Need some help getting started

Hi everyone.

I decided to install ET again after 4 years. The thing is that I have a very unstable FPS at the moment of max 40.
I have no idea what the problem could be. All I did was adjust r_mode, r_customwidth and r_customheight. Any help?
My specs are W7, ATI HD 5700 series and an Intel I7, It should be able to run 120 FPS

Also my friend who also tried to reinstall can't join servers because the game says there is no etkey? does it have to do with him having Windows 8?

Any help is appreciated
r_primitives 2
Thanks, that helped for me. Do you also know where I can find a decent cfg?
Add the graphic card into your cfg, maybe it helps. Nothing about OS. Download an etkey here
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