LAN Travel post

Hey everyone,

with the LAN taking place in just a few days I wanted to ask if anyone of you guys plans to travel from Amsterdam (Central or Shipol) to Enschede on Thursday and wants to take the train together (dunno if it gets cheaper that way).

I'll be arriving in AMS at 7 in the morning and probably head into the city, mb go to the museum or smth like that. If someone wants to meet for lunch that would be fun aswell.

Just drop me a PM
Taking the train would be quite expensive; a regular return ticket would be €45,60. I would suggest to look for someone who's going in the same direction who has a student public transportation card, as they get 40% discount and they can take someone with them. With the discount a return ticket would be €27,40. You can check train departure times and journey fares here:

You could also try is carpooling. You can use and see if there's anyone going in the same direction (If you can't find anyone today, I suggest checking back every day - people usually place these things 1/2 days before departure). Rates are usually VERY cheap (I think €10 should get you there), which should save you a lot of money.
Thanks for the info. I knew about the sutdensdiscount but does that apply on thursdays? I always thought only fri-sun
Students can choose whether they want discount on the weekends or weekdays, just got to find the right one! I do, however, think it'll be rather hard to find a student traveling from Amsterdam to Enschede on a thursday around that time. I still suggest you try to find someone to carpool with; you save a lot of money that way.
It very much depends on the student. Most students have midweek OV. Which means they can take up to 3 passangers with them for the whole ride with a 40% discount on their ticket. Including Thursday also.

If anyone is heading from Arnhem - Enschede you can travel with me on Thursday.
gonna be in Schiphol at 13:05
Me, Iron and Salaneuvos are going to be taking the train from Amsterdam to Enschede on Thursday. We're going to arrive at Amsterdam at 16:45 CET and most likely taking the train to Enschede soon after that (from Schipol).

I found this article on group tickets in NL: Normal price for Amsterdam-Enschede is a bit over 20€ so with that group ticket even with 4 persons you're saving quite a lot of money (55€/4 = 13,75€). With more people it gets even cheaper!

So if taking the train from Schipol to Enschede at around 17 CET would fit your plans, it'd be great to save some money by travelling with a bigger group.
That sounds like a plan. Wanna pm me your mobile?
I'm in as well
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