CS:GO Anyone?

Started playing CS:GO like 2/3 months ago and slowly understanding the game. Gamesense is still pretty shitty, but aim gets better and better. Right now I am Gold Nova Master, but with a increasing tendency.

So if any of my old CF mates wants to play some matchmaking from time to time, feel free to add me on steam: razzahlol

image: tumblr_nng7zmtsw51u7els3o1_540

CS:GO tip #1: learn to swear in russian
Legendary Eagle.

We're sometimes looking for a 5th German to play ~MGE-LEM games with!
What chick said, or more commonly double ak - eagles? D:
All good fun anyway
would be fun! sometimes i play with friends against eagles etc and i dont get totally owned :)
Started playing CS:GO like 2/3 months ago and slowly understanding the game. Gamesense is still pretty shitty, but aim gets better and better. Right now I am Gold Nova Master, but with a increasing tendency.

? :( what happend?
QuoteStarted playing CS:GO like 2/3 months ago and slowly understanding the game. Gamesense is still pretty shitty, but aim gets better and better. Right now I am Gold Nova Master, but with a increasing tendency.

Dude :D even in csgo you got banned so just shut the fuck up
I dont get it?
Sure but i'm uberscrub

steam: kempomeester/martialbeans

Also play Dirty Bomb & Storm United :'D
imagine ET having ingame voice. Do u think it would have been like CS:GO will little kids insulting you and Russians swearing?
Possible with Curse Voice :P
just for the music gl :)
the chick is bad
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