Splatterladder vs Trackbase

Which site do you prefer and why?

- http://et.splatterladder.com/
- http://et.trackbase.net/

I prefer Trackbase. Better support. Better Updates.
More (faster) server refreshing. And I use the 'connect with trackbase' feature.
= click on a server; and there is a little icon image: tbicon . Click on it, and you can connect to that server. No starting ET and typ in /connect xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx:xxxxx or scroll down that shitty list of servers.

Trackbase.net !

One big problem, all this oldschool players never heard about Trackbase, while splatterladder is slower and less overview.

Simply because I've been using it for years and got used to it :( + they also have news about some new maps which is interesting :p
So does Trackbase.
i never used both sites and I am still a pro player
splatterladder is so 2007ish, trackbase is new, updated on regular basis with some proper support, considering how dumb some of the SL admins are/were, so trackbase is currently much better to be used.
Does Splatterladder still have that silly ranking system?

I remember 5-8 years ago I used to check which servers was the top-rankers, go to those servers and just try to kill those top-rankers whole time to fuck up their stats
reminds me of a friend on RTCW who would defuse his own team's dynamite so he could replant himself and get more points on the scoreboard
Lightnings Stream
splatterladder, but trackbase looks fine also ;o
TrackBase is definitely the "standard" nowadays and seems more friendly towards competitive players, but I always thought it was a bit weird how this Paul guy got so much praise for basically just copying SplatterLadder with a few extra features (in the beginning, at least).
Well, he was involved in Splatterladder.
I remember they being so mad, when he leaft and they heard he was making his own system.

Of course some called it copying. But really if you compare both tracking system, you'll notice that Splatterladder feels old, and slower. While Trackbase has extra's like 'tsp', and is much faster and accurate in tracking.

Nowadays indeed it's TB. But as I thought most oldschool players here, use Splatterladder.
Anyway, TB has more and better features.

Obviously I can't be objective about SL and TB. But if you know both from A to Z,(more or less) you'll choose TB for sure.

Sl got an api, while i'm still waiting on TB's api.
splatterladder OFC
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