Some lan things...

Hi guys,

Actually i don't really know where to start it, i really had a great time beeing there, to meet all those players who i've never met before and see those again i've already met.

First of all i would like to thank all those admins and players who organised this event especially Netherlands timbolina and Netherlands Sebhes. I need to say thank you twice to Netherlands Sebhes, cause he was the guy who helped me and Hungary Sebi to find a place to sleep on thursday. (even Poland Bloodje had a place there to sleep on the couch, so thank you in the name of Poland Bloodje too).

Greetings and a huge thank you goes to Germany eujen, who picked us up in Germany Dortmund and spent a whole day with us, same thing on the back way, he just stayed longer only for us to drive us back to the airport in the middle of the night. I hope once i can give it to you back, so anytime if you coming to Hungary Hungary just message me :)

I need to say thank you to Netherlands aphesia inviting me to the BBQ with the Europe TAG guys, i spent a whole night with them and i really enjoyed it. <3 It was so great meeting to Netherlands aphesia knowing each other for more then 10 years but unfortunately this was the first time we've met.

Of course i need to thank to my teammates Netherlands Testi Netherlands jesse Netherlands ratte about everything really. Netherlands Testi who helped us in anything we asked for something, Netherlands jesse and Netherlands ratte for driving us all the fucking time back and over again and agian. And of course Poland Bloodje that he surrvived friday night. (i was actually about to call the Ambulance :D he looked really really bad)

And sure i got here Netherlands Ronner who changed his and his whole team mind to play supply instead adlernest :)

dont know what to say more too much things happend to write everything down. I just really loved it, thats all :)

was really really nice to see some players again:

Germany Fireball
Malta toxic
Finland iron
Finland twidi
Finland Mathias
Poland dialer

and for the first time:

Netherlands Efax
Netherlands aphesia
Germany Tites
United Kingdom razz

i know i missed so much names and sorry for that, i will add some later ;) too tired to write everything down.


Hungary Fobje

Was fun bro! Hope you had a nice trip home!
ye it was oke :D in my bed already, you have no idea how i missed it :D
yep I understand. I woke up several hours ago too. We all need to have a rest now. See you next year!
Ye man next year ;)
and im still sitting on a train :(
mindkét kocsim elpárolgott!!
nekem úgy tudom hogy a bázisom is elpárolgott :(
cu @ next year !!

edit: Was nice to meet you to !
nice meeting you aswel fobje
I didn't know you were persent . kApot said it to me you're playing in front of me,
anyway it was nice to meeting you mate and all the others ofcourse
nice meeting you and sebi! you guys played really well at LAN
Fobje, it was great meeting you. Hope you enjoyed your night at our place. Was cool to sleep with you :$. I really do hope to see you next year m8!
Sure was cool to sleep with you too :D :D if there will be anything, i will be there ;)
Was great to meet you mate :)
was great meeting you too!
Nice to see you had fun bro, cu next time for sure! :D
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