LoL team?

Are there still some guys playing LoL and are around diamond skill?
i shine like a diamond in plat 3
yes, I love roleplaying. Dunno what the problem is? :D lack of phantasy? :) not my problem ;)
please add bN @ NA Servers @brandonbaby. He is willing to switch servers to find a suitable team and he has plenty of time on his hands!
Im plat 1 on euw
Silver 2 reporting

image: 16ba9og

i'm only Master, sry
plat 5 after placement matches, cba to get back in shape :(

EDiT: Niki0o is diamond 4, Gifted is plat 2, L4mpje is diamond 5, Tempie is diamond 4
Dunno who else i got on my friendlist from ET
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