Internesting OCD, you decide!

so I've decided - with the possible help of Netherlands Sebhes to host an ODC.
Not just a regular ODC, but a One Day Cup without Goldrush / Supply in it, so we can actually see some nice maps.
I would also like the most possible teams from the upcoming LAN event to participate (since you search a lot of opponents for practise matches etc...), so with your help, I'd like to make a cup for your!

Few things I'd like to know:

FORMAT - either write in comments below, or vote here ->

DAY/DATE - Since there is a lot of cups/tournaments going on, what would be the day you would most likely want to play / be available at

Additional info:
  • In 6on6 format, maps will be either forced or chosen by elimination - Mappool the same as for the lan without supply / goldrush in it, so you can practise the other maps. There will be one or two "WILDCARD" maps added to the list as deciders.
  • All players must use nickname they are known under
  • All matches (if possible) may be broadcasted via GTV
  • Banned players, that are confirmed(paid entry fee) for the LAN will be allowed

If you'd have any question/suggestion just PM me here or /q at IRC.
no, stfu
image: a8af3a65b62363dc8e83e0ffae7293e3
One Cay Dup

good initiative btw!
Hopefully it doesn't involve any math.
how internesting.
Obsessive-compulsive disorder?
Exactly what I thought

Variations: Internesting interval, Internesting period
The period of time between a successful nest and the next nesting attempt (sea turtles of all species lay several clutches of eggs during a nesting season). Typically this is 10-18 days in most species.
Fuck me, I guessed someone would get caught, but you trololololo
3on3 all the way!

Good luck.
replace one of them with frost_comp_b4 and you will, for once, have a + in my book
is that a new version or same one which was already attempted to be played at LAN?
frost_comp_b2 was in cpc2 qualifier tournament, don't think that any version was ever played at LAN
ye because it was shit :D
they played b4 version at sHgOpen didn't they? '06 or '07 I think?
No. Maplist was browntown, supply, goldrush, radar, frostbite, cathedral.
Ah ok thought they did :p either way I liked that map :(
They were trying out that map (b2 version) in a "new map search" for CPC2 somewhere around March 2007. There was another cup that introduced Bremen to the community around the same time. The b2 version was bad and produced 20 minute double fullhold snoozefests.

e: Actually just reading back and I think they even fixed it into a b3 version which was also shit. :D
Haha yea I remember the games on it were quite 'meh' most of the time, just really liked playing it myself :D
In my opinion, Wednesday or Thursday would be the best day to host this. Sunday would be the best, but not practical due the leagues and cups.
make it supplydepot 2 so spectators can wonder wether a player will spawn back or not
oasis or gtfo
I wanna see Fueldump played again
Well, Oasis/Reactor/Karsiah/Battery were meant to be the Wildcard decider map :D
reactor is quite difficult to play for teams who don't know how to play the map
goldrush is quite difficult to play for teams who don't know how to play the map
You are confusing knowing with pretending
sd&grush or gtfo
karsiah or reactor would be good too :(
Arent you that guy who got busted?
If your intention is to play a cup without supply and goldrush why not just stick to 4 maps? I can't see a team preparing for LAN wanting to play shit maps and waste their time.
But... But, how else do you propose he win a round without the power of having nerded northpole and missile all these years for, in preparation of this glorious day that will forever be marked in crossfire history as the official debut of his ET career?
*peak of his ET career

but touché
It's all meant to be decided as the date or anything isn't set.

I wanted to make it mostly for people to actually play Bremen / Radar and the rest of the maps in that mappool.

E: And I don't want to participate in it.
That's fine, but keep in mind that top teams/LAN teams have limited time to play/practise as it is. If they have to play absolute trash maps like frost_comp and fueldump for 'fun times' they'll most likely not bother. Just use 4 maps. Even though some people like reactor karsiah oasis and whatever maps that are reasonable it's still a waste of time if you're preparing for LAN.
That's nothing what I've either said or intended to do, or did I write it somewhere - that you guessed that was what I wanted to? (I'm not saying it can't look that way)...

I just wanted a 6on6 ODC without supply & gold in it and thought, it would be awesome if LAN teams would participate in it, as a kind of practise of the other maps that are in the maplist.

Bremen / Radar / Frost

Which I also personally love to spec/play myself... SO I just hoped there would be interes in this
QuoteThere will be one or two "WILDCARD" maps added to the list as deciders.

I thought this meant you were going to add a map that's not in the LAN map pool as a decider. If not then ignore what I said.
QuoteThat's nothing what I've either said or intended to do, or did I write it somewhere that you guessed that was what I wanted to?

QuoteBanned players, that are confirmed(paid entry fee) for the LAN will be allowed

rofl thx a lot :)
tell ohurcool to unban me... :(

Monday or Thursday.
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