Goodbye Abject

Quote by AbjectI dont really take part in crossfire so I was wondering before if i should write this, all i am going to get is flame.
I am Abject and as you already know i recenlty got banned.
I am going to be 100% honest here:

I have to say a bit about me:
I play this game about 8 years or even more, competetive for 6 year, all I can say I love it...
I am player who never cheat in any pracc / official / public, NEVER!
This ban and me being on banlist is fucking disgrace to me, I would never reckon something like this can happen.
Sad but true part is that i don't even know how cheats works... People who know me can say same thing.
I am already LAN proofed player where my perform was same like in online games.

Now about BAN:

Since my before comment got banned for private logs by ohurcool,
It is gonna be less true to you.

I asked ohurcool why i got banned, all he said was that I cheat in this official match:
according to him and cgac I loaded cheat around this time and as he said I turned it off immediately.
Why on earth would i do this? Only in this one match, where I was playing so horrible and there is nothing obvious...
After all of these years of playing i got my own game sense + aim + comms, this game is not that hard.
I already played plenty of games why would I cheat in this one?!
When i asked ohurcool about second official he said that cgac found nothing there, despite that i was playing much better.
So I asked him, What did i load?
The answer was: he cannot tell me, because i can bypass cgac and he cant share those information. All i can do is write a ticket, which i did immediatetly (and pray for unban....)
Now I am waiting for answer from cgac and and pray for unban...

I have no freaking idea what could cause this problem it was offi like hundreds before: ts /cgac / minimalizer / et / chrome. Nothing special.
Wondering if i could something on screen while et minimalized which could cause this ban.
I downloaded that day cracked version "life is strange",maybe something with daemon tools? What on earth cgac see as a cheat I would really want to know.
Also since i had party at my house in saturday two of my friends brought hard drives and copy Wolfenstein New Order one to another, not even saving it on my PC.
I thought It also could have been virus/trojan since i dont use any antyvirus at the moment (only scanning programms).That are kinda desperate thoughts.
I really doubt that has it has to do with the ban.
I only advise to all of you not to use cgac since when clean player like me who never get busted and cheat on any war/prac/public can get banned.

Now on people call me cheater and that i played obvious. Why didn't you tell me so before. I had my good and bad days and you know that...
Question is: Why would you believe me? How can I justify myself If I can't proof it. It's really hard to do so, how could anyone believe me if all i can say is
" I did not use cheats in this or any game".
I was one of you who didn't believe cheaters when they try to explain themselves. Right now after this happen i can believe in everything.
I lost my love to ET, to this community which turned immediatetly back to me. It is heartbreaking, just put yourself in my spot and try to feel what i really feel,
me being was like shock, FOR WHAT ?! I asked. It is easy to ban me just because I am polak and no further proofs needed...

There is going to be LAN in two moths which i really want to attend. Since when they dont want to see cheaters there why would I cheat in random ladder match?! Most of you thinks that we would dodge it anyway. Why would I do it in that way?
I am 100% sure this is all big mistake and soon It is going to be clear it was fake ban. It is unbelievable...
I am innocent and I am going to fight for my unban!

Thanks a lot to all of you who really believe me I really appreciate that :)
and to all of you who thinks that i cheat FUCK you!

BTW it is great drama in 2015, kinda keep ET alive!

Wait, cu @ LAN?
You should get banned after sharing private lohsy
wasn't this a journal on crossfire?
Don't think those are private logs :p
What Nickje said.
Above all, they aren't private if I have them... :s
All Polish guys are cheaters. I got this from a very reliable source, #polishwomen.

PS: would rate excuse story 2/5, has been used since 2007 (I planned to attend LAN, why would I cheat?).

Big love.
too bad you never got busted :pPpPpPpP
Hmm idd now that you mention it, cdc3 it was right? :P
QuoteWait, cu @ LAN?

I understood that team captains were asked if they mind Abject to come.
nope, we were not asked.
Well, if they wouldn't allow cheaters the lan would never happen :D :D :D :D
znam ten bol :(
big players never have to explain themselves. sh1t like this never happened with legends. I don't rly know Abj, but this entire story is bs. Who cares if you cheat? This is ET. Even seb1 could be TeamHun captain with cheater past. Get over it and play if you enjoy the game like he did.

I don't like when people flame Poland. Polaks have many good players, not just those bronze retards in LoL and cheaters like |T| or some :h guys. They are friendly people aswell, so I dunno 'why teh hate'. Most of Polish cheaters are random wannabes you never heard about, known guys are not cheating, or atleast not as much as Belgians or Frenchies. okkotamasuki and Nirv were as irritating as 3.000 mental bronze league polaks in LoL. Polan cool. Siemanko

e: Destroy rockit, Najt & co on LAN. It would be LAN proof.

