frop" will do fine, thanks.

image: HBbCJSS
can give you the money of my LoL smurf account if someone is willing to buy it

pm me, can be cheap
Today, the LAN is exactly one month away. At the end of the week we will need to confirm with Wzzrd if we want to use their location for the event.
So what does this meen?
that the LAN is next month 16th which is miss leading coz other topic says it is April 17th-19th. It also means that they need to confirm the LAN location Wzzrd at the end of this week.

glad if I could help you
It might be worthwhile converting the percentages into actual money. I know it's a grey area when it comes to LAN expenses and everyone thinks that you're scamming them, thanks to people like seanza, but if the value is relatively low i presume it would encourage more people to donate because they would realise that they are actually helping more than they realise.

Good job nonetheless, cheers
Please give me the amount due, I will get money the 27th
my donation should actually have arrived today in the morning
CONFIRM if you want to use their location? I hope the location is already confirmed because most ppl already booked travel arrangements and hotels. If all of a sudden the location is changed this would have a massive impact.
But there was still an option of the LAN getting canceled if we had too few sign ups.
Cancelling and changing location are two very different things with very different consequences.
Just like I think asking people to donate when potentially losing money (sorry, "financial shortcomings") is part of the risk. I really didn't want to donate, especially with the vague % business and hidden revenue like the spectator fees.
I meant the same thing with that sentence. Apology for the misunderstanding. A mail will be sent to Wzzrd tonight that we confirm our presence.
Exactly, with too few sign ups. There were enough sign ups and a newspost done saying 'LAN CONFIRMED'. You better just book the location right now..
€1549 in donations?

What the fuck would you do if there were no donations at all? How were you actually able to believe it would happen just from the sign-ups? lol

I guess it would be nice to see what costs how much from WZZRD and for example ask someone who was involved in the last few lans there and check what it cost back then, because this is a fucking ridiculous amount of money (also if you say, you're not even there, what will the prize pool be?)
€1549? Where did you get that number?
€560.58, actually.
Really awesome!
At the end of the week we will announce the seeding tournament. This online tournament will decide your seed in the offline LAN.

Inb4 reschedule after reschedule and no seedings, brackets by timbo drawing teamnames from hat and streaming that.
P.S. Sell tickets to that drawing event(50e might be ok price) and get rest of the money that way. Glad to help(I'll take 30% of ticket revenue).
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