Dutch culture

Hello, as the upcoming lan is approaching fast and furious, I would like to get some insights of Dutch culture so I can be prepared for any surprises.

What I have noticed so far observing the Dutch people living in the house where I live:

1. Dutch people sure love their blue jeans
2. Dutch people don t take their shoes, when they are inside their room. Meaning that they use the same sneakers, boots, etc to walk inside the house as they use them to walk outside.
3. Dutch people can t use a vacuum cleaner.
4. Dutch people love Albert Heijn
5. Not all Dutch people smoke weed.
6. Dutch people can not into cooking
7. Dutch people think positive mentality involves doing nothing all day, listening to some electronic trance music at 11 or 12 pm and drinking Dutch beer.
8. Dutch people don t believe in God, and in the last 20 or 30 years none of the new bornes have been baptised.
9. Dutch people are polite in outside, but in inside it would not be a surprise if they gossip about you behind your back and usually they don t have nice things to say about you.
10. Dutch students love to take loans from government to pay for their college studies, using all kind of tricks, like they have some mental disorder, which apparently according to Dutch legislation is saving them from paying stuff.
11. Dutch girls are not to much into interacting with foreigners, having sex with foreigners, or even saying Hi to foreigners.
12. Dutch people are extremely stingy.

So...what are Dutch people like for you?

Dutch girl:
image: xmk87l
For me they are like people
Do you drink a lot? :)
Quote11. Dutch girls are not to much into interacting with foreigners, having sex with foreigners, or even saying Hi to foreigners.

Or you just ugly :X
Yup sums it up good
Quote1. Dutch people sure love their blue jeans

That's basically anywhere in the Western world

Quote7. Dutch people think positive mentality involves doing nothing all day, listening to some electronic trance music at 11 or 12 pm and drinking Dutch beer.

That's basically anybody's favourite day, I think

Quote8. Dutch people don t believe in God, and in the last 20 or 30 years none of the new bornes have been baptised.

There's nothing wrong in not believing in God and in my personal opinion it really doesn't matter whether some pedophile in a dress puts some water on your forehead or not, God really has to be a fucked up being if one's pass to Heaven depends on that. Likewise, there's nothing wrong in believing in a higher power.

Quote9. Dutch people are polite in outside, but in inside it would not be a surprise if they gossip about you behind your back and usually they don t have nice things to say about you.

Pretty sure you would hate Finland, finns are dicks both inside and outside. Go Finland.

Quote10. Dutch students love to take loans from government to pay for their college studies, using all kind of tricks, like they have some mental disorder, which apparently according to Dutch legislation is saving them from paying stuff.

Nothing wrong cheating out the gubbermint once in a while

Quote11. Dutch girls are not to much into interacting with foreigners, having sex with foreigners, or even saying Hi to foreigners.

Eh? I spent a few days with my class in a field trip to Vu University and met lots of girls wanting to chat us foreigner scum up. Not so many cute boys though

Quote12. Dutch people are extremely stingy.

That's just managing your resources properly

Quite frankly, I'm not convinced. Dutch people are great people and I'm more than willing to come and aid them in their struggle against the muslim scourge once the civil unrest begins in earnest
I am dutch people
ill sum some non-stereotypic things up tonight.
Stay tuned
All dutch are fucking dicks beside SQuid
i approve this message
"drinking dutch beer"
me: sees image
its belgian beer dude lol
The one from the picture yes, it is Belgian. But don t take it ad literam, I was not referring to this girl only. My assumption comes after interacting with more than 20 dutchies
QuoteAn administrator has deleted your comment on the journal Dutch culture: No embedded images or videos in the news section, please..

GJ whichever admin deleted a text comment in a journal image: 1
well still better than romanian culture - be poor and steal shit

wait a second...
perfectly described your country.
Not sure I understand your comment...
He means the polish people are poor and steal shit
Quotewait a second...

I am fully aware
Yours aswell tbh
Obviously u have to educate urself since showing how dumb u are, isnt even a surprise anymore.
I wonder what would u say if any pole answered to u with those words :D
Don t worry there are plenty Portuguese drug dealers in Antwerp, or Portuguese who live on social care when they could work, or Portuguese who robbed Romanian students in Porto asking for a light (true story)....
You know, those are problems that every country is facing... ;P every country has its own underclass. but still following by stereotypes just shows how narrow-minded one is
around 25% of the dutch population consists of immigrants. Therefore you have to take into consideration that there are a lot of indonesians, germans, turks, morrocans, surinamese people and many more.

In the south of the Netherlands live 'farmers'. Not real farmers but they are people like this: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LIQV8rOZ2ec

Then you have the people mentioned above:

The group of people that will attend the LAN in Enschede:

this video perfectly illustrates the dutch culture and its people:
Well.. I definitely fit the trance 'stereotype': https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=l8lArhLvUoQ

But tbh.. I think most Dutch people are house-nubsters nowadays
Quote4. Dutch people love Albert Heijn
Dutch students love to take loans from government!

It's the cheapest loan you will ever get! 0,12% intrest this year. It's just stupid if you don't take that loan. It takes money to create money ;) Intrest on a savings accounts are higher.. Imagine if you are a economic or financial student, you could really make some money.
Next year it will be possible to loan even more and the time to pay back the loan has increased. With the new rules it's the best way to get a ultra-cheap loan for a house.
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