[Video]Dirty Bomb Execution Mode

Yo guys,

Quick self promotion of a video i created today about the new game mode Splash Damage put into place in Dirty Bomb. I compared it to ET and CSGO and added my personal thoughts on a S&D based game mode in a ET Style game, hence why i want your opinions on it.

Send help <3

Consider shoutcasting some ET games
Lold so hard.

Ratkiremukkaat Superstars s/o.
Greetings to Tosspot, gone but not forgotten.
Get your execution ass outta here Pansy, Stopwatch is where its's at and you know it!

Edit: That said, from the couple of hours of EXE that I've played it can be something for the more CS/CoD scene players moving to DB but the balancing for EXE will have to be completely different from the balancing for SW/OBJ because the gameplay is simply so completely different. Vassili's are completely OP in EXE because you take someone out of the round, but in SW hes very situational and not a common pick for most people so if you nerf him even slightly for EXE he will be completely useless for sure in SW, and if you buff him for SW he will be even more OP in EXE. Same goes for many other mercs but Vassili is best example. The classes thing I don't really see as a problem that's the DB flavor for this gamemode. Aside from that, the map was okay to play and fit the faster S&D style.

The whole discussion of 'SW is harder for people new to the gamemode' is very true imo, but I think that can so easily be solved with a good teaching mechanic on streams/events. There are ingame cameras explaining the objectives but they are annoying for players and don't even touch SW as a gamemode but I think having a good introduction before games from streamers with a pre made presentation of the gamemode(for example) or just them explaining the game mode to the new crowd is the only real way to get new viewers(because most players after a view hours will understand the main system) to understand what they are watching and keep them informed. Or a community site like DirtyTricks.GG needs to be widely presented/supported by streamers and top players, so that viewers who are confused have all the tools they need to get the idea. Also good spectator tools (i like the current like CS style health bars etc) are a must for the gamemode, a good map progress bar/timeline can be a small but great addition for people to understand the flow of the game.
couldnt explain it better -- thx
+1, S&D is not where DB should go. SW all the way
u playing DB? sweet
i am not i have the key but never used it -- my pc is too weak

Edit: how are u doing ? i hope everything is fine -do u play DB ?
yea i'm playing DB ...it's been one year already or year and a half dont remember
computer-irc1 ftw
Probably in a competitive environment the attacker team will be overpowered, basically because u can revive. In cod or cs its different of course, u can kill someone faster, and if you killed him, he is dead for the round. In DB it takes longer time to kill/gib someone, especially if some fast auras are there to revive.

But tbh the game has so many aspects with these mercs, u can make balancing changes really easily. If the developers will listen to the community i dont see the problem. We just need to see how this will work out. Ofc execution mode balancing should be completely different from stopwatch balancing. But then u can nerf the attackers in a lot of different ways. For example only "engi" classes can plant, or there should be only one bomb, or as a defender u can use healing stations/turrets, while as an attacker u cant, or as a defender vasili's shot is an instakill/instagib while as an attacker its not etc.

So I just hope the developers wont be braindead and then it can be all fine. Players coming from cs or cod will be much familiar with the game, they can pick up rather easily, and they can even enjoy it more i think... at least now i enjoy the dirtybomb's s&d mode more than cs :D.
And the moment has arrived where Splashdamage fucks it up like any other game they released. Yet again they don't have the balls to actually make an original game among the current released games and they float along with every other game. The only reason they making this is to attract more people from CS and CoD so they can sell more mercs. And for people that don't know yes you gotta buy each class, the 5 standard ones are 5 euro each and all the new ones are 10 euro each.

I played the game for 60 hours now and even though the game could have some potential I'm just afraid it will be ending into selling as much mercs to people as possible and leave it at that. Cause why would you make separate game modes for "competition". Cause if it's execution or stopwatch catching on it can be only one that becomes the main play style in competition.

Meaning that either both modes will have not enough teams to make it big enough to compete against CS or one game mode becomes the dominate one and the players of the "failed" mode move on to another game either CS:Go or stay in games like ET.

There is nothing to gain here with adding the Execution game mode and it's just made to lur people and to collect more money in selling mercs.

And listening to Pansy even she likes Stopwatch more like everyone here on this site, but if Splashdamage really cared about that they would have made a game closer to ET and put all effort into that.
The only game they ever had success with "not even cause of them" is apparently in the ashamed corner at Splashdamage cause they sure try hard to stay away from it for years now.
it is their masterplan, you will see in the endgame image: runaway
"With BRINK we took on too many things at once, which now we can see was a mistake"
Literal SD quote, can't remember exactly who though. And now they are spreading their resources to random shit again. Adding gamemodes like TDM/FFA would atleast have been fun pub modes that fit with the gamestyle and mechanics. Execution just feels like a poor excuse for trying to spread audience groups.
"Which now we can see a mistake", clearly after ET:QW and Brink they don't know what a mistake means.
Even now they go the wrong way with the mercs buying like LoL, they just take pieces from other games and hope it will work for their own. One of the problems on DB pubs is that every week there are 3 mercs free in rotation and it shows on public one week you got 12 proxies on your team other week you can't find a person on your squad to defuse the bomb cause no proxies in free rotation. They should have gone for the buying skins and buying stats addons to your guns, mines, airstrikes showing you accuracy, hits, most killed person from all the games you played. At least the pubs would be better balanced cause all mercs would have been free to play and people could try them out.

I give it to SD that they got the game closer to ET, but yet again it feels like a game with no direction and this will end up in a cash gathering for a few months and then die. I hope I'm wrong and the game will get some patches and be better but ye we hoping for that for years already.
Tried it, that game looks like another pay2win for me
I hope im wrong though :X
Honestly I didn't watch all that and haven't played Execution yet, but it sounds like an RtCW OLTL config?

If so, I don't see a problem with it at all. People can pick whichever they prefer.
Dont like the game atm , played it a lot at the begin :/ hope it gets better again :)
Played it a year ago and now I played last Sunday. It definitely improved!
I like the game, but I don't have that much time to play.
About the pay2win thing: if you play the game enough, you can buy the mercs through ingame money
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