dirty bomb + crossfire


I was wondering if there is any kind of initation from either from CF or SD side to make this page to be the main community of DirtyBomb?

It would be profitable for both sides (CF and SD). Basicly because if Dirty Bomb is willing to have a bigger playerbase, most of the players will come from ET I believe, and you got the site already. And since CF4.0 took big part of killing ET and the site itself it would be a great opportunity to regain the viewers and activity (and money ofcourse).
Having a stable community site from the start would help SD to make the game more and more popular.

Sum it up;
The site is dead, there is no reason to keep CF as it is now, SD and CF should hold hands and make a Dirty Bomb community from CF.
huadzeREPLY 29 Mar 2015, 13:25
dont bother play that broken game :D:D
its a pay2win shit :DDD
maps are not designed to play at competitive level, all maps has 30 tunnels
the game looks like it was made in 2002
trying to copy csgo with case openings :DDDDDD

and i could go on :D
nice try SD tho xD
thats just what gaming became nowadays
Yes, the game sucks. However I care for the ET community and came up with this idea with my old ET mates. I don't see the point why would you post this here.
the art how the new owners of crossfire are running things killed it more than ET did imo
...You do realize CF 4.0 was released over six months before the "new owners" took over, right?
CF is 100% a community driven site, if it isn't on CF the community didn't want it or no one attempted to try and do it. TosspoT has been the owner of CF since forever, not sure who these new owners you talk of are :D
Didnt u and some others "buy" it from him? Kinda remember some news about that if not sorry for my mistake ;)

Anyways admins and mods changed for sure and i cant only speak for myself but i have the feeling that things changed. Never had any post or journal removed for no reason back then. Much love no hate 8)
We didn't buy it no, me and Artstar (my brother), just manage the site as it is - when we came in there had been no one doing this for 1-2 years. In terms of admins, there havent really been (m)any additions as far as I know, some have been removed or left / gone inactive though.

The community is just smaller and with that even less productive people around - you get a lot of people like OP talking about things and what they would like to see but not actually doing anything to make that happen.
/q potty
inb4 http://evaczone.com as a main community site
far prefer http://dirtytricks.gg neat design, simple. elegant, less wordpress shenanigans and no seanza in charge.
looks great
Seanza in charge? He was doing some writing for me early on but due to inactivity he has been replaced, for now.

So you prefer a website that gives you tips on how to play? I know you are shit and probably need tips, but it is all good :)
He's right though, and no personal offense to you but evaczone site looks pretty cheap and isn't great to use. dirtytricks.gg just looks better, better usability :p different audience/type sites but still wouldn't hurt to have a good overhaul if you want evaczone to be a serious community base for db. Also the decision to put your first 2015 cup on the same date as an ET Lan shows some poor decision making imo :/ from all the weekends you can pick from you've filteredout quite a big bunch of good players
Not poor decision making at all. Got 19 teams and more wanting in. This MIGHT come as a shock to you but dirtybomb isn't ET2. It would be like saying "Bad decision to have ET lan that weekend as there is a CSGO tournament on same time" Explain your logic?
Im one of the people who always says DB isn't ET/ET2 but your comment is just a stupid reply without logic. but quite a sizable part of the DB community are/might be ET players(all players who definitely have better aim and brain wise than over half the signups you currently have, and I'm not even including the teams that just have tba's on the roster). I know at least 20 ET players(even full teams) who wanted to play the cup but all didn't sign up because of the date. Claiming the CSGO thing is just retarded logic as the games aren't nearly as closely related as ET and DB. But then again if your goal with EvacZone cups at the moment is just to fill slots with low skilled players and teams rather than trying to create a higher level of play, you're right it's not poor decision making.

