A'la carte by swanidius&woott #2

Bonjour crossfire,

It's time again for some a'la carte by woott and me. This time a 'healthy' menu! Little side note, if you smoke (hi polish party people!) dont bother doing healthy!

Step 1
Get a bread/bun/sandwich. (try taking wholegrain might be better for the high cholesterol level and your toilet visits)
image: WASATCX

Step 2
Slice/cut the bread in half (mind your fingers for 'great' ET aim)
image: KScDXFu

Step 3
Add cucumber! (these are a little too thick :D)
image: JQjoBMw

Step 4
Add chicken. In stead of baking chicken, try boiling it (saves some toxicological and microbiological hazards, also less energy (kcal)). Also add some herbs! image: Ve03Ww8

Step 5
image: HKAJ5Sh

Step 6
Bell pepper (paprika)!
image: Sw4BiAA

Step 7
image: p6c9Ywz

At last! *omnomnomn*
wootts sample
image: ztdKY0h
image: 6yc0Dhj

swanis sample
If people ever visit NL or GER (I think its german?) try some Hela Curry! Awesome with the chicken!
image: iFMedlB
NOTE: I also made awesome potatoes from the oven, but recipe secret! And wholegrain bread too healthy for me, so white is mine!
boiling chicken sounds rather odd for me, prefer to roast it gently :D
other than that, looks good ;)

edit: bet swani was cutting the cucumber :XDDDD
neither swani ever heard of boiling chicken, though he liked it! :)
what about boiling eggs and removing the egg yellow (or whatever the name is)?
Egg yolk! Yes the egg yolk contains cholesterol, so you might do that though eat healthy and it shouldnt be a problem!
Why would you throw away the most healthiest part of the egg
Eating 3 whole eggs per day without a problem
The advised amount of 2 per week (gezondheidsraad NL) is just regarding the general population. I dont count you in, as you exercise and eat 'healthier' than most ;)
2? LOL what bullshit is that :D
http://www.gezondheidsraad.nl/sites/default/files/ocr_eieren_2015.pdf (annual report)

I didnt make this up. Though once again, dietary guidelines are over the general population.
I know, but it's still sucks x) In Germany they say the max of 3 per week too and UK (based on the NHS, are no recommended guidelines for how many per week).
The quality of eggs have improved over the years and the yolk isn't as bad as people made it out to be before.
I'm happy with about 5-8 per week (2-3 goes in to scrambled egg so :>)
never believe typical western dietary guidlines!
i know you study / practise this type of field.
i just strongly think some of the stuff cant be right. everything high cholesterol being bad is one of those things.
True. Healthy food does not exist! As we will die anyway by ANYTHING we put in our mouth and do in our daily life.
this is so far from what im arguing :P
its about what is really healthy and what is not. theres so much difference between western and other cultures standard of healthy diet. nutrition being very complex, so more about keeping open mind and researching things also by your self.
omg soulmate! you dont believe how much woott has whined for me for eating too many eggs
you understand life tintti :D
daredevil :o
usually I boil meat for my dog (its quicker and u shouldnt use spices anyway so why bother roasting :p )
usually I boil meat for my dog (its quicker and u shouldnt use spices anyway so why bother roasting :p )
now i'm hungry, gg
u guys live together already? nice to see another internet relationship works out! Swani boy got it
swani professional gamer, bought house with gaming money!
#1 internet relationship here, #2 swani and woot :)))
It's "à la carte" you dumb jew
was expecting something good when i read sandwich, like a fatty grilled cheese with 3-4 different type of cheese or some peanutbutter jam grilled sandwich topped with banana.

omg gonna make em now,

shitfood <3
Alex, are you Mr.Sweden yet?
It won't help the gains... the gains!!!!!
Doesn't seem so nice :s

Also it's A la carte, stop adding randomly the " ' " :s
I thought Swani was dating vokki since they always played 3on3's together till the sunset. Guess I was wrong.
1. Make healthy sandwich
2. Showcase it to CF
3. Drink Cola and eat potatoes
4. ???
5. Profit

Btw, nice table you have there.
hela curry is dutch, and its freaking awesome indeed :)
la nourriture du pauvre mdr
un sandwich avec du poivre pour 2
mdrrr snake mon pd de france
Looks nice but I only boil meat for my dogs :Ddd
Best chicken I make is by getting the breast, make a pocket and put mozzarella inside it, put some toothpicks to hold it together and put it in the oven with some garlic, onions, herbs or whatever you fancy :)))
I have nothing to contribute other than the fact that boiled chicken smells terrible.
finally vokki got new chicken recipe
Looks like shit, do not put cucumbers and pickles together please.
zeh woods in dis table be great at quality
cut tomate in cubes
cut avocado in cubes
cut feta cheese in cubes
cut onion in fine cubes
cut garlic in fine cubes
make a aceto dressing
Quotesaves some toxicological and microbiological hazards

u mean sth like PAKs? I mean if u got a hood and dont breath above ur pan then u shouldnt be afraid like many years ago where many housewives diseased on cancer cuz of the lack of hoods and knowledge about this

and I dont understand what u mean with microbiological hazards :D since if u bake or boil ur meat 90% of the microbes gona die around 70°C and there only less microbes who can live at temperatures over 100-150°C but I doubt u got some of them on ur meat =D like hyperthermophilic Archaea (thermococcus, pyrococcus and many more) but u will find them only in vulcans or other rly hot places

but u(woot) studied in this way so u might know a bit more than me atm^^

looks tasty tho
Toxicological hazards such as HCA (heterocyclic amines: meiqx, phip etc.) formed during heating (baking/grilling chicken), or Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbonsare (PAH). Their ''smoke'' can accumulate in your meat and are therefore not just of risk by inhaling them. Next to that acrylamide is formed.

For microbiology it is quite difficult. But in my opinion there are fewer processing steps boiling than baking. Think of contamination during the handling (turning of chicken with equipment). Grilling also needs a core temperature at a certain time, which I think is evenly easier reached by boiling.

Anyway, the microbiological part is just a big assumption, as all microbiological and toxicological research. So feel free to discuss :P

When are you coming to study in Wageningen?! :)
ahh damn with PAKs i mean PAH i just didnt translate it :s

ok u r right, they can accumulate but the concentration should be low but ur statement was "saves some toxicology hazards" so ye, this round goes on u

I never said that I will study in wageningen :/ or did I? Im soon done here in germany
I know you didnt say that, but you should! :D
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