ET Reborn LAN 3on3 & Donations Split

I've uploaded the near 20 games I casted from the ET Reborn 3on3 tournament on YouTube: Playlist

They are in order of casting them, I managed to get an extra game in from Group B it seems also.

In terms of the donations I received I will be splitting it as follows:

deadline for giving out the below amounts - 10th May 2015*
6on6: 1st Place, Rockit - €120
6on6: MVP, sqzz - €15

3on3: 1st Place, credibilis - €60
3on3: 2nd Place, Visual - €30
3on3: 3rd Place, Queens - €15
3on3: MVP, kReSti - €15

Donations Breakdown

I will need emails of all the players and to make it easier on me I will have one player from each team gather them and message me here on crossfire. I am giving those responsibilities too...

below people only have to gather their teams paypal emails, to make it one pm per team on CF (easier!)
Rockit - koop
credibilis - Kresti
Visual - outlaw
Queens - stray (stray only needs to give me his as I'll get sqzz & razz from koop ;))

Thanks to all that donated to my channel, I should have the 6on6 games up on YouTube by Tuesday fingers crossed.

*there is a deadline to hopefully speed it all up, those who want the boosts will no doubt get onto me in that time :)
I came there for you and kenzi...neither showed up.

To scared :D?
I was moving house :(
xD you actually went?
Good job Merlin!
fantastic result for a Weekend with the game named ET! .... Didnt exspect so much, good work Merl, njoyed the 3 Days on your stream!
What a surprise, MVP isn't from visual. After your comments on that team, not biased at all!
Its only 15 euros, for someone that worked so hard the entire weekend your behaviour is rather inappropriate.
why would the MVP not be from the winning team?
Define MVP, 'most valuable player' regarding what? Regarding the winning team, drinking the most alcohol on lan, being the nicest, being the most handsome. Any answer isn't gonna please the entire community. Flame on.
<- most valuable spec :s
Was nice to meet you though as a spec :)
NO, you did play 3v3, sorry bro, I'll take that title MVS xD
this was about the "6on6: MVP" :D indeed no answer will please everyone, and maybe my comment was a little baity, but I really can't understand the point of complaining that this is to do with bias.
Yes agree! :) So lets leave this be and enjoy our sunday evening!
Why should MVP be from winning team?
I can respect that in some tournaments across all games and sports there can be an MVP who outshines everyone else in an event/season, not being from the winning team, but here? tell me the player who deserves, in your opinion, the MVP title more than sqzz.

disclaimer: I'm not denying that there may have been more valuable players at the LAN than sqzz. I just highly doubt it since he's won near enough every offline and online tournament for the last 5 years.
Yeah sqzz deserved, thats not what I am saying but
Quotewhy would the MVP not be from the winning team?
this looked like my eyes that MVP should only be from winner team.

So I was just generally asking do you think MVP should be only from winner team? On voting topic I saw only players from winner teams which kinda disappointed me but as I don't give a fk I didn't bother to make thing out of it. (But now I apparently am :{D )

I would had put up players from 3-4 different teams and surely merlinator as he casted games saw some outstanding performances from other players than winner team only.

Again I am not questioning sqzz right to MVP award but it was rather dull voting people from one team only.
my bad, I'll rephrase my original question;
why would the MVP not be from the winning team (of the ET Reborn LAN)?

QuoteOn voting topic I saw only players from winner teams which kinda disappointed me but as I don't give a fk I didn't bother to make thing out of it. (But now I apparently am :{D )

no, personally I don't. though I do believe Rockit are the best in all of their respective fields (classes/ingame roles), there were a lot of well performing players throughout the LAN. I'd have probably thrown in a few more options as well as another field: "Other (specify)"
gratz gav, u won 2 beers
please guys, I'll give you all some advice.
drink some beer please girls.

ON topic: Arjen Robben was awesome for The Netherlands last FIFA WC and he was mine MVP.
But why messi? He was bad really bad!! If Argentine play without Messi, they still had a good performance!
And when The Netherlands play without Arjen Robben, it was pain fully for our eyes how Orange play!

In my opinion, Arjen Robben deserve to win the MVP.
Who agree with that?
My brain hurts looking at these comments
Merl has done something off of his own back, he didn't even need to collect donations at all, but he did for the LAN.

Hybratek you seemed really nice at LAN but jesus christ shut the fuck up, its like you want MVP votes and all the money to go to your team for coming 2nd? Yeah no shit your team had good performances and everyone realizes that but god damn stop acting like a victim over nothing, regardless of how your team performed no one from it is going to win MVP anyway considering the way sqzz chry ross razz m1lk played, even I performed better than I usually do online.
Get over it, I wouldn't give a shit if Merl decided to donate the money to 2nd and 3rd place only and not give it to 1st, he's done this through his own decision, he didnt have to.

and all these people claiming merls baised can lick my gooch.
I know some people Merl doesn't like in ET, but when watching him cast/stream he still gives them alot of airtime and compliments them alot.

People don't really understand the caster will most likely follow the person with the most action = most entertaining stream. I'm sure you guys would rather spec mAus rape with 1000 headshots rather than eVo/razz rifling, or more seriously someone watching back of Goldrush leaning for the whole 15 minutes.

ur so damn right mate!
Koop the god
i love your reply's my little paki dancer
hahahahahaha razz rifling I just snorted my drink lmao the memories
Hei I saw you at the lan and I think you re awsome. I wanted to hug you but I was to shy :(
Nice move, good job Merl.
seems a bit lame that you only give money to the 1st team in the 6on6 tournament that your friends won , while in the 3on3 tournament you give money to all 3 places, where your friends finished 3rd. Not really my problem and I don't care but it does look obviously lame haha
Merlinator hates Dutch people and love all of his UK friends.
Merl & Rockit actually aren't friends
dutch nerds seem quite mad rofl
I m very hurt.

I donated 30 euro only for this event, not to mention 300 euro for tzac, and 500 more to eliminate tzac, as part of my deal with chaplja. I made YCN one of the richest I net companies, with more than 5000 euros payments.

And I spend 40 euro on train tickets, had to run on a bycicle with some dutch dude cause I got off on the wrong Hengelo train station, than 150 euro for the hotel, then I don t know how much for the food I ate on the 3 stars restaurant credited by Michelin(the french version of Merlinator) then I had to spend 1000 more euros in a strip club and finally 14 euro on a kart race track which btw none of you nerds taught checking it out.

Not to mention I had to bare Urtier mean looks to me, as he was ready to rip my neck..

So where is all my appreciation bitches?
fyi, €5000 is nothing compared to the overall income of YCN
tell me bout it...

well where are you now? Caraibe, Bahamas?
lol you rich bitch?
lol, you hiding in New York, now that I m in Belgium :DD:DD

Good move haha, stay there I m coming :))
then I don t know how much for the food I ate on the 3 stars restaurant credited by Michelin(the french version of Merlinator)

Meh, ppl should get a job if they want so desperately cash, jeez.
Merl, mate, you can keep my money :)
Thanks stray :)
good stuff merl
great stuff merl! will donate again :)
pls vanqie mvp pls, strong boss gege
gege stronk MVP?
LMFAO LETS GO LETS GO.. just had flashback of him chasing that poor women around tellin her he loves her and that she is sexy ROFL hahahahahah GEGE
You were so hot at the lan :P
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