Sinche's tale of magnificent journey across the sea

Alright boys and girls, i take this time to talk about my experiences at this wonderful lan. Getting money to come to a LAN far away from my home was hard deal , but littlebit of working (mostly begging for money from parents :D) made it easily possible. ^^

----- Thursday ----
first of all, traveling sucks... that said, when i survived my car / train trips and got to airport, my seating on the plane got fucked and in the end i got to sit in business class. (yay?)Got to Amsterdam, promptly got lost in airport, and generally just walked towards the direction everybody else was walking. Eventually i found Netherlands Woott and FinlandSwanidius at the airport and then off we went to Wzzrd to meet the rest of the LANcat and special guest FinlandMatias in Netherlands Freddy's car. Eventually LANcat fell back from the cafe to retire at our secret base, which was so secret that i can't even spell the name of that place.

---- Friday ----
Generally boring day, ain't that social you know, slept long at our secret base as only 3/6 cats can play for our and FinlandSwanidius played for Erase...
Met Finlandtwidi, who is a awsome dude and gave me some tips how to setup pc (made it possible for me to easily setup my pc the day after in 5 min).
And because LANcats sometimes act like real cats do, we left very sober Finland Tintti / smak with Swanidius and forced him to drive Netherlandswoott's car back to the secret base.

---- Saturday ----
Best day of the LAN, i think.
Day started with me hyped up about raping ERASE with no lubricant. But as it happened( i won't bother writing reasons here as it would take me 30min) it never happened :( ... well i blame that they blocked absolutely any chance i had to watch their screens, even windows reflections were dealt with leaving me no choice than to just play fair.
Germany KOMMARLAN or whatever was next, these tryharders man, they just rolled us like we were a fly in a train's path or something.
Third game in our groups was against Poland Tmoe , i think we could have won atleast a map vs them, only if we actually had comms that were understandable (not random yoloing and other stuff ^^) but shit happened.
nevertheless, we went on to have a great time in the evening

---- Saturday Night special featuring LANcat, XD trickjump and legendary ----
---- The consolation ----

Ladies and Gentlemen, these games, are probably the most funniest set of ET games ever played on LAN.
From Smak unable to inform us where parts we're or he simply didn't care, to me being unable to even see the crosshair for most of the game vs idle or to thinking that i fucked up hard and suddenly get 4man strike. or to just run into most random strike on the last stage of Frostbite ever made. Or that i might have been responsible for the drinking most of the vodka supply Wzzrd had... Atleast Freddy, i think had the great idea to record all our comms during consolation, and thus we can make epic videos of our failure(s).

---- Sunday / Monday ----
Sunday was quite random, came to watch games, chill and generally just spend time with random people whose name i still nor probably will never know :D , traveling back was boring, plane rides suck, getting searched for the 3rd time in Oslo airport in 4 days time was even more annoying, and to travel home waaaaaaaay to long, finally making it slightly before 12 in the night.. we still have snow up here :(

---- Ending words ----
Probably the most fun LAN i've ever been to, best teammates to ever have (even if we didn't get any pokals), and people being epicly funny while drunk...

---- Shoutouts ----

To everybody who either came to watch or play, im not that great with names, but ill give individual Shoutouts to people i spent quite a lot of time with.

NetherlandsSebhes : for making LAN happen, and bringing faith in ET back to us all. and for being drunkily with us as one of the last people on Saturday. Great guy to chill with. 10/10 would drink again.

NetherlandsTimbolina : for making this Lan happen, i didn't really talk to you so i can only say big hugs and cheers for Lan.

FinlandTwidi : For being able to play like boss while having 10 people 1m away from him speccing, and drinking like a bawz. And for giving great tips / ideas for getting ET to run 125fps stable.

FinlandMatias : for your crucial help in giving tips to FinlandRSP and FinlandSmak(which they and us totally forgot) , to promising us drinks for winning vs idle(how many shots did you buy me?), beast of a LAN professional.

Rayzed : for making all dem pictures, even if we look like retards on our team picture.

XD trickjump : for playing against us in the consolation tournament, and making me realize that i wasn't drunk enough to play vs idle. beast of fun opponent to play against. : for being the last place team, team of legends + ronner, who repeatedly tried to get me drunk pre-game vs idle (successfully i might add), and making the one of the longest, most funniest and retarded set of a bo3 that ET has ever seen.

Estonia Night : for making me realize that my estonian sucks balls (i knew it was bad but not THAT bad), having crazy long handshakes with our bro Swanidius, and being the last person out of wzzrd's on saturday(sebhes lieing, this guy tried to get back in quite hardcore way).

Netherlands Ronner : being a beast of a old man, playing with us kids, getting drunk as fuck, and trying to steal my smokes.( well you asked for them but still..)

Spesial shoutouts and thank yous. (ofc reserved for mah teammates)

EuropeLANcats : for making the least experienced team member ingame leader, the logic behind this i don't, and will not understand. And for accepting me to play with you guys on lan, as frankly i was quite shit in ET and still i am bad.

FinlandSwanidius : For being that strange guy who gets drunk and proceeds to do random things, and then tryharding in games, and being great mofo while hes awake, ( not when your super drunk, very hard to transport). would say muh love, but i know certain somebody who will make my life a living hell. so, mah bro.

Finland Tintti / Smak : for being the most handsome fintard alive ( after tOMBA?), general idgaf attidude, and making friends with absolutely everybody. much love no homo.

Finland RSP / raspberry : Being the strange guy with fabulously long hair but not really liking heavy metal to the max, to slightly strange, and being the only guy who dared to sit behind the same table as me, much love ( no homo).

Netherlands Freddy : for being here and getting me to airport on Monday, staying sober entire LAN! so that fintards and i can drink and showing us around the Netherlands itself. much love ( ofc no homo)

Netherlands Woott : for being the best person to live in same house with, making us breakfest in morning :3 , and also staying sober so that fintards and i can drink i peace without thinking about how the fuck do we get back to our secret base. would say much love but certain Swani. would be quite jealous, so much hugs :3
Thanks a lot for joining the LAN. Was really awesome seeing faces that belong to the nicknames of players. See you next year!
Nice that you came to the LAN :D
It was really nice meeting you Sinche. I have enjoyed our game 'xD vs Catinahat a lot. Will do more shots next year, now we have something to look forward to
Wish we had someone in the in the hotel who would make breakfast for us in the morning.. All we had was a breakfast cookie (which was awful) and box of oats which werent something without milk..
I forgot about the box of oats haha
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