Just missed that...

Guess I just missed my crossfire login for the 10 year anniversary by a few days.

Any1 here that I still kno?
Hungarian flag always reminds me of thunder force, though u've not been a member of them back than I guess?
that wasn't the HUN team, that was an eu mix :D
such a fail :c was the first match i found from that tofour cup back in the time :c
Yes i played for T4Ce, but not in this eu mix. Our line up was:

Hungary CS4f1
Hungary polarka
Hungary Future
Hungary Nonix
Hungary Logic
Hungary Us4rmy
Hungary Fobje

Later Hungary srph joined for Logic

good old times :)
why am i not able to find a match of yours from the tofour cup under t4ce name on gamestv :c I was sure I had you in there
We were underscore after that, hungarian T4Ce too old for gamestv, you only can search from 2005 but The hungarian team was in 2004 :)
kenn ich nich

ur the one always playing with cheaters! :)
yes, who doesnt remember my cheater team back then:

That was ment to be sarcastic dude :c no need to pull out the serious business matches!

I remembered alot of 3on3s with gr0ss, 4live, joke and so on playing with you. Not saying any1 was rly a cheater back than.... :)
Just found your Turkey flag. y u lost it? :o
im german now :)
hm, sorry? gratz? dunno :)
kenn ich noch :O
How could I forget about AoW and everything surrounding that?! This drama and happy end was so huge to me back than :)
so true.. long time ago :D
it's alive o_0
England evan, right? I remember that I didn't like u that much did I?

e: alright, Poland is what comes to my mind - I could not figure out your previous nick though :c
It's Robaciek. Wasn't using it for a while now actually.
ye, not sure if I mentioned or mayb you didn't notice - but wasn't here for a while now actually... :p
I do believe my first comment should imply that I actually noticed you were not here for a while.
I lost that faith reading the 2nd comment :p
Meh. Go check if someone isn't breaking language rule.
Ye, I didn't like u :D
I'm confused though, not sure if I liked evan as I mixed you guys up before...

well, nvm i just won't like any of you from now on :)
I put a smiley at the end, it might be direct but I wouldn't go with rude :)
Note for the future:do not take my comments seriously. This is internet, no place for seriousness.
Dude, there was no seriousness taken xD
Wow, rude. Don't laugh at special people.
evanbrakensiek is in jail
tell me more
i only know about the drug dealer avek :p
rumor goes he moved to america and got arrested for tax fraud
you for real? :D

wait, how would you even know that?

hahaha, that guy was such a twat
welcome back :)
neither nick or profile ring a bell :c

though, ty :)
hm - I think a gtv member that put alot of time in managing matches and etts and admin of alot of well running ETTV servers from the very early times?
haha ye kind of xD
A testicle and Netherlands comes to mind. first one is more about Canada obseW and not you though I guess.
i guess
wer sonst :(
Schon klar, aber Estonia != Italy :)
Challo :)
Roman is not the English translation for the German word "Roman" :)
And i tickled a little reading your team germany captain application :p though, no doubts in your abilities here!
haha :D, wie ich das vermisst habe. :p
10 years ago you shit ur pants, no way you manged teams back than already :D
multitasking :]
ye, stRay. My good old friend. Let's be realistic on this one.

Please... :)
I remember you hated be passionately before stRay forced you to join teamoixd! :D
good old memories!
You deleted my comments a few times if that counts
I deleted ALOT of comments, a fuggin lot.
was shocked about receiving a youtube video linked by u, figured out the mkv download and will be in nostalgic mood soon enuf! :) ty

e: missed my 9th anniversary by 17 days :c
hm, your profile suggest you might be rise, but i'm not sure about that as rise was not best welsh rifle :c

e: Also, rise's account should be older than mine! :o
Na, used to play with him though. http://www.crossfire.nu/user/5427/risee here :)
well tbh, who didn't play with him? :p
Surprise, after all these years I am also still here
hm, did we play together for a short period of time in reveal? I know I went to LAN with heroin, but 1 dutch guy as rifle dropped out before? Oh man, that time is kinda blurry :c
I wouldn't know man. I played only like 2 or 3 weeks in reveal before all of my teammates left. Don't think I was supposed to go to LAN. xD
in other words, your the last member of reveal.et! nice meeting you! :)
Haha dang, what a title. You should make a comeback for the ET LAN that will happen in 6-10 months!
Dutch rfile here ;)
<3 <3 <3 <3 :)
I didn't drop out ;) Your rifle did but I joined before CDC4. Played together there. Me was the lonely Dutch guy in a team with 5 Germans ;)
different team though :p i would never forget our aToOn experience with sightinside private cam sessions! Though I forgot the rifle that let us down eventhough I have a name flying around my head i'm unsure:p

Ur the only guy that took a photo of our team, went home with it and your mum asked who the nerd was. FFFS :D
All the lans i;ve been to were nice to be. Sight had a lot of specs there indeed haha

I do not remember the last part of the nerd ^^
Is Enschede close to your home and thats the reason u didnt stay with us at a Hotel or do I mix u and that happening up right now :c
I did sleep over there for 2 lans and for one lan I went home each night haha Guess that was with you guys then!
Your nickname reminds me of 'Chasin'.
very little, though I can't stand your current flag + achievement :)
jetzt musste ich mich extra einloggen...

e: Currently playing for - ye sure ... :)
looks like an open 6th position to me xD
gönn dir! Lan ist leider gerade vorbei...
kenne ich nicht :p
Du Finanzamtdödel :D
er erinnert sich doch :D wb :D
I could not figure out the Crossfire Challenge edition we met at! Though I still know you were one of the few who'd prefer to be addressed by their first name and I didn't immediately figure out what nickname to combine with Marcus. :p
I understand; it's so much easier to say "hi mshhshhs one hundred"
At least I didn't change my legal name into my CF username huehue
Mr. Germany
No matter wat history with our stick out we had - There is no doubt that for you sir, i'm still mr. rifle! Shame on every1 thinking anything else than rifle!

