klobby best admin

just got banned from nbs for no reason but killing klobby a couple of times in a row. wp keeping et alive :D
hey man, thats really sad to hear. Wish you good luck finding a new public server!
thx - much appreciated :<
everything cool but Klobby its not an NBS admin, bobicek is, cheers
:d why would anyone still play there?
There were problems lately with one retard (hello Raijin) that was constantly faking/guidspoofing/using proxies, so there is a chance you may have been banned by accident, just pmme with your details and I'll have a look
Dunno who you are but I haven't played ET in years and my Ingame nick was Raijin.
Im unbanned, now unban me.
Haha you fuckin trol.
Ur mom must be so proud that her autistic boy has some power over the internet :')
im banned, now unban me.
Im unbanned, now ban me.
playing with haxor and already banned players.. shooting on nexus 50+ acc

i would ban you from everywhere... but whatever..
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