ET Reborn LAN: MVP(s)

Pick your MVP(s)!

3on3 Tournament: click
6on6 Tournament: click

6on6 games stats: STATS
real MVP is Freddy
Finland Tintti on kylla!
miten meni lanit sinun kohdallasi näin yleensä ottaen kaikilla osa-alueilla
nii mite meni niiku omasta mielestä
Still waiting for most drunk person on lan award
l4mpje for MVP
What is the point of only being able to vote on the first placed teams? When a team wins a tournament it doesn't mean they have the tournaments MVP in their team imo?
it was the most straight forward way of doing it - if it was done by a selection I would only be whined at who I didn't pick - it's pretty obvious the criteria I used here :) also this way we will have a bit of a better vote imo, teams would just vote for team mates / friends for friends / flags for flags. I think we will have more chance of a realistic outcome this way.
ah ok, no offence this time. Just wondering what reasons you had :)
Surely admins could have sat down for half an hour and agreed on a top 10-15 of selections they could have chosen. I agree picking a player from the winning team isn't even close to accurate. Rockit are an awesome TEAM, although there are players that seem to stand out as individuals better than each of them imo.
just checking, they out stat'd everyone on a per game and per map bases by the look of things while only dropping a map the cup (some probably got more overall stats but they played 3 group games & more playoff matchs - someone from Komrann probably has the highest overall total stats).

MVP means Most Valuable Player which can be fairly easily determined by numbers alone. If the LAN admins do some awards for different categories will have a mix of players I am sure.

a lot of people saying lampje so just to nip this in the bud :)
That's partly my point, "Most Valuable Player", yet you include an entire team of players and give no chance to any player on another team. That isn't how MVP works mate!

Lampje may have well been a more important player than koop, especially considering he was coming from an underdog team. I would say he did more for his team than koop did for Rockit. We all know koop is an exceptional rifle, but he has the backup of the best team currently in the world and so the job is easier for him.
well I guess it depends how you look at it - koop outperformed while having the 'backup of the best team currently in the world' potentially there to take frags and such as well. I would say it's harder to shine surrounded by stars - and this even being said, koop doesn't even have a high % of the vote so... :)
I think you're missing the point. I can think of several players that should be in this vote, in fact they could even easily replace certain Rockit players from the vote.

Oh well, who cares right? ;)
haha indeed :) it's all for some fun but lets get some knickers in a twist :p

If they do a Most Important Players of a team list that could be interesting, especially for teams like Komrann and TMOE who seemed to be playing very well as a team - quite like rockit I guess, just not the same sort of standard.
koop was for sure the best rifle. l4mpje played a lot of games 4-2 and played one more in total. we always played 4-0 except for one game :)
Also I reckon the votes are biased anyway, meaning people will more or less vote for their favourite Rockit player (looks to be the case already!)
if you check the stats link it was quite even but sqzz seems to have just edged it there. In the UB Final and Grand Final he seemed to be dominating particularly on goldrush (did help he was the first line of defence on side @ grush so got all the action first).

in the 3on3 I couldn't get the stats due to game delays and gtv stats messing up - but all 3 played well throughout not losing a single match afaik. most will have seen UB Final and Grand Final where kReSti did pretty good, amazing in fact in the Grand Final I guess.
Unfortunately, your streams are often biased in a sense that you tend to mostly spec just one player. This is something which was noticed by our entire team. Let's be honest, kReSti is an amazing player and maybe even deseves that mvp award, but thats not my point. What I try to say is that you mostly just focus on him, while missing many other scenes of other players who did perform an important action. This is something which I and others have already noticed several months ago. I think this decreases the quality of your streams. Besides, we all know how much you like kReSti. But that shouldnt be the reason for you to follow him 24/7. Take is as feedback ;)

Dont get me wrong, you did an awesome job nonetheless by streaming for endless hours
Agreed and it was with every team and thats why much actions were missed, to bad.
I understand your point, but in defense of merlinator i have to say it's hard to predict where something amazing will happen, so he of course specs the player(s) who have the most chances to do something amazing.
indeed, there are upto 12players and some games last <10mins, if a player is playing a position that does not get much action they will not be seen as much - if you play radar for instance on main spawn I am likely to spec you on defence a bit more due to this - or the fop at west as he has a huge overview. Most people commenting sadly haven't really got any knowledge of casting :(
And just so you realise streaming is not as easy as most people think :) controlling the cam is hard enough and is pretty much a full focus'd job as I have done this for RTCW WolfTV (someone had to cam this) when you add actually speaking about the action into that a lot is actually missed - as a caster you give yourself the best chance of seeing such action - this is normal.

