ET Reborn LAN: Sebhes

My turn to write about my LAN experience. As you might know, this was my first LAN. Therefore, I have a lot to write. Sit down to read the entire experience.

The road to the LAN

The whole idea of organizing a LAN started in December 2014. I have always loved the game Enemy Territory and having the opportunity to host another ET LAN was simply too great to resist.

First, I contacted United States of America ohurcool and United Kingdom MerlinatoR to find out what their expectations were about organizing another ET LAN. They were sceptical that an ET LAN in 2015, 12 years after the release of the game, would workout. Nevertheless, they gave me good advice and supported me in my plan. I decided to get in touch with Netherlands timbolina and he was willing to help me.

Right after, the hardest part of the journey started. How to get enough teams interested in a LAN in 2015? Before contacting timbolina I had spoken to many ET players who all said they would surely attend if there would ever be another ET LAN. It did not come as a big surprise most of these promises were nothing more than fairy tailes. In order to get enough teams involved, I had to spend most of my time speaking to potential team captains who were capable of forming a team. From the beginning on, our goal was to get 10 - 12 6on6 teams and a same amount of teams for the 3on3. Happy to see we achieved our goal.

The next issue were the payments. Signing up for a LAN is one thing, paying is another. For us it was important to have those teams who payed in an early stage, to motivate other teams doing the same. That is why I would like to special thank Finland Catinahat, Poland Coffee time, Estonia and Germany KOMMRANLAN. Eventually we end up with 14 3on3 and 11 6on6 teams.

Many, many hours investing into the preparation lead us to the weekend itself. The ET Reborn LAN.

LAN Experience

ET Reborn LAN: Thursday

Thursday, 16th of April 2015, can be considered as the first day I met an ET player. United Kingdom shaman would land today at Rotterdam Airport around 15:15 CET. Due my wrong estimation of packing time it was my dad who had to pick him up from the airport. Great start haha. Me and Shaman started to drive around 16:30 to the legendary LAN center, the Wzzrd cafe. After much traffic we reached the LAN center at 20:00, where after we started to set up all the PCs and stuff. Special thanks to United Kingdom Shaman & Finland Sherclock for helping us setting up.

We faced some problems like the electricity which did not seem to work and some extensions which failed to work as well. After much improvisation we succeeded in setting everything up around 02:00.

At the cafe itself, we met Hungary sebi & Hungary Fobje. Two great guys who had no place to sleep. Luckily enough Netherlands 7ele and Switzerland v4ux13 arrived one day later, so we could offer them a place at our place in Boekelo. Poland BloOdje joined us as well and slept on the lovely couch.

I am used to a sleeping pattern which is different than the average person and explains why I had only 2 hours of sleep that day...

ET Reborn LAN: Friday

Friday , 17th of April 2015, was the day of the 3on3 tournament. I got out of my bed at 07:00 am to prepare myself for the day. We had only 1 car and end up with 7 people in one car. I have learned that it is not easy to drive with two people in the front seat :D

7 teams started their set up at 09:00 for the matches which started at 10:00. I had to play myself in group A. It was hard setting up and getting a decent warm up if you have to help out others guys at the same moment. We kicked of versus Hungary 8bits. Netherlands Testti had to instantly waste the 2 pauses because he had problems with his config. We had a great start and won our first game. Many games later and no big problems further, we finished the first part of the day: group A.

Group B and the play offs went quiet successful and according to plan. The only delay we had that day was from the set up of group A and from Finland Matias who had to test out 5000 different screens for his config haha. I think Friday was a successful day with Germany credibilies as winners of the 3on3 tournament.

ET Reborn LAN: Saturday

Saturday, 18th of April 2015, I had 4 hours of sleep. Full of energy, I went to the cafe to help people answering their questions and fixing problems with peoples PCs. Again, the only delay of this day came from the set up of group A (and from Finland Matias of course :D).

I had to play myself as well in the 6on6 tournament. As smart as I am I abused my admin powers to put myself in the 6on6 group with both LAN finalists :x. We end up in the consolation tournament playing the most fun game of the tournament versus Finland Catinahat. Right after this match we had vodka shots with the cats. Real sportsmanship.

Saturday night was the best night. I end up with Germany Team Rockit and Finland Catinahat as last teams in the cafe. Had a great time talking with them and especially with Finland Swanidius. Thanks to Norway Sinche for drinking all the vodka of the cafe.

Eventually me and Germany Rayzed where the last man standings and headed home around 05:00-06:00 am. Where I could enjoy another night with 1 or 2 hours of sleep. *zZzzZz*

ET Reborn LAN: Sunday

Sunday, 19th of April 2015, the last day of the ET Reborn LAN. The day where Netherlands team - visual surprised the whole ET scene by achieving the second place. Also the day where Europe upsetted by dropping out of the tournament. Probably cause of the hangover from Netherlands vanQ and Netherlands esSe, gege boys.

We did not face any huge problems this day. The probably biggest problem was I could not understand Netherlands vanQ in the end anymore, because he was too drunk :D. No big delays this day (Finland Matias did not cause any major problems :P). It was Germany Team Rockit who won the 6on6 tournament and went home with the 1050 euros.

Me, United Kingdom Shaman, Croatia armaa, Netherlands Jt and Netherlands girlfriend of JT helped building everything off. We headed home around 01:00.

ET Reborn LAN: Monday

Monday, 20th of April 2015, the day after. As tired as I was me and Shaman went to the gym the day after. Probably the worst gym session I have ever had, but oh well it was caused by a good reason! My ET experience was over the moment my boy left to his plane at 16:00.

What is next? Nationcup? Summercup? ET Reborn LAN 2?

