ET Reborn LAN

The probably last ET LAN is about to begin and unfortunately I can not attend. Nevertheless would like to wish good luck to all, don't drink to the point of not being able to see the crosshair :D. Above all have fun and enjoy the moment! :)

Thanks to all who made this possible.

No chicks, serious shit
Thanks m8 <3333 make sure you are cheering for me during the LAN!!!

Cu next years edition, no worries
Professional eSports gamers do not need a crosshair to register headshots.

Thanks! Enjoy speccing!
Not gonna happen to lightning at least.
I am sad I couldn't attend any CF LAN some years ago, and I miss so many players:(

HF Everyone players, spectators
ET Lan, one last drive
"The probably last ET LAN "
It's just first edition of ET Reborn Lan.
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