ET is officially dead

outlaw top3 @ lan = ET dead

I think USA winning CF ET 6v6 cup was the real shock here, cmon NA players winning at something else than their crappy "MMO" games? Think USA guys have always sucked on FPS titles, like they suck in CS:GO also compared to the EU teams (ESEA LAN, good example)


Also, after Justin Wong there hasn't been (anyone?) on Street Fighter scene to get the fight on pocals from USA
Poland me & Poland WuT carried
excuse me
shh this is an official version
These NA guys nerd ET more than me, there goes your answer
Doesn't matter, NA guys tend to suck in FPS titles no matter how hard to play them. LoL and such games suits them more
they are pretty shit in LoL too tbh
u play hearthstone?
nope, i would like to try it, but im too lazy to understand how the game works
good way to stereotype. I guess euros have a gene that makes them better at FPS than NA players, right?
Oh cmon, you are an exception to that "list" :* And you are a canadian, I said NA but the real deal was against USA ppl! I thought you knew me better than that :S
I mean, I dont feel offended or anything, I just think it's not nice to put everyone in the same basket! caejm8 :)!
Agreed, it's just the way it is if you look at the FPS scene USA never been really any good, not in ET and not in CS:GO :P think they have been better on some other titles though, in the past there were really good players on street fighter for example, and I guess some LoL shit (not following lol at all, but following SF scene pretty active) And, to plus, I am a huge noob by myself anyway so I've got no one to judge
lmao europeans only work 32 hours a week compare to most americans who put in 45+....probably explains why half of the EU is going bankrupt...more leisure time as well
you know about your match tonight, right?
Video games are just far more popular and respected in Europe. I mean, the majority of Americans will have no idea what CS:GO is, while McDonald's named a fucking burger after a CS:GO team in Europe...
CPL was hosted in Texas right? Or am I totally wrong here?

Why would a LAN be hosted on Texas, Dallas, USA, if it wasnt any popular on there? :3 Same goes for Quakecon. And the developers are also from USA.. And also, there are a lot of different videogames which are published for JPN and USA but they never come to EU :S But maybe you do know better, that videogames are not so popular in USA than in Europe.. Feel free to correct me if I've some wrong information here, I like to be right and so if I'm a complete fool here please correct me
I'm honestly not sure what a couple of LANs has to do with my point. Could you clarify that?

I'm not saying that Americans don't play video games, but Americans are a lot more casual. 50% of Americans play video games, and 70% of those play on consoles. Plus, Europe has a population more than twice that of USA+Canada's. Just by numbers, the chances are higher that Europe will have more top players, and even that their best players will be better.

What exactly are you arguing? I guess monkey pretty much won the argument already - "I guess euros have a gene that makes them better at FPS than NA players, right?"
Even in mobas they struggle. In LoL, Cloud9 is the only top team with full US lineup.
Could be, have never really even followed that scene :^D And now I'm getting full retard replies of u5 and doctors, gg. And also Quake, which I don't count to this since its not a teamplay game. As long as it requires teamplay, USA cant do shit. Bet they would need some coaches like in sports (Icehockey etc) to do good actually and let their egos down
Is that even possible? o.0
It's little bit easier for USA trashes while playing with WH + aimbots isn't it :{?
clean till busted
Request any game then :{
3 Americans and 3 euros. it's not like there has never been three Americans who were capable of winning.
Oh ye, ofc them dirty USA guys had to loan our fabulous european stars..
the NA scene has actually had a lot of very successful teams/players in eSports or those who were able to compete at the same level as european teams. good examples of this in Quake: United States of America rapha, fatal1ty, ZeRo4, czm, etc
in RtCW: doctors
in ET: united5
in CS: unnecessary to even list as so many stacked events have been won by NA teams over the past decade and a half. have no idea where you're sourcing this knowledge from. :P

to conclude: I'd rather counter your argument with the real issue of NA teams & players, which is the feuds. those guys CAN NOT get along, it's the same in every single game that there's always some clash of egos and an entire team will fall apart. that and they seem to find it hard to commit to games (it's quite frowned upon socially, dunno if you've noticed how much the current ET NA scene throws the word "nerd" around).
Come sail away. Come sail away with me.

