dirtybomb sound issues

Played now first time for over a year and now I feel like asking if you guys are experiencing issues with the game's sounds? It had some issues not being able to hear footsteps and it seems like its still there, is it about my settings / etc or the sound surroundings just been made this way?
Audio Commands

AUDIO FLUSH TRUE - flush all sound buffers
DISABLELPF – Disables the low pass filter on all sources for testing.
ISOLATEDRYAUDIO – Removes reverb to isolate the dry audio.
ISOLATEREVERB – Removes the dry audio to isolate the reverb.
LISTAUDIOCOMPONENTS – Outputs a list of all audio components.
LISTSOUNDCLASSES – Outputs a list of loaded sounds collated by class.
LISTSOUNDCLASSVOLUMES – Outputs a list of all the volume and pitch for each sound class.
LISTSOUNDDURATIONS – Outputs a list of all sounds waves and their durations.
LISTSOUNDMODES – Outputs a list of all sound modes.
LISTSOUNDS – Outputs a list of all loaded sounds and their memory footprints.
LISTWAVES – Outputs a list of wave instances and whether they have a source.
MODIFYSOUNDCLASS [soundclass] [VOL=volume] – Modifies the specified sound class with the given volume.
PLAYSOUNDCUE – Plays an arbitrary sound cue.
PLAYSOUNDWAVE – Plays an arbitrary sound wave.
RESETSOUNDSTATE – Resets all volumes to their default values and removes all test filters.
SETSOUNDMODE [mode] – Sets the sound mode to the specified mode.
SOUNDTEMPLATEINFO – Outputs info about each unique sound.
TESTFEBLEED – Sets the low frequency effect bleed to maximum on all audio sources for testing.
TESTLPF – Sets the low pass filter to maximum on all audio sources for testing.
TESTSTEREOBLEED – Sets stereo bleed to maximum on all audio sources for testing.

Play around with some of these (be sure to remember/write down the defaults) might help a little. But also yes the sounds are a bit random at times but that's mostly because the different types of mercs also make different footstep sounds(speed etc) so it just takes getting used to. Still better than CSGO footsteps xD

edit: (ps: those are the audio commands for the engine, some may not work if SD disabled them for DB :p)

Nah, CS:GO footsteps sounded random at start but after playing it a couple of hours you got used to them pretty fast, at least I got. DB footsteps been always so shit, meaning you didn't hear a guy if he was running at full speed behind you, that was like +1 year ago

But I will try those when I got the time, thanks :)
played csgo for 1400 hours I think and I still don't understand the footsteps on Nuke xD (unless they changed them in the last 2 months as I havent played much lately)
newb! dunno, footsteps were pretty messy at first on every map, didnt notice it's more messed up on some other map. but nuke isnt a comp pool anymore
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