Receiving this many positive reactions of the LAN, motivated me to do more for the ET scene. In order to not let the ET activity drop, me and United States of America Foreigner will announce plans to host a 6on6 Nationcup later this week.
Me and Belgium ChilAx. have also been speaking about plans for organizing a Summercup later this year. This tournament will mostlikely find place after CG3.

ET Reborn LAN 2

A question many people would like to know: Will there ever be another ET LAN? The answer is yes! Many people have asked us if there are plans for another LAN. We always had the intention to give a sequal to the Reborn series if this first edition would be a success. Therefore, we will try to host another LAN next year. A lot can happen to the ET scene in one year. I got good confidence another LAN is in our hands tho. We don't want to organize a LAN to soon after this one, because this might not be attractive enough to teams who are coming from far away.

Plans for a next LAN will be announced somewhere October/November.

I had my best ET experience ever! It was a pleasure to meet all of you.I would like to thank all of you who made the LAN possible. Cheers to everybody who read the entire story. Leave a message if you have managed to read the entire story! I see you next year!

P.S. I will also write a journal where I will give shout outs to everybody who I have met.
Nice! just need to get them all from 2.55 to 2.6b!!
would be an amazing experience
Yep, they dont know that etpro exsist^^ :D

btw: add 2v2 tournament too^^ and some new maps for 3v3 / 6v6
2on2 can be considered. Would have to check the interest for that format by then.
New maps is always an option. It should not be at the expense of common maps. Also the map pool should not be too big for teams to prac
niceone sebhes !
make sure u read everything kapot
Great stuff man! Looking forward to upcoming events :)
It was a pleasure to meet you man. Really awesome guy you are
:D cdc5 even bettar, was it worth dodging? xD
my boy sebass!
Goe gespeeld @ LAN ;)
Enemy Territory needed someone like you 8/9 years ago. Still, respect for the things you're doing.
Thank you very much. That is a nice compliment
ET did have a lot of help back then. :P ET needs Sebhes now, more than 8/9 years ago. definitively people with the mindset of Sebhes are crucial now.
Lekker gedaan gozer!
Nice read (not sarcastic).

1) Singning up for summercup.
2) I would go definitely to LAN 2 now :)
3) I'm so sad I didn't go. Eventhough it would just be for watching/helping :'(
Make sure you stay the whole weekend next time!
Eh man, I didn't go :(
Volgende keer heel het weekend aanwezig zijn bedoel ik. Met een team aanwezig zijn! Veel support van u gekregen, volgende keer ontkom je er niet meer aan
I think you deserve a medal for this LAN. Streaming, ETTV, ... online coverage was great for us who couldn't arrive. I've really enjoyed it from watching streams so without hesitation ! GJ

I'm really glad that you are thinking about next LAN ;) I'll seek to find some Czech Republic guys for next lan.
teente & cpu at lan, once again for the last time? :P
I wish I could say yes.
Czech team incoming? ^_^
I am happy to hear that the online coverage was good for the people who could not go. Aiming on a bigger LAN next year. Would be nice to have you there. Thanks for the compliment CPU.
would be awesome if there would be a small rtcw sidetourney, i know it's probably not gonna happen, but hey i can dream right :)
Everything is possible as long as there is enough interest. Contact me in an early stage next time and we ll see what we can do.
Ye obviously without guys like you and timbo and others this game would be long dead. Hopefully the novelty of ET doesn't die and people continue to play so there are a few more lans at leat
I am sure this will not be the last one ET will have
Ja want heb een comment geplaatst jwz
Btw wanneer komen de team foto's en de interview?
Shaman gaat deze allemaal uploaden deze week hoop ik. Kunnen we die op CF/Facebook zetten. Vauxie heeft ook interviews die op de FB pagina komen. Heeft tijd nodig om te editen/renderen.
Yes is prima, zal het in de gaten houden. Dan kan hybrateks post ook geupload worden :D
Well done Sebhes. As long as here is that kind of activity, people will surely keep playing.

Keep up the good work!
thx jake I hope you are right
And I'll promise we will come to pick up the golden pocal on next year's 3on3 LAN tournament ! ;)
It is already promised to my team, you can have the one tho ^^
Didnt think that lan will actually happen but seems like you did an excellent job. I'll do my best to attend the next one :)
Would be awesome syriusz, looking forward to that.
sounds like a perfect plan for high5: Reborn team
jak wyjdzie tak jak ostatnio to juz szukam innego teamu xd
well done mate, it was nice to meet you as well. :)
Maybe the NC should be about selling teams similar to what they did in RTCW, so say 16 teams at €10 each, half the prizepool goes to the buyer of the winning team and the rest including separate donations goes to the team itself. Would make it more interesting for everyone concerned, esp people who cant get time to watch or play like myself. Gambling always makes it funner!
What could you give the person who buys a team? Not a teamname and also no involvement in creating the line-up. xD
You give them excitement and the chance to win money
I am not a fan of online competitions where prize money is involved. ET should be played for fun and not for money.
Agreed, but its probably one of the only ways to entice old players back
it was nice meeting you and thanks for everything you (and especially timbo and all the others) did for us to make that LAN happen!
I hope you enjoyed your birthday during LAN
well done - good job - thx
i should be there ;(
you did not find yourself a sponsor did you :P
it is 2015, no one likes me anymore ;x
<3 you, good luck for the next one, and i will be there ;)
it is awesome to hear that people who did not attend did LAN are willing to come to a possible next one. join sebi and fobje and it should be all good!
this is fobje..
Well done Sebhes ;) and goodluck with the upcoming events!
thanks constan <3
Where the fuck are timbolina's feet pictures?
where were you hing?!
snuggling with leku in bed
Only my butthole was photographed
looking forward to meet you once again boiii
good job m8
Nice read, congratulations on your achievement.
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