Come sail away. Come sailllllll awayyyyyy with meeeeeeeeeee
Expected reply, obviously there are some exceptions always. Dunno about CPL or other majors how USA guys have been playing. btw, this was actually meant totally for USA guys, not NA (canadiens)

united5 and doctors, ofc i knew that, never said about competiting though, I said about winning


have never followed Quake scene, but ofc fatal1ty huge owner

so about CPL, did USA teams win any of them? if they did, I am wrong. on CS:GO they would get beaten even by 3dmax even though 3dmax just gave up i guess (a guess, mainly true though. mousesports beatings usa top teams on ESEA lan, huehue)
United States of America doctors won Quakecon rtcw
all of the quakers I mentioned were from United States of America USA
yes, United States of America US & NA teams have won CPL. :P stereotypes are just wrong dude.
I didn't seriously want few exceptions to this list, since its a well known fact that EU > USA on FPS games. Though you provided me some facts about winning, weird, now I remember I actually watched the doctors vs (infensus?) final from quakecon, funny how i didn't remember that

Anyway, stereotypes or not, I am still right here though.

And now that I checked the cs 1.6 CPL winnermans here, I must say I can only see USA rather struggling there :D Majority of tournaments they are not even on top3, there are like 2 wins and I must say NiP / SK must have sucked only for allowing that to happen.

So after all, I am very much right! EU > USA when FPS
I guess euros have a gene that makes them better at FPS than NA players
Na, instead of espn they have games on tv
they won CPL Winter 2002 atleast!


and CF ET 6v6 cup
QuoteUSA guys have always sucked on FPS titles

not quite, USA players have and always will be some of the best individuals in FPS titles (RTCW for instance they had some of the most insane players of all-time) but as a team they were weaker in general and this is down to personalities of Americans in general - you will always get those great meld lineups from time to time though.

If you want to highlight a region that has rarely if never achieved something FPS titles that would be Asia, which is surprising as they have such a gaming culture.
I don't really follow that personality thing, you get kids and guys with huge ego in EU also. That's probably the most lamest thing I've ever heard. You just can not put the blame on personalities for being bad, though it might be right that they would need a coach to do good in team wise, but fuck that.

"Individuals" yeah right. RTCW, please don't, that's like ancient history already :) You have to go back for ten to thirteen years to talk about Americans and succes.

And no, I'm not surprised at all that Asia doesn't shine on FPS section, as they do not like such games :D

And yes, USA is not after all comparable to EU with FPS titles, which actually even some USA guys confirmed here
Wtf are you on about? American's always had amazing individuals. Quake, RtCW, even ET had their fair share of exceptions. You see it all over again in CS:GO. Sure it's a personality issue entirely if you can't fucking get your head out of your ass and work for a team rather than your own agenda, europeans aren't nearly as self-entitled and arrogant as they are. It's a cultural thing, Merlin's absolutely right.

Though, I do disagree with asia. There's a korean(?) 1.6 team that'll shit on fucking everyone. They've had 10 years of practicing timed nade/push execs on all the maps on empty servers. Fly em out for a EU/NA lan and they'll rape faces.

It's rather insane how precisely and perfectly everything is timed. Lucky for us FPS just isn't big in Asia, I guess.
Korens do play some FPS titles idd.

Lol, would be fucking terrible idd if they didn't have a couple individuals :-D

Its about cultural thing.. That's just saying stereotypes, as I stereotyped Americans also. So fucking stupid, got a little bit taste of truhtness. Btw, they might be the only team left playing that 1.6, is there even tournaments left on it, yet teams? It's been pretty much forced them to move from cs 1.6 and source to the fucking title CS:GO, for a reason :D How about, I get stopped telling of a couple individuals from USA, and some teams which can be counted with 3 fingers, and provide some serious links and proves about the fact that USA ain't behind on FPS titles.

Btw, it's no wonder you disagree with something, you always disagree,

Btw, Koreans are pretty much only country from Asia which plays any FPS titles, and even they play more mobas than FPS titles. Japan goes to the fighting game sector pretty much :-) Have you surely done your homework? And before replying, you idd should read all my comments here I've made obviously. Would save your time of useless replies
I have no idea what you just tried to argue. But you'd be surprised, I think this may just be the first time I ever agreed with Merl on crossfire. :(
Well, the thing which you should read between lines is that USA teams haven't been stable never on FPS titles. You can put the blame on their personalities but that's just seriously stupid. You can not be a good gamer if you can not put your ego out, you can have as much as you want skills, like shooting etc, but as we all know that's not everything.

