ET Reborn LAN: My shout outs

Get ready for the biggest shout out journal in the history of crossfire. After ET Reborn LAN: Sebhes I wanted to make another journal for individual shout outs. During the LAN I have met many people. In this journal I will give shout outs to all people who I met. Excuse me in case I forgot your name. It is a long read, just read the ones u find interesting. I have only now realized how many people I have actually met.

Netherlands 7ele : The person I have met years and years ago in 2.55. Meeting him after all these years was a personal achievement. I would like to thank him for helping the upcoming Reborn movie and also for the editing work he did for some interviews.

Poland Abj : Had some small conversations before the LAN with this guy. At the LAN itself I really got to know how nice he is in real. Spoke to him about his ban and I think he has played just as he did in online games. One of the more nicer Polish persons I met. Great to see this guy laughing in the 3on3 match versus Talented when tMoe lost the obj just before securing it at et_ice.

Croatia armaa : Great guy, know him for more than 8 years. The first time I met you was between a 3on3 matches versus credibilies. All of a sudden I saw you standing in front of me and I was completely surprised. I will never forget how drunk u were during the consolation tournament. Making us wait for half an hour or more and when we finally started u insta paused to run to the toilet. Great how u fell into a river on our way back home.

Germany Ava : Had his birthday on the Friday of the LAN. Was amazing to meet you, but I already knew you were cool because u always stalk me on whatsapp.

Poland BloOdje : Respect for this guy who was drunk 24/7. If there was a LAN award for best drinker he would win it by far. Was nice to have you at the LAN, even tho you experienced some problems at first.

Netherlands Bubb9e : My boy from the streets. Did not expect him to show up, but he did. Two days in a row. True legend with his balenciaga shoes. I hope you will play next year instead of speccing only.

Belgium Buzzer : Enjoyed the last very much. Could not speak much to you unfortunately but it was great to hear you have enjoyed the LAN.

Belgium ChilAx : Even tho he could not come to the LAN center itself, he helped us a lot with posting the group stages and play offs on crossfire. Updating the group scores avoided us a lot of work. Thank you very much for your work.

Netherlands Chromic : Three cool guys who only had the opportunity to play the first day. Did surprisingly good and better than expected. Next year I won't allow a short stay like this!

Poland Coffee time : I warn you! Team who I had a great time with. Both on as offline. Too bad you guys were not there on Sunday? Not sure tho, but would have been nice to say good bye to you. See you online!

Belgium chry : This handsome guy is a true internet hero. Attacking me on IRC during the last seeding tournament, but being one of the nicest guys I met in the cafe. Was cool to meet you.

Germany credibilis : Three true winners. s1LENT is just as nice as I expected him to be. kReSti is the gangster of the group but has great manours. FiREBALL is the Casanova of the group.

United Kingdom crumbs : Probably the guy who helped each single person out personally. Many personal issues were solved by him. Next year we will hire him as technical professional, rather than as a player.

Poland dialer : Booked this guy a place for tMoe in Boekelo. I loved his determination during matches. He is a true winner and when things do not go like he want you can expect a lot of "Kurwa kurwa". Outside the matches he is just one of a kind and just as nice as the others from his team.

Netherlands DelTorro : My cousin <3. Awesome that he popped by at the LAN itself. Not playing ET for years anymore and trolling people like they should know him for some reason. Thanks for showing 2 days.

Wales deryyn : Sweet and lovely as always. It was great meeting deryyn. Dancing and happy as always. Much alcohol has been consumed. It was a pleasure to meet you.

Netherlands Efax : drug addict Efax was also represented. Did not sleep the first night but still had the most energy of all of us the next day. No idea how he does it.

Netherlands esSe : The beast from the Netherlands. Will always be remembered as the guy who challenged me to play football versus him, but forgot to bring a ball with him. He told me he forgot it on purpose so he got an extra year to train. Besides that, he is a really nice guy who you can have a laugh with and is just like I expected him to be.

Germany eujen : I fell in love with this guy before the LAN. He is also a true winner and does not like losing. Making tactics for erAse in the middle of the night. #dedication

Hungary Fobje : Guy who slept in the same room as me during the first night. A true LAN veteran. Props that you came from hungry to attend this LAN.

Netherlands FreddyB : Most responsible guy of the LAN. Staying till the very end of each night to drive home the cat in a hat guys. Not drinking but still someone you can laugh with.

Netherlands GiZmOo : The student of the LAN. Had good conversations with him. Should be a bit less active as student and play some more ET. Also thank you very much for switching PC so easily when I asked you to. Merci beaucoup.

Netherlands hybrAtek : Got much angryness of outlAw during the preparation of the LAN. Also muted his whole team at one point during the LAN. Played a good tournament and the moment how he outbrained R0SS at adlernest in the finals will be always remembered.

Netherlands IA - Gaming : Great team who helped us with packing in all PCs and Monitors. Also the team who invented the Reborn logo. Thank you very much for all the help. It is much appreciated.

Estonia : Nice team who I have spoken several times to. Happy that old veterans as them wanted to come to the LAN. Night was absolutely smashed Saturday night, but it was all worth it.

