NBS: Server disconnected for unknown reason

Hello everyone,

Every time I try to join NBS #1 | Public ETPro, I get the message Server disconnected for unknown reason.

I've got the feeling that I've been banned for my lack of ETPro GUID (displayed as "unknown"). I've tried many times to fix this problem, but with no success so far. I searched the Internet and I found that it may be hardware related (something to do with the hdd).

I do not cheat and I believe my stats speak for themselves. I enjoy the game a lot. Despite the growing number of cheaters on NBS, this is almost the only public server I like to play on.

Any help will be greatly appreciated!

Best regards,

no etguid => no etkey ?
then try http://etkey.org/
Thanks. Unfortunately, I have already tried that. I downloaded an ETKEY at http://etkey.org/ and I put it in both AppData/Local/PunkBuster/etmain and et_directory/etmain. Sadly, it doesn't work.
try to connect on other punkbuster server to check whether you have etguid now
Done. Still no ETPro GUID (I checked with /guids). But I do have a PB GUID (I checked with /pb_myguid).
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