Like a russian icehockey player ovetshkin, started to be only useful for washington capitals when he actually started to defence also. His goals didn't mean shit actually, it was just only about trying alone.

Why did I start talking about some russian sports player when the discussion was about USA esports players? Because you started talking about personalities, "which is the only reason USA teams ain't on top". Stupid, useless arguement. One can not be good player which helps your team if you can not teamplay, and a team can not be good if they can not into teamplay :-) And yet again, you guys just proved me right, USA guys as _teams_ can not have a real (stable) succes on eSports. Maybe, if they all would be like ohurcool for example, meaning like a normal person who understands the real deal of the game, it could be possible. Thank you for your time.

Just go and reply to the others here who actually agreed with me, think they might have less facts (done their homework before commenting) and you just might be on top of them, with your silly (but facts still though) about some individuals, or some tiny shit as exceptions.

Btw, as you said before on some reply, that ET was just as big as CS, WoW and such stuff was, that's complete bullshit. ET have never had the same sponsorshipment as CS 1.6 or CS:S had, so wtf you were there on about..
I of course meant relative to their gaming scenes, there was a chinese 1.6 team as well at one point that was meant to be insane too but there was no one for them to really play consistently I guess.
Im talking about individual skill, not success as a team - it directly answers your quote "USA guys have always sucked on FPS titles" which is pretty much false.
No, it doesn't. Skill comes in a package. If there were some individuals for icehockey from Africa, would you think Africa does not suck on icehockey, just because of the couple individuals they have? Pretty much what I said is right. You should know skill is not only about shooting, knowing what opponent will do etc, it's about teamplay and keeping the teamspirit up. For example, Desk must be the craziest guy ever doing combos on Street Fighter, but ain't any good for competitive gaming. Those things combined what I just said about skills, different examples from very different subjects, you should find the answer
No, it doesn't. Skill comes in a package. If there were some individuals for icehockey from Africa, would you think Africa does not suck on icehockey, just because of the couple individuals they have? Pretty much what I said is right. You should know skill is not only about shooting, knowing what opponent will do etc, it's about teamplay and keeping the teamspirit up. For example, Desk must be the craziest guy ever doing combos on Street Fighter, but ain't any good for competitive gaming. And then again, Norway, got a couple good individuals but they still are pretty bad on icehockey even though they have managed to be little bit better now on the past couple years :) Those things combined what I just said about skills, different examples from very different subjects, you should find the answer why does USA suck on FPS titles. You can say w/e and blame their personalities, which actually could be the reason but still that can be only blamed on their skill on that level, since games are a lot more about only than the hand-eye coordination

and as i expected, there doesnt seem to be valid proof to actually prove me wrong
FPS where NA has top players/teams in history, that I know of:

Quake (series), RTCW, ET, CS 1.6, CSS, CSGO, Halo etc. etc.

In RTCW they didnt have "couple of individuals" they probably had the majority of better individuals in the scene when both EU and NA had more active scenes - they just never had the better teams overall as mentioned. That has nothing to do with FPS (First Person Shooter) it has to do with the team based element - quake look at Quake and they have had players top3 in tournaments throughout history and that is the only real true FPS that has consistently been played. So there is your proof :)
CSGO - no
CS 1.6 - no
CS:S - no

Yes, they have won something, but being able to play one tournament good doesn't make you clearly the best, meaning USA teams have not been even nearly stable. I won't comment on CS:S, but what I checked from CPL history, EU teams been rocking on both 1.6 and source tournaments :-) Halo is a huge joke anyway, won't take any part on that conversation. It's a freaking console game. :-) Now you should say they were clearly the best on Socom also x-------D (oh wait it ain't FPS, but still somehow styled by the same way)

On quake it's all possible, since it doesnt have the requirements which I listed above on some other comment, dunno even to whom. Yes, I do disagree within ET and CS seriesses, but what I really think it's useless to talk about a game which lasted only for a couple of years (RtCW) with real support. (ofc united5, NC games have shown it already enough in my opinion on the past years ;-))

I wonder if you have ever even checked the CPL history. Using word suck is rather harsh idd, but they most definetly been always behind EU. Exceptions are exceptions :-) I wouldn't think this came so big here
coL in 1.6 was one of the best teams afaik, NA had top players in multiple games as already said - you said that "USA have always sucked on FPS titles" which is as proven by FPS titles history, wrong. It isn't even an argument tbh ;)
Has Justin Wong ever won a Street Fighter tournament that had at least more than 5 Asian players though?
no, im not talking about tournaments in general, talking about evos as that's the only which really counts.

