streaming ET with keyboard layout

preconfigured classic fps layout:
image: 7yq7T4V
Edit: unfortunatelly if want custom layout you have to edit manually it in text file, no gui help, but I made feature request on github for that, since its easy to implement it in JS

I wish for CGAZ for spectators. etlegacy mod can impement it, since its opensource, not like ettv
Im very interested to create some ET specific twitch bots since its so easy
Im sure I will stream some testing: or follow my github

Interesting for about 2 minutes imo, after that you don't watch it anymore and watch the gameplay. Seen it a couple of streams, same goes for those mouse hand top down cameras.

Would be more interested to see things like that live scoreboard that they used for a LAN (I think Adroits?) as a feature on GTV or even for CF for high profile matches.
This is actually really good for someone who is trickjumping and would like to share it.
ETJump and TJMod already have a keymap function (similar to this:
This is about streaming mate.

but yeah, forgot about it.
well etjump streams show the keys aslong as the streamer has them turned on
I think both of you guys know what works where
cgaz/keys visualization is mod specific
theres not such thing for etpro/ettv and since its closed source and its not possible to run it on custom build of ET (like etlegacy), one would have to hack binaries (like image-et did) or read data from game memory or read packets, that would be probably detected as cheat

In etlegacy all of this would be possible since its opensource
well jumpers are playing on etjump mod so np
but Id love to see this following sqzz/wut/hazz on etpro match
maybe there is some hax for cgaz and somebody streamer could use it for this, well but I am not in any hax communty :D I promise :D
thx for awesome contribution to discussion /s
If only you could move like that in DB.... >:D
thx for reply

yeah very good point about that
well I think layout, becasue i'ts unusual, or watching some good stafers would be interesting*
also watching other et streams, I realized it's very interesting if player uses echo command in his cfg scripts
for example when night use fov changer
image: ecS6kkS

there are many possibilities since you can make program that sends commands into ET
I didnt manage to read console with winapi but its possible with using condump to save console into text file
I will look into automatic scores updating using this method
I will contact Sebhes/Merlin

*edit: I forgot to finish sentences :D
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