Happy Birthday Shaman

My dear fellow United Kingdom Shaman is celebrating his birthday today! This guy might be not so known to the public, but this guy is a true legend. As some of you might know, me and my team originate from the old 2.55 patch. If I had to define the 2.55 competitive scene with one word it would be: Shaman. I will never forget the days I fought you in the public servers with your legendary sten. I had absolute no chance, you were pure skill. I have to admit that secretly I always wanted to become as good as you :$.

My biggest idol and rival till last year when we decided to team up and move to 2.6b.

It's an honor to fight these days along your side m8! I wish you the best <3

image: 1zbtdl
Happy birthday have a nice one!
have a happy one!
Happy bday my bruh!
Holy shit.

I thought visiting CF after all this time would be a blast from the past anyway, but to see shaman mentioned is like we're back in the 1950s :D

hb dude ^^
More like late 00s

But happy birthday Shaman, dirty scum
It was a hyperbole bruv!
Hoe gaat het met het team Dr?
You should talk about things as they are, late 00s were good days. I can still remember playing railgun, venice and other pub maps in 2.55 jaymod servers and getting banned left and right from most servers. Good times.
happy b-day =)
Happy Birthday!
The shaman showwwww :S
HB lego
Happy birthday, you were a legend to me at 2.55 :)
ho man, HB, sry that i am late ;x
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