LZ Clan

LZ Clan is recruiting. We need members to be active on our servers. We have a few active members, but need more. Please go to lzclan.com to join the clan and for info on the servers.
Also try Slovenia Aniky he's currently number one on Trackbase, that's good publicity for your server!
He's in DD right now.
He got into an argument with their leader and was looking for a new team to join a few days ago.
hah piece of shit :D
Hey, I was told to PM you because we are recruiting.
Does your leader still lie to his clan members and guilt them into not only donating exorbitant amounts of money every month for the one ET server he runs but also spending hours per week "admining" said server?
Nah. He's gotten better with that. He's realized that he needs to change things to get players back. That's where I come in.

Just keep in mind the next time he tells you to start "stepping up" and threatening to shut the server down if more members don't "get their donations in" that no ET server costs $300+ per month.
He obviously doesn't need $300 for an ET server, but he does run many other game servers. I see your point, of course.
He still does things like that.
How do you know? Never ever have seen you on pub servers, besides etpro ones.
Toni will never change unfortunately...
he manage to ruin one good place with lot of cool ppl in it ( like u Jon for example ;) )
obviously there are still lots of ppl who believe him
YOur website looks like its from the 1990
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