ET Reborn LAN Wzzrd cafe

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Wzzrd cafe information.

This journal has as purpose to provide information about the Wzzrd cafe and how to get there with public transport. For those of you who are still not sure how to travel to the LAN center, please use this useful website:

In the blanket "To", you should fill in "Enschede Drienerlo". From this train station it is only a 2 minute walk to the Wzzrd cafe, which is located inside the Cinema. The Cinema is on your right when looking to the football Twente Stadium. If you have still questions about how to get to the LAN center, feel free to contact us.

For the ones who are coming by car, according to the manager of the Wzzrd cafe there is no need to pay for parking during the weekend.

The address of the Wzzrd café can be find right below.

Street: Colosseum 68

Adress: 7521 PT Enschede

Me and timbolina will arrive at the LAN center, Thursday around 18:00 - 19:00 CET.

Have a good trip! See you there.
how long will the bar be open ?
As long needed :D
How early does it open?
The café itself will open at 09:00 CET. The same time people are able to set up their pcs.
Will these matches be shout cast? If so, by whom?
We will be running an own stream from the LAN itself. More information about this will be announced later tomorrow.

Merlinator will cast as many games as possible.

Besides Merlinator, I saw also some other guys showing interest in casting. So I'm sure there will be plenty of opportunities to follow this LAN online. Matches will also be covered at
Will your own stream, be live for others to view?
Nah they stream to LAN spectators only duh
Yea definetely
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