Count number of polaks, compared to your Belgian and Frenchies.
All of them are randoms and had nothing to do with cups before 2014. I understand people who get upset because random 13 y/o polish kid destroys them on public servers, they are right. But for me it is unimportant, I played wars for 8? years and I didn't meet many known Poland cheaters in competitive scene

3/4 of people whining like "polaks hax" because blurred vision/vodka team/authentic owned them in 3on3.
Nearly every 2nd polak is busted, no idea why are u being so delusional lol.
not in premier :w
I did not cheat :( although I don't really care what you think , but you always try to use me as an example D: When i was like 12/13 years old in 2006/2007 I indeed tried to, downloaded some public shiet, copied it into ET folder, but then it didn't work :D Nothing changed in my game :D and , because of I was so young, I didn't really know that it would have some effect that I have it copied into my folder, so it stayed there, and just like in 2007 someone told me I have a red sign on my yawn, and I didnt really know why, cause I forgot that i copied some stuff there :D then I reinstalled ET and it was gone :D I was still banned on cb and ESL though for half a year, and I remember I was so sad :D so plz, if you need a cheater example, stop using me! thanks :)
tried, wanted same thing... but i didnt mean to flame, you are the only Hungarian who cheated but managed to get known in .hu scene. Atleast I don't remember Hungary anyone else who cheated and could play above division 5. (From those who received a red triangle ;>)

gl @ lan
senti? He was on fusenlist
Tomorrow 19 CET is not good for us, if you want to play during week days it must be after 21 CET

Today we can play if you like
i think today we have a couple of matches, so its not that good :( I'm only avi tomorrow and tuesday
tomorrow or tuesday after 21 CET then, or late night today
after 21 cet should be fine tomorrow / tuesday :P gna ask powi
Best pick would be like 22cet tbh :>
QuoteI play this game about 8 years or even more, competetive for 6 year, all I can say I love it...

Abject is not a cheater he played this game for 8 years you have to be skilled after that !
i hope you will get a unban after you rolled some guys @ lan..
wtf @ your reasoning :D how long you've played ET for doesn't stop you from cheating. too many examples completely counter that argument.

@Abj - you're undoubtedly going to serve this CG ban, and tbfh it's actually the first time I've ever heard of a banned player being allowed at LAN, so whether or not you agree with the ban is irrelevant now. you're getting the instant chance to prove your worth, something most banned players NEVER got. perfo -> disallowed from CDC3/CDC4 afaik. Razz -> disallowed from CPC1. the list goes on.

ps. didn't read the wall of text so not sure if it's old content.
Hahah that's the same reasoning Bobika is trying to explain his skillboost, only he's talking about two years.
Haven said that, it could be a legit skillboost.
i just wanna see some screenshots before im gonna say that hes a cheater..

i dont trust this anticheat anyway , No offense to CG :-)
it didnt catch u this year so i guess its enough to call it useless.
You f*cking pedofile!
CGS allowed banned players.
CGS was a Poland LAN, most of the top Europe scene didn't even attend. :P
It's still a LAN.
independant LAN. all other Europe LANs were pretty tight with CB bans. these local LANs don't count because you made up rules as you went along.
a) I did not
b) it was only local because Europe = faggots, scared to come to Poland. Respect to NetherlandsDomi, Francetomobro, GermanylaNgo, Germanyhcke and our pepicek brothers Czech Republicdenton and Czech Republicderek for showing some balls and coming.
there is absolutely nothing scary about Poland whatsoever.
Still waiting for you to come ya lil' shit :D
Letting the banned players to play at LAN is absolute bshit imo. Ofc theres the thing teams would drop out cos they are missing banned players, but even tho i think its better solution than just let people hack online and still attend to cash prizes. But thats all up to sebhes and timbo, altho they should have asked rest of the teams what they think about letting banned players to attend, someone said they did but then someone said they didnt. Dno.
[pl] nie chce mi sie tego czytać, ale czitował czy nie ? [/pl]
Tak, przeswietlalo mu sciany. Przed kazdym meczem Abject prosil mnie zebym napisal do niego na gadu-gadu.
po co na gadu-gadu ?
bo jak dostawales wiadomosc podczas gry to przeswietlalo sciany?
wtf? this guy should not get banned he isnt even decent lol
probably WuT did some shit through teamviewer :/
kurwa busted.... :{
tylko dlatego, że idziesz do sieci LAN, nie oznacza jeszcze jej nie oszukiwać w Internecie
meehow xD
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