Netherlands iNsAne : Many people expected this guy to skill drop during LAN. I am happy this did not happen and he had the opportunity to proof himself. Besides that he got a really nice attitude. Well done iNsAne.

Netherlands jeewee : Love this guy <3. You only came one day, which is too sad. We got a timeless picture which we will never forget. You sure had a great day at the LAN haha

Netherlands jesse : A very chill and cool guy. Will help us out with the PCs next time. Specced a lot and had good talkings with you mate.

Netherlands kApot : kApot was just like I expected him to be. Nice attitude and a funny guy. Make sure next year you have a team brother.

Germany KOMMRANLAN : Germans were loud as always. Playing with their heart which I love. Being serious players and caring about their tactics a lot. Caught them discussing once on the parking lane about how they lost their match. Admiring their dedication.

United Kingdom koop : He and I go way back. It must have been somewhere in 2006 I met him on 2.55. One of the most chillest guys I met during the LAN. Thanks for buying me a drink <3.

Netherlands L4mpje : Had a great sense of humor Played with him during 2008 - 2010 where after he put a knife in my back and left. Was cool to hear

Poland Lockheed : haha. We all know Lockheed as one of the biggest trolls on internet. I already know he was not always like this and could also be really nice. Meeting him was a great and he is such a nice person in real. See you next year again m8.

Finland Matias : He was the guy sitting next to me in group A for the seeding tournament (screen watcher comfirmed :D). I have to say this guy is also really really nice to meet. But he also caused the most problems for delay. Had some good talks with you. See you next year.

United Kingdom Merl1nator : The great streamer of the LAN. Streaming more than 12 hours a day should deserve an award . Thanks to merli people who stayed home had great coverage of all the games. Also a big thank you for helping us out with the schedule. Your work has been greatly appreciated.

Netherlands Nitro : Most handsome guy of the LAN. My best ET buddy for many years. Even tho he does not play ET anymore he came to the LAN to meet 'xD. After all those years you dodged to meet me we finally met. See you soon again.

Netherlands outlAw : The beast from the Netherlands. The guy who decided to throw beer over the computers hahaha. Apologizing for his mistake so best friends, no problemo. Played an excellent tournament and gratz with your second place.

Belgium PlAyer : Cause some small delays. As a person really nice and also someone who wanted to take the games serious. Kept asking esSe and vanQ to leave to have some hours sleep for next days gaming.

Germany Rayzed, thank you for all your work with pictures and interviews. It was really nice to have you there and you were the last man standing, the person who was multiple times the last person in the cafe.

Scotland razz : A true winner! Motivates his team 24 / 7 with his motivational screamings "C'monnn boyssss!". It is unbelievable how someone can be so good while stoned the whole day. Will never forget the 1 kill on adlernest tho haha.

Netherlands ratte : Also a nice guy to meet. Hopefully you will be able to attend future LAN events aswell.

Netherlands rezta : Nice to meet the person who is sponsoring our server and teamspeak. Too bad I could not talk with you more often because of the games I had to play. Make sure you stay the entire weekend next time.

United Kingdom R0SS : With razz the in game leaders of Team Rockit. Was wearing a tank top the first two days to show off the great transformation he went through. One of the smartest players of the LAN.

Finland Rsp : Showed me some of his sniper skills back in the days. Incredible to see. Thanks for the good talks we had together with the other cats. Was really nice.

Finland Salanevous : Also known as Lithium for me. I met this guy back in 2.55. It was a honor to meet you. Too bad I could not speak much with you. Hopefully next year.

Hungary sebi : Thought I was some old aged guy of 30+ years. I have always been thank full for helping me out 5 years ago when I was in need of a player. Just like Fobje props for coming all out of hungry to NL. Hope you enjoyed borrowing my headset and make sure you do not forget it next time haha. timbolina was thankful you kept him awake the first night with your snoring. "It was like a machine gun next to me".

United Kingdom Shaman : I felt most honored to meet this guy. My biggest rival over the years 2006 - 2013. Since 2014 in one team. He already knows how cool it was to meet him. He made more than 100 pictures and movies of the LAN which will be uploaded later.

Finland Sherclock : The guy who is always mad on teamspeak but is the opposite in real. It was nice to see the guy behind the guy I have been playing with for 6 years. Stole my bed room in the beginning of the LAN tho and gave me some shit nights :P. tyvm

Europe SICK6 : Were disappointed with their final ranking. Nevertheless, it was amazing to have LAN veterans at this tournament. Happy that toxic is a man of his word.

Norway Sinche : Man man man, professional alcohol drinker this guy is. I loved the shots we had and hopefully many more will follow ;).

Wales sqzz : The guy who is playing with his keyboard half in the air and only uses 2 cm² of his mouse pad. When you see this guy playing in real it is unbelievable how he can fly through the map like we are used to. For me he was the MVP in the 3on3 tournament. Amazing player.

Germany stRay : The guy who I probably spoke the most to before the LAN. He wanted to help me with the preparation with the LAN and everything and it was much appreciated. Also a good captain by managing his teams perfectly.