I think when I got my phone a while ago i accidentally called you :D
i receive many calls from german numbers :P
Pew, good to know I didn't stand out. How's your German? :p
it's teamoxid btw :p
U banned me more than once.. Welcome back!
didn't stop you from coming back, I'm proud of you :)
9 years and 15 days :(
who? :p

I know the feel bro, missing any crossfire account anniversary by just a few days is so disappointing :(
fängst nun auch wieder an zuspielen? :o
I might ask [Cobra] and funi to join me for a match or two on goldendunk but I guess I take the memory over the moment regarding ET ;)
haha :D epic ^^
random journal 100 comments et alive ggwp chosen
60 comments by myself, but np xD
you still play qlive? any thoughts on recent patches?
quit after premium patch at 2011 or sth, just playing once a week nowadays
so, crossfire is still capable of being active!
you should remember me, infamous cheater in my early teens :)
I kinda do a little :) I don't know if we played each other and I called you a cheater or if you just got caught by a public bot :c Your clan history in your profile is about the time you haven't been cheating I guess? Cause I don't remember ZeroE for that cause or am I way off?
ya, they're after I cheated. :D not sure if I played against you before that

was quite a bit of drama around me and cheating, with people thinking I was a cheat admin, TosspoT being really dissapointed etc :D
Zodiac 2015 "My biggest achievement in life, cheating @ Enemy territory."
hähä chosen

du schuldest mir immer noch Geld freundchen
Dachte die Liveshow auf sightintim.com war gratis :c

How's planetside going? :)
stop stalking me :3 spamy
I have secret spys following you. they're way closer to you than you would expect :p

Is un1x still active?
dafuq, gimme names!

yesh, just found a 2 months old pm from him in my inbox today xD need to check this page more often :3
best journal 2k15
Having a look at your achievements I'm surprised at a time krosan did penalty points I sure did as well - how did u dodge me --- OR: why didn't I make it to your achievement list :c
I played most actively around the time that ET went 5on5 and Krosan was King of the Devils in ET Committee (still mad), I probably received some off you too
you kept suspecting me of cheating which is why you had your friend fims trick me into sending him my demos from the et-laendercup under the pretense of wanting to make a movie of team berlin's ownage :D. In the end you banned razzah (i think) - not me ...good old paranoia :D
I do agree Term Berlin and suspicious players do kinde ring a bell, I know I've been hating on alot of potential cheaters but I don't think I would get fims involved to trick some1 like that :p

If it was an ESL cup you had to upload the demos, so FimS might just have done this. And if some1 was banned for demos it was most likely another admin watching and time tabling those - I didn't really enjoy watching demos :) If it was not an ESL federations cup (or federal cup) it might be et-scene and I wasn't involved there.
10/10 journal mate!
Come on boy's stop lurking and lets bring this site back to life.

Maybe you remember me, maybe you don't. But let's make it to a 150 comments!
Shouldn't you have a Belgium flag? I think vou've contributed actively with tournaments but I don't remember if it was for CB or indepent? :c

Not even sure if i'm on track here your flag confuses me most :p
It would be Belgium if I still lived there, yeah, but in the meantime I live already 1,5 year in Poland (after a 2 year stint in Ireland) :-)

And I was an active CB referee/writer and admin, yes. Although I also independently organised some cups.
Nice to be kinda on track about u :p

Didn't you become crossfire as moderator as well?,And any specific reason for Poland? I've a lot of co workers who left the country.
I was a huge twat on crossfire in my active period here, Tosspot kinda disliked me very very much (partly with reason, party because he also is a ...) so moderator would have been out of the question :D

No specific reason for Poland, after my adventure in Ireland I was looking for something similar abroad (dont see myself having a nice future in Belgium) so I sent out my CV to loads of companies/countries and one in Poland reacted the quickest. My preference was actually Romania and when I got the Polish offer I was really doubting in the beginning due to the negative stories/experience etc I had here on crossfire and in ET. Thank God I ignored those and went to Poland anyway, best decission ever. Amazing country :-]
People change. Hi Rhand!
Hi TwinzZ.

Hoe ist? Hoe is Flippie?

Ja hier is alles in orde, bij jou ook? Ik zie dat je weer verhuisd ben maar nu na Polen? Had gedacht dat je het na je zin had in Ierland.

TriFlip is getrouwd met een vrouw uit Indonesie. Zover ik weet woont z'n vrouw wel nog daar. Hijzelf is verhuisd naar Almere geloof ik. Helaas heb ik niet meer veel contact met hem hierdoor.
we played together for tfX for a little while with cria and others, right?
nah, we didn't even get to know each other
we did, but not tfX - wnbpro/0E with Ramoz, Ghana, Wra1th :)
nah, never played with Ghana and wra1th
maybe in a random IRC mix but not in a team
most newschool wnbpro lineups went without me :P

I kinda remember the time you're talking about though
Hi Chosen! Nice to see you around
Hey there :)

I'm sure there was something I did with you back than, didn't you play a major role as admin during the jeeET kick offs? Though I couldn't find the news mentioning u :c
Nope there was a German team you used to play for back in the days were I played a lot with as well. I forget its name....
Must have been aToOn, aGu or reveal than, didn't have another team with a dutch sub I remember :c
aGu! Ohhhh those times!
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