
Oldschool revival Cup?

So I am not active. Havent been for ages. Havent played the game for month, have only seen the lanfinal via merlinators twitch casting. I dont know any new players since 2012 and have no intention on playing this game again. but do i miss the old days sometimes. I still like watching games and i definately would enjoy watching good et casts.

but it is always the same old same old. always supply/grush/radar. Since it seems to be hard to invent new maps that are likeable, why dont someone setup an oldschool cup?

I am thinking about the early days of et. not rtcw. thinking about oasis, fueldump, battery and railgun. thinking about artillery hitsounds, no pronedelay. I am thinking about an active XP system and akimbo lugers.

Maybe this would be fun for a change. Old config, old maps -> new feeling?

Just to make it clear: i dont want to host this, i have not spoken to anyone, i dont even know if anyone else thinks this might be fun. i just wanted to share a thought. The game is that old, i guess there are some new players that have never even played those maps in competition, so it might even be a challenge to invent tactics?

any thoughts on this? have a nice evening.
there was something like that a few years ago ( 24 hours of ET (?) ) was fun to play
Sup shmoe. Haven't seen someone mention oldschool maps in ages. Regarding playing with upgrades purely for fun there was a baserace match 3 days ago. Was a lot of fun and hope to see more small events like this being organized.
well thats cool and all, but oldschool et is only oldschool if it has the original maps imo :p
even in the oldschool times majority of clans didnt like the maps you mentioned and just played default maps. ec teams dropped out of warleagues just that they can have full week to practise gr/sd/radar for their single EC game of the week. good times. but oh boy its been enjoyable to play adler/ice/frost/braun/ instead.
i know there is a reason why we have etpro / grush/supply/radar only. and i know the reason why those maps are not played in competition is that they are not compatible/a pain in the ass. but this would be a one time only thing for funteams. just for variety reasons. sorry if i wasnt clear about that, champp, sir.
I always loved Braundorf. Was a good map with some epic moments especially last stage.
kinda. was this succesful?
Yes it was succesful. Just a small amount of teams who were interested.
thought about running a cup like that again? how would you check if enough players are interested? could be a drafting tourney?
Yes I could run a cup like that again! You don't really have to check the interested teams beforehand. You just set up the cup and let teams sign up.
lets do it! i think drafting would be a good choice, since real teams would not want to waste time on normally unused old maps i guess? and it would generate more activity since not everyone in the community has a team. maybe teams will even form from sth like this.
I see u dont wanna play, but what about the others? A good vele/aces mix with you as captain would be more "useful" for the next season than some oldschool maps... but you should play also:D Most of these guys have issues with Goldrush, i cant imagine them on Oasis or Rail... Fuel is very long, battery could be a good choice though! I loved it during NC and it isnt too complicated so delivery generation could accept it aswell.
karrde you loyal mofo. feel free to contact everyone. i will lead us to glory victory as always! your choice how serious you want to take this statement. :p
Revival? ET is in its finest days, why would you want to call it revival cup lol :P
oldschool maps/settings revival, not ET revival :P :P
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