UPDATED - LAN Schedule

A draft version of the ET Reborn LAN tournament schedule is now live.

I have updated the LAN schedule and have included a Lower Bracket for the 6on6 and 3on3 tournament. Keep in mind that is still a draft. We must have the time and money for this. We will hear more about it this Tuesday.

  • 3on3 tournament - 17th of April (incl. group phase and playoffs);
  • 6on6 tournament - 17th/18th of April (group phase), 19th of April (playoffs).

You can view the timetable by clicking the link here.

If there is a particular time that your team really can't play, please contact an admin.

In first place we assume all teams are available 17 - 19 April.
Sebhes and I will be visiting the LAN centre this Tuesday.

If anyone needs to know something about the location that we should ask reply to me here.
how much is beer?
used to be aroound 4.50€ a pint iirc
Timbo, group C op 17 april is radar - bremen. Is dat nog steeds 3on3 :?
Nope, dat moest Deli - Ice zijn. Bedankt!
deli - ice

deli - ice

deli - ice


And no loserbracket

10-10.30 setup hopefully this works out
last lans there alot of unexpected problems and we had delays for like 1-4hours.But since its et only lan it might work

*E* no looserbracket? :3 http://www.facebook.com/video.php?v=813875172039415
There is no time for a loser bracket.
how did the last lans happen than? we had 20teams+ cod4 and quake playing with looserbracket :o
We'll see what we can do. I wouldn't mind a lower bracket if we have the time and budget for it. Current schedule makes sure that we have the time and budget needed to pull it off. If there's an alternative that works fine with lower bracket I wouldn't mind of course!
thats bullshit not having a loserbracket since every team can have a bad game but still win the lan from loserbracket , ET has always have a loserbracket you need it + everybody can play more games otherwise this is expensive for team that directly get knocked out
more pcs, DULLI!
so it will be single elimination in the playoffs?
what if you are the nr 4 in your group?:D
bibuy then!
Then you're out of the tournament. Best 8 advance to playoffs.
cool, 3 matches"D"D --> 65 / 3 = 21,66 per match.
ET is an expensive game!
Well, I think there is way to much room for failure etc. I think most people wont mind playing to 02:00 like we had to on last lans if it means that we can play atleast 4 or even 5 games.
I know we are not the top ranking team, but it sux to be paying for the better teams who got sponsoring.
There is no consolidation games for the last places wich makes it even worse.
If i knew this on advance i wouldnt be so eager to go.. Same for my mates, who come all the way from hungary

E: i know you arent in the admin team, just dropping it here though.
Your schedule isn't good.

I sent Sebhes an Excel Sheet of a schedule for a 12 team 3on3 tournament and a 12 team 6on6 tournament. I did this 2 weeks ago I think.
I did it in a way that there is more setup time for the group stages and that both tournaments have a loser bracket.
I also included a consolation tournament for the 4 6on6 teams that would get knocked out of the group stages.
And the LAST game at LAN on Sunday would finish at 17:30 as well.

Please have a look at the schedule I sent and re-consider.
Or else, come speak to me at IRC.
Thanks for the effort!
with the same amount of pcs? if so, it would be far better tbh!

AND I see no problem playing untill 24cet or so.. maybe group A of 6o6 can do their matches at friday alrdy for example.. ofc we all have to expect delays but well we always made this!
I agree, there should be more time to play more games. Set up times are always tricky, but considering that it's just ET and we could image PC's back to their original state, set up times should take no more than 30 minutes imo. (I'm helping out thursday evening to set up servers and prepare PC's so they can be imaged back to original as fast as possible)
I know you are putting a lot of effort into this but you really need to go track people with experience down. I am sure tosspot, adacore or someone else who has had proper hands on with scheduling things could help out. I am not sure, but, marcus might of had some experience too.

If you get _REALLY_ stuck pm me. You will need to know if the wzzrd staff are like the ones before who'd stick around to 3-4am each night. New owners, new managers and new staff might see a completely new set of rules come into play. Do NOT bank on time past close OR before open unless they have it in writing you can enter early. I think they normally open around 11am till about 12am? Might be wrong but worth pushing the issue before arriving.
im helping out technically on thursday evening to prepare servers and pc's
Was referring more to the scheduling itself. Half hour for 8 teams of 3 to set up? Not going to happen.
I don't care if it's 100 ppl needing to set up. You set up your own pc and 30 minutes to connect your keyboard and mouse and install drivers or whatever it is you need, is more than sufficient. IF the pc's are in a clean state and not fubar due to previous ppl installing all kinds of stuff on it. If you can easily and quickly go back to a clean state, then 30 minutes is doable easily.
After doing the techy bit for 5 LANs now I can promise you that no matter how fresh the installs on the PC are it will not be done in half hour. It only takes 1 player to hold up two teams that hold up a further 2 teams that holds up the rest of the day.
It will be for the best if there is a loserbracket....
Would've played the 3on3 tournament if I knew it was 1day.
2 days for 6on6 tournament? cmon... bullshit.

make the 3on3 tournament playoffs only with losersbracket. u can play it in like 6hours on friday night. Start the 6on6 tournament friday already.