Especially as yourself coming from an ET background is just makes it seems stupid that from all the weekends you can pick from you pick the one weekend there finally is an ET Lan and filter out plenty good players that way.
I'd really like to know what these 20 players with full teams. I might know 1 team that'd sign up which is yours. Going on the "ET players are better" argument. That is as weak as piss. You claim I lack logic. There have not been any competitions yet and I bet half those teams you are judging you have never played against. My goal is to host cups where the community can sign up and play. If you claim 20 players with full line ups from ET to be the community, then that is on you.

Have you ever considered that the admins can only do certain dates? I start my new job so this is the ONLY date I can do. I can see you are making progress leaps and bounds in hosting dirtybomb cups of your own ;)
Why are you making this a personal attack on me though? :p All I've said is that you've filtered out quite a bit of players by making it this date, didn't say you don't have your reasons whatever they are. The 'teams' I have played against(over half of the signups) and not even playing with a team haven't impressed me much and most of those didn't have ET players. Like I said, if you're goal with EvacZone cups at the moment is just to please the whole community then it's not poor decision making. But I like how you instinctively go to your demeaning offensive attitude as soon as someone critics something you did, rather than just discussing the whats and whys. Pointless conversation anyway, you've always been stubborn :P This whole thing started with someone saying they liked dirtytricks more than evaczone and me saying that imo the cup date is stupid and you attacked.
I haven't got a problem with you saying you prefer dirtytricks, it is infact run by two guys at evaczone. Just sick of everybody thinking Seanza is running something I run.

Personal attack? No, I was simply stating if you have that much of a problem with the date, do something yourself. I am stubborn and I cannot please everybody who wants to play competitive. You will get the same treatment as the rest of the scrubs who whine that something is not right.

So these teams that cannot play because they are at LAN are?
I know it's run by people also involved in EvacZone which is part of why I'm kinda confused about the design differences :P Honestly ask raste and chip to look at evaczones design, if anything it can't hurt(it's wordpress so easy to change and any changes can be reverted without problems). I have plans on doing some things myself but the people/sponsors I've spoken to for support and myself agree that we don't want to do anything until the game is more 'stable' in the sense that it being beta and things might change still isn't a good platform for what we want to go for (highest competitive level play as possible, only actual teams etc).
20 ET players

full teams

you mean full mixes? ET community won't be a huge part of DB, or at least I hope so.
Most of them will quit because they will suck at it.
Potty can't handle critics, how surprising :DDDD
oh w8.

edit: just read all the replies you made in this theard, wow madness is real on this one :D:D
very easy game tho
Why don't you show some fucking initiative for a change instead of suggesting other people should.
I don't wish to play Dirty Bomb, atleast not in it's current state. However I've always liked the ET community and the things before CF 4.0. It would be great to see this site go back to the golden times with much activity. But assholes like you, Mr. I live at my parent's place so i try to act funny on the internet with random gifs so people will think I'm a funny guy type of admins makes this site look dead duck.
I don't know how long have you been around, but I'm pretty sure 7-8 years ago admins weren't this disabled as they are now :)
I was an admin back then already, so yes, they were.
cf is probably to late now if it wanted to get involved more with DB community ideas(dont care where the initiative would've been, owners or users). There are decent enough alternatives for the communities(think there was a post on DB forums with over 20 sites in plenty languages) to go to so needs something interesting to get them to switch now. Doesn't help that in the early DB days this community spat on it because 'it's not ET:2' and we've seen time and time again when new users come here they just get hated on :P CF is a pretty closed community tbh :p
yeah lets bring DB here because 1% might be playing it!
Idd, nearly laughed to death. CF could support it by being partners or so, but I dont see that necessary. I doubt anyone really wanders off to CrossFire to find out about dirtybomb, it's on Steam already so can't see what DB would get by having CF as partnership either
CF won't last forever with just ET crowd, from what I've heard it's already struggling. Can't hurt to bring in people from different games, can be CS or CoD12 or w/e DB is simply a 'closer' step since its closer to ET as a game than other titles are.
Sure, let it just die. So there would be 1 less site to fap on for you.
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