IIHF 2015

Ice Hockey World Championship 2015, whats your top 4?
My top 4:
Finland is going to struggle a lot this year so I'd say 5-8th for us and top3 CAN, RUS & SWE. Czech Republic has a fair home advantage but unless Voracek, Jagr & co. pull off something amazing they won't reach top3.

e: forgot to mention that many teams have really really strong line-ups this year which is unusual imo
Jaaha, otettiin turpaan ekas matsis ja nyt maalataan jo pirut seinille. eiköhän ole sanomattakin selvää että ei suomi pärjää ekalla kierroksella varsinkaan hyviä vastaan, ketjuja pyöritellään niin kauan että alkaa rullaamaan :P

Niinku tiedetään, Donskoin ja Kemppaisen pitäis pelata samas ketjus

Kontiola pitäs vetää nelosketjus, turha peluuttaa niin paljoa kaveria jolla oli ihan helvetin rikkinäinen kausi muutenki varsinkaan Aaltosen kanssa joka taas pelaa tosi hyvin ja pelas hyvän kaudenki

Jostain syystä komarovin kisapassia ei oltu leimattu, aika selvää että komarov on tietynlainen avainpelaaja myös suomen joukkueelle, kukaa hartikainen sitä pysty korvaamaan. Oikeestaan komarov pystyis pelaan sentterinä jopa konnan tilalla ja mun veikkaus ois että sekin toimis paljon paremmin

Noh, pakithan on kuraa siitä ei päästä mihinkään. Oma veikkaus on se että Suomi menee välieriin vähintään kun ne saa ketjut toimiin ja ymmärtää että Konnasta ei ole mihinkään. Tällä hetkellä Barkovin ja Kemppaisen ketju toimii parhaiten
Czech played really well against Sweden yesterday tbh, sloppy from Swe to loose a 4-2 lead but they did a really good job. Still dont believe how Jagr can be so good after all these years
I'm not sure, we've been decent, but not really a threat apart from our 4th line which has been incredible (Simon was fucking amazing) and the goals we've conceded were mostly because of ridiculous brain farts of our players..

And to be honest to Jágr, didn't see him play this good for the NT for atleast 3years, seems he found his legs :)
Agree, you had amazing powerplay tho :D
Yeah, you couldn't get out of the zone for the whole 2minutes that was insane :D

btw how many players from NHL do you have? I know 25 couldn't come, but how many do you have in Prague?
1. CAN
3. CZECH (bobika fuck off and eat a dick, no one gives a rats ass about ur opnion since dont even know whats outside ur door)

almost every year FIN have struggled the first games we´ve came back and had top3 places but doubt that this year.
Think canada is a number too big for everyone if they stick to their gameplan but often they are lika russia (me me me me full of egos when they are struggling a bit)
Sweden wont make it cus of goalies.
Fins wont make it cus theres no big leader (jokinen rofl)
Russia is unpredictable as always (even with a awesome team they keep struggling)
Czech will be strong cus of the crowd cheering for them (homeadvantage)

Så länge Finland kör över Sverige och ni får era ananasringar är jag nöjd!
I've said this many times but I think unless Canada really just goes to have a few days off they will easily win this one..
Russia 2nd and I guess USA 3rd
Well the fact is canada should win every year pretty much if you just look at the lineups

CAN / SWE / RUS are all potential winners, also I can see finland going into finals
Point is that Canadian players usually take it as holidays (this was said by many players btw...) because they simply don't have anyone who would make them all "try for it", but since Crosby wants to get the golden triple I think he will make them all want to win it and they will :D
Yeah, I know.

I think everyone wants to win but they are not always ready to do everything for it :)
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