You can't make radical changes like this less than 1 month before lan. Most of the people already booked their flights, hotels etc. for Thursday if they knew this they would've booked it for Friday.
Agreed make the 3on3 tournament playoffs only based on seeds. Dont jeopardise the 6on6 tournament with it's traditional LB format for the 3on3 Tournament. Pretty sure every team has booked their travel and accommodation under the assumption the 6on6 tournament starts on Friday.
I dunno about u but for me its has been clear since start that the 3v3 will take in place friday and 6v6 sat/sun
You need a loser bracket for the 6on6 tournament. The amount of lans that have been won by the team through the LB makes ET what it is. Please do whatever you can to ensure there is a loserbracket
great update!
well done admins! adding the loserbracket is really niceeeeee
Good job admins!
Wery gut gidan brur, wery gut.
You told me matches need to end by latest 0000. What changed?
Why is there no consolation group?
What is the consolation match? U need to have the 2 best 3rd place teams in the playoffs. I don't see how a match fixes this when there would be 3 3rd place finishes.
The timings of 3am finishes are extreme!

I gave you a schedule with a consolation tournament for 6on6 instead of a lower bracket for 3on3 within your requirements. Why not use it?
I also gave you a schedule with both tournaments starting on Friday. With both 3on3 and 6on6 having lower brackets and also provided a a consolation tournament for the group lovers in 6on6. There will only be 2 points where the 6on6 and 3on3 would be simultaneous.

Why not use either?
well since 3on3 pay less then 6o6 why even have a loser bracket in 3o3 just groupstage finish it and friday evening you could play some 6o6 matches already
Just to show everyone, here is the link of the schedules I've done.

Worksheets 6on6 Schematic & 3on3 Schematic just show the format of both tournaments with loser brackets and what represents what exactly.

Schedule v1 was something I did 2 weeks ago. This was under the assumption that they would have 24 computers and no time restrictions.

Schedule v2 was done yesterday after a conversation with Timbo. I was told to put 3on3 on one day, I was told to avoid having 3on3 / 6on6 running at the same time, and I was also told that all games must be finished by latest 00:00 due to time restrictions, so I ended latest 23:00 just in case of delays. Because of these requirements, I eliminated the Loser Bracket for the 3on3 tournament, keeping the Loser Bracket for the 6on6 Tournament whilst also keeping a consolation tournament for the 4 teams that don't qualify for the 6on6 playoffs.

Schedule v3 was something I just did now to show how both tournaments can have a Loser Bracket, how there can be a consolation tournament for the 4 teams that don't qualify for the 6on6 playoff, whilst also using the time restrictions provided to me (00:00 end) to the limit.
I did this whilst avoiding there being simultaneous games. Ideally 6on6 playoff and 3on3 playoff run at the same time at one point only, but this can be avoided by finishing slightly later on Sunday...

Would appreciate any feedback you guys would have on this. I use to help Adacore with the schedules for the previous LANs he was admin'ing on so it has been a while since I last did this.

The multiple A1/A2/A3/A4 represent different group games. Essentially 3 groups in 3on3 and 3 groups on 6on6. In v2 and v3, there can 16 teams in the 3on3 tournament and this wouldn't effect the schedule as it is based on having 4 groups in 3on3.

Setup time would be included as part of the 1st set of matches. 3on3 games would have a 30 minute setup whilst 6on6 games would start off with a 1 hour setup and then from the playoffs onwards, a 30 minute setup. Game times are assumed to be 1 hour whilst the last 3 6on6 Playoff Games are based on a 90 minute game.
Any cheap place to stay / share with someone at enschede for 3 nights?
Well 2 nights in double room is like 250 euros, for 3 nights you need to go outside of the town (~10km).
Thank you for the info that is quite a cost for 2 nights :x
just get some help from people who made the brackets for other lans
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