Couple of times to 2nd, because idiot doesn't realize that Daigo is a parryhappy person
Justin Wong never got 1st or 2nd in SF at Evo.
Evo moment #37 was in the loser's semi finals, and Daigo lost in the finals against KO.
SF 3RD strike:
Evolution (2005) - 2nd
Evolution (2008) - 2nd
Evolution (2009) - 1st (2v2 with Issei Suzuki)

Evolution (2009) - 2nd

-None at eVo



Evolution (2013) - 2nd

Yes, but Justin had a good tournament on there, and could have actually won the whole tournament. Such a stupid move by him on that game :) and there is the list for you of his eVo in all the SF titles.
Yeah, you're right I missed some, however Ultimate Fighting Game Tournament had a USA only lineup iirc, same for the Evo 2v2 tournament in 2009, the only foreign player was his own teammate :P, for SF4 2009, the only notable foreign player was Daigo.
Wouldn't really count SFxT as Street Fighter either imo :D
It is very much SFxT tbh, I've played it a lot cause of the 2v2 mode how it should be played, not by solo shit :) (with nsd)

Well, it was long time between Daigo and Justin Wong, they were the two most stable players on SF.. Was it 2 or 3 years ago that Daigo's magic broke. His risky gameplay didn't pay off on the same way anymore, no wonder if you start thinking how old the SF series are
Well, most recently he won
Quote1 Daigo Umehara
2 GamerBee
3 NuckleDu
4 Bonchan
5 Smug
5 Justin Wong
7 Kazunoko
7 Infiltration

Quote1 Daigo Umehara
2 Momochi
3 Xian
4 sako
5 Poongko
5 Luffy
7 Smug
7 Bonchan
9 Xiaohai

, he plays a lot more safe with his Evil Ryu now, because he can play the footsies and hit confirm into big damage without taking risks.

He's not as dominant as he used to be but he's still definitely top 3 in the world :)
havent followed after last year's evo :) and seriously, i might be stupid, but i mostly count only evo cause it got hte biggest prize money, which means most of the pros come to that tournament

We will see in summer!

Do you play street fighter and if you do, on what platform?
Robert bitch. It's only gejm, why u heff to b mad?
R.I.P. ET - 2003-2015.
Actually, anything other then a top3 for them after all this time praccing would be a dissapointment imo
Still really well played
Like we pracced so much with full line up :o
2 times full line up it is ;)
true.. everyone started to play CS or smtg like that and they kept playing ET very active :P
they pracc just as much as any other team , only ones you can say didnt give a shit was idle stop making excuses
it just shows that "top" teams cant handle other maps than sd2/gold/radar
Or it shows that other maps are just completely shit and have very little to do with skill.

hope you are joking
Delivery, Ice and Frostbite are all terrible maps in ET. Worse in 3on3 than 6on6 with spawntimes having an enormous amount of influence. Not hard at all for an inferior team to win on these maps.
None of those maps were played in any of viSual's "upsets", and only frostbite is actually in the LAN maplist, so you're making yourself look pretty dumb here...
Blame whoever listed the maps on gamestv not me. My desktop is at the other side of the world and I certainly don't have ET installed on my laptop.
Weak response, considering nearly every match so far has had the score and maps added immediately after it finished, and even if that weren't the case there is no way delivery or ice would be listed in a 6on6 match anywhere on GTV.

Just admit that you aren't even following the event.
Maybe it wasn't completely clear but I was talking about 3on3 for the most part so the maps I listed are correct. I will gladly add Lottonest to the ones I have already previously mentioned though.

