Just another LAN journal

Lets recap a bit


After being stuck at wackeningen university for 8 hours me and Netherlandswoott set the course to Amsterdam to pickup NorwaySinche. Him arriving at 9 o clock in the evening we set our course to Enchede after him landing safely to the ground. We arrive to the LAN center same time as rest of our team, NetherlandsFreddy was picking up Finlandrsp & Finlandtintti & bonusFinlandMatias.

Next we go look inside the LAN center lead by LAN professional FinlandMatias. We find the rest of team Europesick6 and have some small talk stuff there. We spend couple of hours in wzzrd cafe drinking 1 or 2 beers and talk to the people there Estoniaidle.ee & Europesick6 &NetherlandsSebhes &NetherlandsTimbolina&FinlandSherclock. After that EuropeLANcats headed to secret base.


Friday was my epic 3v3 gaming day. I finally met my teammates BelgiumPlayer and NetherlandsvanQ couple of hours before our games. Our 1st game was versus EuropeQueens and I think it was our best performance in the LAN :D. . . Main reason for that might have been NetherlandsvanQ being still sober then. I must say here that BelgiumPlayer has the weirdest gaming position ever :D Anyway we dropped out in the quarters of semis to my lovely german rivals Germanykresti & Germanys1lent. We played that game a bit too good with minor mistakes but ggs.

After the games my EuropeLANcats had already left to the secret location leaving drunken Finlandtintti to me handle him back. I drive 1st time car in the Netherlands with sticks (I have automatic car) since my driving school. We managed to get safely to home by FinlandTintti instructing me how to drive :D!


We had our games settled for the morning and we were ready to pwn some NetherlandsesSes ass. Unfortunately we got rekt :( We didnt win any single map in our group stage eventough we were really close to win Radar vs Poland(More about this to come later on). After our groupstage games we had lot of spare time so we went to the city and ate some food over there. Later on we started to setup our gear for the consolation games with one goal in our minds, win a map! We played the most entertaining and funniest game vs EuropexD trickjump. Netherlandswoott got her configs mixed up 4/6 of the team had alcohol in their veins. Netherlandswoott going to selfkill NetherlandsSebhes on full :D! We lost both maps and even the 3rd map they wanted to play vs us so nice 6-0 gg.

For our last game vs EstoniaIdle.ee FinlandMatias told that he will buy drinks for the entire team if we leave Estoniaidle.ee last place in LAN. So we were extra hyped and motivated now to win something! Game didnt start so well for us losing Frostbite by GermanyUrtier uber strike. On Radar we played pretty well and the comms were crystal clear perfect: http://www.crossfire.nu/journals/153738/a-slight-miscommunication (teamspeak recordings to come at somepoint). Anyway we won Radar by uber trickjump skills(so fast that even ohurcool didnt catch that). (Finlandtoni was behind me and I kept watching him and telling him look at this toni im yoloing here behind and they just walk past). We also won the decider and earned some drinks from FinlandMatias!

Later on I got so wasted that I dont remember much from the happenings so better not write anything :)


On sunday no games so our team just hanged out outside with Europeerase & Estoniaidle.ee &EuropeTAG BBQ chef.

I would like to shouts all these ppl:

NetherlandsLANcats, Netherlandswoott<3 (Yes she is mine dont try to hit her!), Netherlandsfreddy, NorwaySinche, FinlandTintti & Finlandrsp!!!!!!!!!!
NetherlandsSebhes & NetherlandsTimbolina for making this LAN happen ( cu next year!)
Whole team of EuropeErase but especially Netherlands esSe for being so nice guy!
Estoniaidle.ee, EstoniaNait for giving some weird handshakes, SwedenJake Gyllenhaal (aka ferus) Germanydrago for believing my sniping skills and trying to get me too drunk before our game.
NetherlandsHellgast, too bad u had to leave so early m8!
Croatiaarma for buying me a beer
Germanys1lent & Germanykresti, was good games again guys!
GermanyRayzed for saving me in the bar!
FinlandMatias & Finland twidi & Finland toni & Finland Iron & Finland Tintti & Finland rsp & FinlandSalaneuvos & FinlandSherclock

& all the other ppl I met but cant just remember now!
<3 was a pleasure meeting you
gg swani
who the fuck would want to hit a girl?
swani having a poopoo was my best moment onlan (:
We'll catch up sooner or later Swani! <3
It was a pleasure to meet swanidius. Will never forget Saturday night !:D Cu next year to pwn u some more muaha
I wonder who all bought my drinks coz my card didnt work :D
yet u kept asking if u could pay with creditcard XD
:D still better than tipsas office
your voice and your face dont match at all
  • Croatiaarma for buying me a beer

Anytime bro, it was awesome meeting all of you and having fun and just doing stupid shit
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