Finland Swanidius : Completely ignores me online. The exact opposite in real. I hope you have learned from your mistake and will be a better person from now on. Best moment was Saturday night. At the beginning of the evening I could perfectly understand you. Later on I could not understand a single word anymore haha. Had to be carried home ;D

Netherlands Talented : Surprise of the tournament was winning et_ice versus tMoe. Laughed my ass off. All three guys are amazing and I think they can do much better if they got more active.

Europe TAG : Had their barbecue at the LAN center. It was very populair and many people would have loved to join.

Netherlands Testi : Complaining much at the beginning of the tournament but who was as a person really nice. Agreed to go gym but never went to the gym because of the time.

Finland toNi : The legendary toNi was also present at the LAN. Very nice guy who you can have a good talk with. Just like me he loves ET. Think he proved everybody his true skill. 53 kills on grush. Absolutely amazing.

Finland Tintti : ohhh you Tintti. I love this guy. Helped me out being the first team who payed. You were just as amazing as I expected you to be. We had some nice shots and it was a pleasure to meet you. Now break up with your girlfriend so you can play ET again.

Sweden Tites : Had a good laugh with this guy on the last day of the LAN. Thank you very much for buying me a drink <3. Too bad you had to stay till almost the end of the LAN, right :P

Finland twidi: Just as a nice person as in the online messaging. Too bad we did not witness an office moment this time.

Romania unforgiven : Respect for this guy showing up at the LAN. Many people told me he would not come, but he proved all wrong. It was nice to meet you and it was too bad I could not say good bye to you anymore.

Netherlands vanQ : I have rarely seen someone so drunk as vanQ was last day. Really has a good sense of humor and did not take ET too serious. He started good but the later it was the more beer he drunk and the worser he got.

Switzerland v4ux13 : Girl who made many interviews. These interviews has yet to be uploaded, but will be worth watching. Also thank you for helping us with creating the posters of the LAN. I hope we will be able to coorporate more in the future. It was very nice to meet you.

Netherlands woott : Teached woott how we great people in Rotterdam with a "vuistje". I have been warned in advance, but still managed to press my selfkill button during the match of 'xD vs Cats. Must have been the highlight of wootts LAN. Sitting in a weird position as you can see on photos, but we all have our own crazy characteristics.
thanks for shoutout m8 :s
Did not see you at the LAN monsieur :(
Are you sure?
100% I think you preferred to play some tennis and practice for Roland Garos rather than playing ET :(
<3 was nice meeting you.
hehe, shoutout to you as well mate, your personality was a nice suprise to me!
you're that admin type guy, serious when needed, and otherwise cool to talk with! :) Thanks for the headset and the hotel room for thursday a lot. :)
I'm looking forward to meeting you again some time! :)
QuoteBloOdje : Respect for this guy who was drunk 24/7. If there was a LAN award for best drinker he would win it by far. Was nice to have you at the LAN, even tho you experienced some problems at first.

Quote drug addict Efax

It sounds like a junky come on!!! Once in a while is fun to use it, like XTC on Thunderdome, Defqon, Tomorrowland etc. (In mine opinion xD)

Anyway great job what you did for W:ET and organized last Lan and for all the players that came
It was nostalgia for me and for a lot of players, I think..
I hope you'll organize a next Lan and I hope there will be 16 teams!!!!
Haha, was nice meeting you too! I sure did enjoy myself, if there is a next time me and my friends will attend!
Do you have that photo somewhere? I doubt its a good one tho..
Quote I sure did enjoy myself

yes you did :D btw you suddenly disappeared! was nice meeting you man
Ah yeah sorry man, my friend that was driving had to bring his father to the airport so we had to be back at 1! I can't remember alot tho, so i probably forgot to say bye :( See you next lan! <3
dat memory lol <3
hahahaha seb shoutout neef, goede lijst man :)

Reps to all
Not playing ET for years anymore and trolling people like they should know him for some reason
that's ma boy :DD
was nice to meet u mate :) too bad we didnt have a proper talk at lan!! hopefully it wasnt the last time meeting you!
See you next time :) we need to drink more and more next time before we get in our bed :D
QuoteGreat how u fell into a river on our way back home.

Ill always be remembered by THAT guy now.. It was nice meeting all of you boys :DD <3
Sebhes, thanks a lot for the great LAN. Was nice meeting you in person, being able to joke around and shit. Looking forward to further production of et related content. Relationship status ain't complicated anymore :^)
still waiting for abj interview!
it's being made, sry for the wait. it takes some time to produce such an amount of interviews, but we'll announce them here soon, no worries. :)
Dem shoes man tell em seb
Thanks Netherlands Sebhes for being the only one who writes my name good! :D <3 (& it was a pleasure to help a bit)
Was really nice meeting you buddy :) Man you looked so handsome i almost turned gay. I trust the next lans to your hands
Nice to meet you after all these years!
and put some faces to the people who used to roll me in .55 :P

See you next year! xx
See you soon (hopefully) Sebhes! Thanks for organizing, you too Timbo!
<3 thanks for the shoutout!
Bro I used to roll you at 2.55.. De fuck happened?
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