UK elections

Yo, I know this is a serious journal but there is something bothering me.

If Cameron referendum passes and UK gets out of EU does not mean that sqzz and razz will need visas to come to the next lan :D:D:D?
They wont leave EU
Never going to happen because the UK would get fucked over big time, a lot more than the rest of Europe would.
Revenge of the Scots.
Also the earliest they might hold this referendum is 2017 and by that time everyone will have forgotten. Cameron might come over as a Eurosceptic to win votes but he is not a damn moron(neither are his advisers). It's extremely unlikely that this referendum will be held and leaving the EU would be economic suicide. Also the last time I checked the UK wasn't performing that well so there is no room for them to do something like this unless they were an economic powerhouse.
Happy with the result just wish the Scots would stop acting like victims and fuck off. Do a lot better than us from North West England
North West but you vote Tory :o?
Baffles a lot of people but they got the Morecambe seat agai. No mining in Morecambe haha
Scots having the SNP meant less votes for labour, with cameron now able to fuck everyone over once again. Countdown for the privatization of the NHS... So many pathetic cunts voted for UKIP too.

But it's highly unlikely that we'll get out of the EU. If we do, I'll come and have a pint with you.
We?so you re not german? Come where?
He's Welsh, but living in Germany.
If we (Brits) get out of the EU I'll come (meet up with you at a pub? :D). As Rhand said, I only live in Germany
Aha so you re a Welsh in Germany just as I m a Romanian in Belgium. A pub where? And if you get out of EU you will need a visa to come to me. Oh..poor little panda :)
It's unlikely you'd require a visa for just tourism.
It's also unlikely we'll leave the EU, I know we have a lot of morons here, but not that many :D.
i understand why u live in the uk now
does it burn m8?
as soon as i bring grenouilles on a plate i'll be forgiven
Once a wise guy said I ll never make it to the lan cause I m to poor to buy tickets.

Now I don t even need tickets. I simply want a croissant?

See you in Paris?
You mean like Norway right :P?

But think about all brits working outside borders. They would be immediately in illegal position :)
Not immediately.

And yes, it would be shit. But I really don't think it will happen.
I hope not. I have to lead my brothers in London to take over Big Ben one of this days. Great Romanian expansion in the UK has just began :D
Haha, I have the feeling soon it will be UKR. United Kingdom of Romanians :))
Not if the Polish beat you to it :D
You mean those kurwa ja pierdole guys? Nah, they are to limited...look at Robaciek or impossible for them to say more than 2 words in a minute and that usually is Kurosawa mac
Have you signed this already?

3min video to brief you:
I wish italy could leave europe and stop being a puppet. The dream :(
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