Also currently there are no maps listed on the 6on6 & 3on3 play-off posts so I had a quick look at the gamestv links instead.
Visual won on Bremen and Lottonest in two of their 4-2 playoff matches? Lol okay I have already made my point. But please be me guest and continue to defend these two maps if you like. Bremen might not be as bad as the others due to multiple stages however setting a good time completely depends on your spawntime.
No, you don't have a point. You just noticed someone discussing maps and thought you'd jump in to push your boring agenda of "lotto maps", "bad spawntimes", and the like. Next you'll probably start talking about how ridiculous you think some of the LAN players' nicknames are, right?

If you had actually been following the tournament(s), you would have noticed that other "underdogs" lost every time on these very same maps which you claim are so luck-based and easy to win.
Yes I think some of them have idiotic nicknames and that it shows a lack of intelligence and originality but talking about that has very little to do with ET. If I had the time I would most certainly have watched some of the games which I unfortunately do not have.

For years I have been saying something needs to be done about spawntimes and to the stages of certain maps. There is a reason why people only play Supply/Gold these days because whoever wins is usually the better team. There is nothing good about maps like Ice, Frostbite and Lottonest where a good spawntime gives an inferior team the possibility to set a time of less than 2 minutes. The longer you have played ET the more this becomes evident. I can recall so many matches which were undeserved wins and an equal amount of losses which were just as undeserved. This is even evident on ''good'' maps like Supply and Gold which should really have variable spawntimes. Talk with people like Perfo, Meez etc. they will tell you the same thing.
Yeh lets all blame spawntime for getting raped, good thing.
xd u must be another one limited to supply/grush only, when coming that ice and frost are shit.
after lowest ec ever... lowest lan ever? #Kappa #Yolo #Swag #hashtaghashtag #snatixnbr1ETplayer #Dancingnakedintehcklub
grats hybra :o
ha you euros are so delusional. Guess nobody remembers quakecon when u5 beat idle convincgly and then nearly beat check6. All the supposed cheaters on americans stream and record their every game....not to mention most of us have been playing ET competitively for 10+ keep on accusing and stuff as NA general manager i will give you any demo you request of our hackers.
I think bdmatt was hacking in the TWL Season 10 final, please provide demos.
ha you euros are so delusional. Guess nobody remembers quakecon when u5 beat idle convincgly and then nearly beat check6. All the supposed cheaters on americans stream and record their every game....not to mention most of us have been playing ET competitively for 10+ keep on accusing and stuff as NA general manager i will give you any demo you request of our hackers.
I love how this quakecon story about idle is always retold.

Quotewhen u5 beat idle convincgly

a) it was a mediocre squad, they weren't even top5 online in EU. u5 being the best team in NA (read: only good team in NA) did not exceed even the european community's expectations, even Finland parodia players were coaching united5 online in the run up to quakecon because they wanted u96d/check6 to lose. nobody is denying they were good. nobody.
b) 5-3 score, nothing like overblowing an extremely close match. it was one of my favourite games of the entire event and you're acting like it was a total stomp lol.
u5 held idle first phase for the first 15 minutes of oasis it was a stomp. Rewatch the match, the score makes it closer than it really was
using one round (out of 8) as proof of a point isn't a very intelligent move, but yeah I've seen the match and disagree completely. that's exactly the proof that it was a close match. if it were a stomp the score would've been 4-0, yet it wasn't.
Wowow holding Oasis first stage is so difficult. Not.
as a few said above: visual is comprised of the most active players in the scene, even in the months before the LAN was announced. considering most of the other teams only started practicing in the last month or so, I'm not surprised they managed to beat a bunch of mummies. :P it's good dedication from them, they prepared exactly how sick6/tmoe/germans should have practiced if they really wanted to win.

this doesn't really apply to rockit since they've just been the best group of players for many years now. I doubt any amount of inactivity could get between their cohesion as a team. (EDIT:) and I think most of the players in the team are able to return to their "prime" skill level quite fast, have always noticed that.
I thought germans pracced everyday? (stray journals)

yeah you're right, I guess I haven't paid as much attention as I though I had. :D wp to visual
Thnx very much! PS: believe me, making them good 6o6 players was the worst job ever!
They deserved it if you specced their games :) you can say they were lucky but truth is they played well and are not complete delivery-only nerds as we could think online. They are cool guyz #nohomo #lampiemvp
I started liking insane couple of weeks before his bust, and now I like him even more :S




gratulacje robert za rozpetanie gunwoburzy
dziękuję bardzo
gg lampje =)
this game died long time ago :D
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