Game of Thrones Season 5 leaked

First 4 episodes have been leaked, first 2 are on popcorntime.

Good, good, gooood.
nah, better to just wait untill the episodes come out, otherwise you watch them all 4 now and then you need to wait for a month :/
dat logic rofl
His logic is actually pretty logical to me.
Who said you have to watch all the 4 in a day?
Also it's better to wait now, than after the first 4 episodes.

dat logic rofl
Cause that's what most people will do? (maybe not in a day but asap)
I just meant that it's much nicer to wait untill they air the episodes so you get the hype from the miniteasers & stuff on facebook and shit. (If you don't have facebook or don't follow GoT on facebook/twitter welp then go ahead and watch them all in once and rewatch them in a month).

Why is this logic so flawed?
Already seen it 5hours ago and Melisandra is still hot ♥
She could be your mum!
Kids getting horny by women 5 times their age. Damn son. Put that little thing away. Put it away, but not between the zipper ;)

Is your mum a milf by any chance?
I think I should start watching the series.
read the books you dirty fagit
I dont like reading books, it's boring
lack of phantasy? :) not my problem ;)
Hahaha, holy shit, golden oldie.
I tried reading a couple of books, but I can never keep the focus.
Try reading books about things that interest you (for me it was all the fantasy shit; jurassic park, harry potter, LOTR)
I don't "love" the books of GoT cause they are so long and so much different names to remember so i try to do few chapters (100 pages or smth) a day.

EDiT: also; if you watch a movie and soon after u read the book(s) it might not interest you anymore cause u know what's coming.
The books kinda ruin GoT for watching since RR Martin changed way too much stuff in the series. And most of the things he changed don't make much sense compared to the books :(
Now I have to wait quite a long time to forget about the details in the book and start the series again. (And also the next book will take 3 or more fucking years to be out :/)
I always try to look at books & their movies differently cause they will never be 100% the same.

He shouldn't have involved himself with the series, too much timeconsuming :p
Just write the fucking book ffs.
Martin didn't change it, the producers changed it. Martin had to sign some sort of contract that the producers were allowed a certain amount of artistic freedom.

Obviously they can't change major stuff, like letting Daenerys fly on a dragon to the Wall to fuck Jon Snow, but a lot of stuff was omitted because they wanted it so, not Martin.
I read somewhere that Martin was in charge of the series script so I assumed most of the changes were on his behalf. But yeah if the guys with the money fucked him over and """"improved"""" the script, I guess he couldn't do much :(

It feels like he had liberty for the S1 (which is basically copy/pasta of the book 1, no character had illogical behavior etc) and then with the success growing he got forced step by step into taking retarded stuff in the script.

ge zij e beke traag vandaag :)
Ik zit niet meer heel de dag achter de computer :)
Tried dling them, quality is horrible (some 480p shit). I'll wait for good versions.
People are so spoilt these days.
Nothing to do with spoiled. Just want the best experience I can get :) If I can get a hooker today with herpes and a clean one tomorow, Ill wait a day.
Nice comparison. I'll let you know tomorrow if I got eye cancer or herpes from watching it in 480p quality!
If you like going to hookers, let me know, maybe we arrange a threesome
Tits look awesome in any quality man
watching GoT just for tits? lol

I'll wait aswell, for quality and for what Nickje said xD
Not for tits, they are 3rd after hair and accents (I know they are wigs/vigs? whatevz)
You must feel like an idiot after posting this
Good episodes. Daenerys gonna be mad :P((
whats GoT shit about? haven't watched one episode!
about a boy who discovers his parents were wizards and has a scar on his forehead like a lightningstrike, then join the US army as a pilot to fight during WW2 but pearl harbor gets attacked so he marries his dead friends girlfriend. Then he and his wife dies and their young daughter gets adopted by rich people and she sings all the time. Can't be arsed to continue :p
GoT summary:blood, tits, betrayal, tits, dragons and tits. Oh and I forgot to mention tits.
You forgot penises, and weeners.
Wiener, weiner weiner, weiner weiner
Only had time to watch episode 1 so far and I got a feeling that this season will have waaaay too many subplots.
1) episodes are 480p, unworthy of anyone who respect himself..
2) i have too much respect for the show to watch leaked episodes.
3) regardless, i heard the 5th season wont be according to the books, so i don't know if ill watch it :(
I don't respect your stupid reply, bro. my god, what an awful reply
that's sad tbh
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