new phone!

I need a new smartphone and have no idea what to get. everyone I ask just seems to tell me to get the same one as they have, so show me what you have :)

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OnePlus One. Best smartphone I've ever owned. Really cheap and great specs (runs Cyanogen Mod, which is closest to Stock Android). It is relatively big however, so if you don't like big phones, you won't like it. Just check some reviews on websites. I can definitely recommend it over all those overpriced Sony/Samsung/iPhone bullshit phones (I mean, come on, who wants a phone full of bloat ware (Samsung) or pay nearly £1000 (Apple)). To me, it's the phone with the best balance between price and prestation. Also, OnePlus had announced they're working on the next model, so if you are interested, you might want to hold on for the next model, or get the older one cheaper. Phone can only be bought via invitation or on special days, but if you are interested, I have 2 invitations to give away.
Yeah i heard that one is a good smartphone ;) good battery, less expensive then all the othet samsungs/apples. So more quality for less money xd (just from hearing and reading).

I've a cheap one. Samsung galaxy s4 mini. im happy about that one but i'm not somebody that needs a 600 euros smartphone.. waste of money imo
also got s4 mini, it's not "cheap" imo, it's a mid-range phone. I picked it because i don't like huge smartphones.. 4.2" is enough for me
Yeah its not 'cheap' indeed. But compared to the iPhone's and the larger samsungs... :D you can do everything with it, so its a cheap one compared with iphone or the larger one imo :p I don't like huge smartphones too, and i heard it was a good one, so i took this :D Never had problems with this one ^^
any idea how long until the next model is coming out? :)

I checked it out and it does look rather huge, but I could probably get used to it.
The phone does take two hands to handle, which takes some getting used to. But then again, I love the size of the screen.

According to PCAdvisor the next model should be released June/July this year, but I think there are just rumors.
Xperia z3
LG g3s, battery lasts like 3 days, it's fast, got 2 cameras and one is a selfie camera like which you can took great photos of your own face when you wake up having hangover with some ugly chick from last nite, you take a friendsie with her while she sleeps and then you run away :S

on a serious note: that's pretty much really good phone, defeats sony xperia's all the way except on the water thingy
Motorola Moto X 2014. pure Lollipop, Qualcomm 2,5, 2gb ram, 5" amoled. for like 300/400 euros
Nexus 5 for sure. No better phone atm than the Nexus 5.
I think you mean Nexus 6?
Lol, they suck
Nokia 5100 is the best one atm, I got it. Price is around 10e and phone works. I'm lolling at these 300e phones, roflmao.
such strong finnish commitment
z3 or z3 compact: great battery life, µsdcard slot and pretty robust. But mostly for the battery life.
iPhone is the best, the rest are for poor plebs lol.
iPhone is for ppl who cant use phones good :D
Any other phone is for nerds who spent shit tons of hours customizing their theme/widgets whatever xd
nahh, did you ever use windows phone?
No, iPhone master race!
iPhone the only real phone there is :Z
Blackberry has by far the best OS there is at the moment.
OnePlus One or nexus 5.
i hate the "budget" samsung series which they hype so much and eventually its worth crap.. owned like 2 of the 300€ phones and after 6 months they all crashed/died, if you wanna get a decent one u have to cough up like 5/600€ and for that amount u get a damn iphone (recently bought a 2nd hand iphone btw for 250€, 6m later its still as day 1.....). i know its paying for the name, but heck they bring decent technology (bought a macbook pro recently also for graphical work xd)
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