Need monitor help :o)

Hello guys,
so I've decided to reward myself for my upcoming birthday with a new monitor, but obviously there is a variety of different ones and they all have/or not so many cool features that I just don't know which to pick as every review/article is subjective and a lot of times from people that actually don't play that much :D

I've picked 3 in which I was interested, but really dunno what's the difference about them and which to pick :D
  • BenQ XL2411Z - LED monitor 24"
  • BenQ XL2430T - LED monitor 24"
  • BenQ XL2420Z - LED monitor 24"

Only difference I saw in the "Descriptions" are some Smart Scalling, numbers of dvi/hdmi ports etc, so is that the only difference or? :D
Pick the cheapest.
You or your mom decided to buy new monitor?
My mommy did.
Its going alright.

And you my friend?
BenQ XL2411Z - LED monitor 24"

I got this one
Me too! <3
They all use the same screen, the difference is only in appearance (different stands), connectivity and obviously price. If you don't care for additional ports or having more buttons to customize your viewing experience on the panel, get the cheapest one.
€74 just for a different appearance? Wowza, and a few additional buttons..

It's sorted then I guess, thanks a lot.
is the S-Switch version really worth 200€+ more? Cause the 24" and 27" are just 30€ apart on amazon
I don't know if it's worth the difference, in reality I actually never tried any of BenQ gaming monitors. I am an Eizo guy :) But my guess S-Switch is just a very minor convenience, I can't imagine it would be a "die-for" feature in my case, especially considering that once I found settings I liked and never changed it since.
got the BenQ XL2411Z one, but well, you need to get used to the bad colours somehow, which is most likely normal for a 144hz monitor. I am pretty happy with mine tbh
Well, I've got amazing IPS monitor which I would probably still keep using on watching movies and stuff like that, just wanted to see what's the fuss all about (120+ hz monitors) :)
well, you get a better reactiontime and it feels like u are playing with 400 fps instaed of 120 fps, so it is a huge advantage for games like counter strike and stuff, u can just aim a bit better, it just feels way smoother, if u want to become a good cs player or smtg like that, you should go for a 120hz/144hz monitor, if u just want to play public style, then u dont really need to get one :D
It's more about the general feeling of games, I'd like to enjoy playing them on the best possible settings, without any disadvantages etc...
Playing on 60hz with 7ms lag delay is insane, not that noticable in ET but it's ridiculous in CSGO.. Also whenever I get shot in ET, I just have to somehow predict where the opponent is moving and track that way as I can't see shit with the screen moving, even when I'm looking around the map I just gotta go slowly or checks part to part as I get some really weird tearing (vsync disabled) and simply because I don't see anything apart from blur, would like to get some high fps camera and record it :D
yea well, if u got a good comp, you should definitely go for one, it just feels way better playing with one :)
The washed out colours are kind of normal unless you're willing to pay insane amounts for a 120/144hz monitor :)
yea I also heard that, well, I can live with that at the moment :D
Unless you're doing graphics work, it's not worth worrying about at all. I have the same monitor and love it :)

If you care for graphics, get a 2nd cheaper 60hz monitor with good colours.
Yeah, perfect combination then I hope. :D
bobika preparing for NC I see

Get the xl2411z, can't go wrong with it :)))
Only thing is some monitors are still shipping out with V1 firmware which sucks if you wanna use the benq blur reduction from blurbusters (recommended). has V3 currently I think, at least mine and a few others did.
Mine came with V1, updating it is very easy. The thing you need to update it costs about £15.

On blurbusters forum there is a thread where you buy it, and sell it on after use. I did this and would recommend the same.
I don't think many are coming with V1 now anyway, V3 been rolling out since start of the year I think too. Could always take the monitor to Benq and they flash it to you if you don't wanna buy the mstar. Alternately you can do it for free with linux and a vga cable :)
I saw that Linux/VGA "hack". Looked dangerous
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