Happy to see others stream some time and I will easily rip that apart ;) most comments and input are coming from a quite self centered position rather than actually thinking about the entire situation ;)
team visual in 3o3 won every game, every map within 7 minutes more or less. except for queens and the final. But you would have known if you shoutcasted a bit more than 1.5 games
Yup I already knew you guys lost 2 and won the rest - I specced 2 of yours games so I guess that is more than 1.5. The crying about how hard done by you have been is really childish though ;d
im not crying relax. i appreciate what you have done for the lan to shoutcast.
LampGee for sure.
Dunno about mvp but ppl that really stood out i think were [fi] Matias and [nl] 7ele when we played and [nl] l4mpje while speccing the last 2/3 matches
Why viSual is never mentioned :((
Just take the NC captain role and they can't ignore you anymore

image: tjodgj
Some people should back off a bit. Merl1nator did a great job with regard to the LAN. Some of you are giving too much critique now. He is free to shout cast on the way he want. Feedback is appreciated but make it sound like feedback, rather than sounding pessimistic.

Regarding the poll, I think it is good to have a MVP from the winning team. I found other people playing good as well (sqzz 3on3, L4mpje 6on6) but eventually picking a MVP based on the winning team is legit.

Show some more respect lads.
MVP should always be from the team that wins how else can you be MVP if you dont even win but you could make some other polls so everyone is happy

best rifle
best medic
best engi
best aimer
would be too disapointing for you mate ; )))))))
hahaa nice dyna plants on supply bro :D
makes me mvpworthy, doesn't it? :)
Messi MVP @ WC 2014, great example of non-deserving MVP from non-winning team.

Considering what Merl done for the LAN in terms of shoutcasting was insane, he really fucking stepped up.
Instead of criticism they should be thanking him.
There would be nothing to watch at LAN if it wasnt for him pretty much :D

But agreed with what Chry said, yes some players played really well in their respected teams and should get recognition but doesn't mean they should win MVP for the whole LAN. They could win 2nd place MVP for their class etc.
stfu m8 u know nothin
nice landodge faggot
Did you do any flaming sambucas?
No ;[

I got too drunk Thursday night and spent all day Friday throwing up every 10 minutes ;[
It was not like you were laying on the table all day with your hoodie on :d
Man it was so bad :(
Good job I didn't enter the 3on3 tournament, I literally wasn't able to play haha
That might have also been the main reason why you decided to get absolutely wasted :D.
That's too bad because they are fucking great. Stil got a video of Goku and you doing one somewhere. Btw what was the name of that awesome guy that came up with them?
Parent , I can't remember the name of that awesome guy that made them, help me out here Goku.
omggg hahaha I don't even remember the existence of this video
I totally agree that Merl1nator did an amazing job by shoutcasting almost every single game! Some people just gave him some feedback at the way he shoutcasts. And as you know there are always flamers around for everything ;)
You keep surprising me. Well spoken. Without MerlinatoR we wouldn't get as much attention as we do now.
Thanks, appreciated :) I received a lot more positivity and happy to battle it out a bit with people - some teams and players take themselves very seriously though. :P
belka clear mvp:shit online, rolling on lan
>following only one player at a time instead of all six/twelve players simultaneously
>not v56ing after every headshot and kill
>assuming the team(s) who won the tournament(s) had the best players
>not going back and watching every game before making a MVP poll

dat sarcasme tho
>not streaming every lottonest played by team visual
Yes so much lotto if you set a decent time every time. U are just a big joke LOL
a ty kurwa co
trolluje nerdy a kurwa co

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