ET Ladder winner?

Anyone knows who this "Al" guy is? Just beeing curious for the lulz.
Btw its a Dirty bomb review on Steam.
Here the link->
image: 2dhsivq

he is a legend
AL1 ? :D
wasnt al some ee guy?
could be Estonia
should be a Finland looking at his steam group
half of streamers say they were legends in ET, this is just another guy with weird self-concept... or maybe al moved to Finland, I didn't know him well... just played tons of matches against zZz, thats why I remember the nick. Maybe Lazio/Hell/Sinnu/Euruz can give correct info, but I guess they are long gone aswell :D
that is not Estonia al
Finland Al-lu maybe?
prolly some 2.55 hero
prolly some splatterladder hero
prolly Swanidius
you forgot kappa
Reminds me of that thread on hltv which asked who was the top 10% best players of a certain game and a bunch of randoms said ET :D
From what I know he plays/played for a Finnish public team so most likely it's some ladder for public teams. It's not like he claimed to have been 1st in CB EU 6on6 ladder or imply that he would've been a top player in ET.
hehe busted
Finland allu? or maybe someone from Finland ALLAH
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