ET Reborn Poll: Results

This week you could vote for the ET Reborn LAN community ranking. Here are the results:

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Who do you think will end 1st in the 6on6 format?
1. Germany Rockit - 51,9%
2. Estonia - 12.8%
3. Europe SICK6 - 12%

Who do you think will end 2nd in the 6on6 format?
1. Europe SICK6 - 34,6%
2. Germany Rockit - 22,6%
3. Estonia - 12,8%

Who do you think will end 3rd in the 6on6 format?
1. Europe TAG - 18,8%
Europe SICK6 - 18,8%
3. Germany neverByte - 18%

Who do you think will end 1st in the 3on3 format?
1. Europe Queens - 35,3%
2. Germany credibilis - 20,3%
3. Netherlands Team-Visual - 15%

Who do you think will end 2nd in the 3on3 format?
1. Europe Queens - 24,8%
2. Europe SICK3 - 21,8%
3. Germany credibilis - 12,8%

Who do you think will end 3rd in the 3on3 format?
1. Europe SICK3 - 15,8%
2. Netherlands Team-Visual - 13,5%
Europe Queens - 13,5%

Which team will be the biggest surprise of the event in 6on6?
1. Europe - 18%
2. Netherlands Team-Visual - 15%
3. Estonia - 12,8%

Which team will be the biggest upset of the event in 6on6?
1. Estonia - 27,1%
2. Poland tMoe - 15%
3. Europe TAG - 9,8%

Which team will be the biggest surprise of the event in 3on3?
1. Netherlands Team-Visual - 17,3%
2. Europe 'xD Trickjump - 15,8%
3. Poland trivium mitro - 9,8%

Which team will be the biggest upset of the event in 3on3?
1. Europe - 13,5%
2. Netherlands Team-Visual - 12%
3. Poland trivium mitro - 11,3%

Who will be the MVP of the LAN?
United Kingdom sqzz
Sweden feruS / Estonia Nait
4. Poland Abject / United Kingdom R0SS
6. Germany kReSti
7. Belgium chry
8. United Kingdom koop / Malta toxic
10. United Kingdom razz

Have a save trip everybody!
something is missing.. like: who will dodge the lan (hey phyzic)
Which team will be the biggest upset of the event in 3on3?
1. Europe - 13,5%



I think u mixed up the results with upset and surprise
Pressure's on ?
I can feel them already
It's funny because the ones that are in ''biggest surprise' aren't a surprise anymore now if they do good. Dat pressure
Can't see most MVP sebhes, these must be fake results ofc.
xD should be 1st like everywhere!
also hope and love bro ;)
so much faith in us.. "wow"
Real faith:

Which team will be the biggest upset of the event in 6on6?

1. - 27,1%
1. - 27,1%
1. - 27,1%
MVP: Insane/Outlaw
Where is Coffee Time? watafak?!
Can't wait to see erAse slap these nerds into next week
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