Expect the unexpected

O, Webe cheating is very unexpected :d
Aimbotting and wallhacking on CGAC doesn't get you banned, playing without does.

I know which one you should choose in the future!
:DDDDDDD Poor Artstar :S
My most sincere apologies for getting banned, I wasn't aware that CGAC is mandatory.


Ban reason: repeatedly playing without CGAC

then you can ban half of the community.. how many ppl playing here without cgac? roflmao
Baning for not playing with CG AC? Good bye 90 percent of community.
QuoteCGAC is mandatory
why not, we have an ac so they should use it, cant understand that error lurschis anyway my pc is super shit and everything is working well
He's playing on WinXP for ages and isnt bothered to upgrade onto anything newish.
then he should fuck off and continue to hax on irc
Yeh, by your logic anyone who wins over u or is better than u is a hacker.
just logged on to say that cgac doesnt support winXP therefore i dont use it
ill upgrade when i have the money+if i want too
90% loads the CGAC, which is in this case mandatory, sice its a common issue known that it doesnt work for everyone
this site is a joke
gg wobo
only 2 years too late for you to try and set an example. Silly ban.
and I thought the community couldn't get more retarded in 2008
To which the community replied "Challenge accepted"
i approve coz usually these comments come from people who have 2 year acc on cf
Is that the famous guy who beat Azatej on Adlernest?
The United States of America in its entirety supports this decision.

Please keep these non cgac users out of the league at all cost.


Best wishes,

The End
And where is VenoM32? he can play without AC, always.. ohurcool allowed for him. I don't understand this rules...
QuoteCGAC is mandatory
thats bullshit, he told us aswell he couldnt run it, also he said once the admins know that bla bla , we ask then an admin and he was knowing nothing + told him to come back with cgac and tadaaaa, it was working perfect.

Sure he loads it everytime and you can see it from logs. But it crashes, like for most of people. I dont know if some ppl dont bother to load it anymore, but at least the people I play with (inc Venom32) always loads it
yep like sanjih and reety did :D
never played with sanjih, reety at least has loaded always when he has played with me

whats your problem? do you really think venom cheats? you should seriously quit ET if you think so
why is it mportant if i believe if he cheat or not? the rules states that cgac is mandatory and he can run cgac without problems and his bind which he is spamming that admins know about his problem are totally bs since even ohurcool didn't allowed him anything.. maybe your buttbuddys admincrew.

dunno but i didn't touch ET for some time except for yesterday (11/2 matches), because buttbuddy admins and rules are just for the lol...
Lol, you must be an idiot. Noone has ever allowed him to play _withtout_ it you nut head. He at least WAS having issues with it, it kept crashing. So he was told to always load the CGAC so it was fine as long as he loaded it. So that's the story behind it, surely there is not any expection rules to say that somebody is allowed to play without AC. Everyone had to load it so on the logs you can see he even tried it :X

So surely ohurcool allowed him to play "without" it, as long as he kept trying to run the CGAC. If ohurcool wouldn't let ppl to play with those crashing issues, I bet 3v3 ladder would no longer be here :D As I have the same issue, I've been asking ohurcool and badkip about the error fixes but I guess there won't be any near future.
And I am running AC.. and i will close the program, i will say "oh got an error" and i can turn on the cheat gg. I think this is not a solution,always should run the AC.. i dont care the errors
Don't talk about things you dont know
i know what you said, only this is my thought
You don't think CG admins have some sort of log which states why it wasn't running? I'm pretty sure that players with a legitimate error would have something about how it can't locate the game (since the players who have this error don't ever reach the "running ET" state on the CG site), and players who close the program would have some other type of log.
same with Bobika who still tryin to play with older version :{
he's bad anyway
ohurcool best admin ever.
oh webe m8 :D
just loged on to say that cgac doesnt support winXP therefore i dont use it
ill upgrade when i have the money+if i want too
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