Any oldschoolers still around?

How's everyone doing? What about the game? :)

Sometimes I remember about the past and I still do miss it all :) I hope you are all doing well :) xx

Hey mate just because chosen got some love with his journal ... ;o)
image: Good_Guy_Gary_700
Im not sure I remember you, weren't you that known polish homosexual?
no, he's a known LoL streamer.
I played with him in two or three teams so im sure he is polish. Gay part could be just my fantasy..
seriously though, is it really him?
No, they are two different persons.
okay, thanks :-)
hello welcome back good guy!
Are u the guy who said team A wins coz they did more objectives than team B in supply?!?!?!
KilL3Rb0Y ?
yeah killerboy !!! you should promote W:ET on your twitch sream, wannabe W:ET lover !
hi goodguygary
hello newschool admin!
just started visiting this site again. how you doin? :)
hello old boss!
Maltesian loverboy.
Oh, you're that newschooler that was busting a lot of cheaters? Hello :)
Garym8 :)
Hmm Malta admin? The lan is bringing everyone back.
last ET & LoL game were on march, still rolling nerd everytime I play games

touching girl more than my computer
salary higher than 2k
driving bmw
got dvd_ripped and lifting for summer

i also miss playing ET allday without getting bored =D
touching girl more than my computer

il était temps gars
c'est pas facile quand on est moche
Tu le sais, mec, tu le sais.
Werkte nog voor de Carrefour Helpdesk? :D
lmao waarom weet jij dat?? neen man :D ben atm bij Touring wereldreisje aan het plannen
Omdat gij daar journals over plaatste, paar jaar terug.
gek dat je dat nog weet :p
Ik weet alles nog, krullenbol. Niks ontgaat mij.
Oh damn. I remember you and Hyperion Gaming from RTCW and fairly early on in ET from flooding those popular BE/NL servers. Can't recall their name exactly. Area51? Skynet? Arena something?

We got into a pissing contest a few times, but I've always played with random nicknames so I doubt you remember. Just like how Ross called me a wallhacker and asked who I was after playing against me in four consecutive games without realizing it.
I did not play RTCW with Hyperion Gaming. Before Hyperion I was active for w@co that was a really oldschool RTCW/ET Team in the Benelux with: LeDragon/Rafiki/Senator/Xtra/Fre/Abort/Dizzy and a few others I don't recall.

I recruited several players from those servers, back than it was still Skynet I guess.
I think Efax was one of them... :P And those servers where just for laming around, and messing around with other players also :). I was around 15 years old back than.
Ha, I also remember w@co. Erm, I think I used to talk and play a lot with Senator I think he was called? Can't quite remember, been ages.

EDIT : Oh, you mentioned him. Senator indeed. Do you know what happened to him? I hated Ledrago and Rafiki, they always flamed me and called me a cheater. Senator was an awesome and relaxed guy though.
Yea Senator was a nice guy. I don't have a clue what happened to him sadly... We just lost touch.
LeDragon was indeed known for his whine and accusing everyone that was better than him...
In a year GGGary, less than 100 players overall will remain as with all good multiplayer games it just dies out slowly. Q2/Q3A everything has to end at some point.
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