Very official announcement

image: french-wine-banner
Françaises, Français, CF computer users,

As you know Enemy Territory International Esports Cup is about to start and captains from all around the world try to gather people to fight on the electronic battlefields. I'm sure that a lot of people from Marseille and France would love to see a colonel like MarseilleColonel LeFrancis lead military operations. Probably because a multiple medalist who led one of the best european computer army during many years should do wonders.

Anyway, I'm here today to let you know I have to decline your offer my people. There are many reasons for this :
image: puce_texte I'm very busy with RealLife.exe
image: puce_texte Lack of active talented players. The only players from France who would be able to handle my very intense training sessions are FranceSnatix & FranceApricot. Apart from them, all the good players retired, the other suck.
image: puce_texte I cant find any other reason but these list items are too good for your geeky eyes.

Fortunately for you, as I remain a big supporter of Francefrench Team and you will probably see me in ETTV Stadium, I suggest to thousands of people who wanted to vote for me in order to be their captain, to vote for FranceTanguy "SnatixXx" Don.

I thank you for your attention my dear Francecompatriots and CF friends,

Don't be sad.

image: tumblr_ltshk0qznr1qmr4e7o1_1280

MarseilleColonel LeFrancis - A french supporter, an ex-talented cyberathlete

You and Napoleon have great brains but lack hard when it comes about thinking. Your brains are out of this dimension, thus making it logically impossible to comprehend the understanding of special military techniques and what is happening in France as we speak, is the proof that the croissants are good for having coffee at 9 o clock in a cheap cafeteria but, they are quite impossible to rationalize that France is doomed unless you actually start working which makes me quite sure that this will never happen due to the immersive lack of will and motivation that had been taken away from you when Paris surrender in front of a great military power, which was almost this close to take over the world and most likely Ludovic the 15 also known as The Sun King has been your last if not first true great leader that your country ever had and once Vanessa Paradis was borne everything was finished and now all I can think is what puppy will adopt next miss Brigitte Bardot?

Punctuation added. Thanks to Razzah :)
Ever heard of punctuation?
image: pic_27

Punctuation? Yea is a special Chinese technique of putting needles in you to make you feel high. Right?
Thats acupuncture you idiot
This is a message to all young CF users. Don't do drugs kids. The man above shows its effects :s
noo colonel le francis :(
sei ancora vivo :o
Great computer gamers never die
Certo non crepo mai!
I heard Belgium Iglieux moved to Frannyland just so he could paly
Rip our great leader.
cest dommage ca. Cest une grande tragedie.
gl with reallife :)
don't know why you put snatix on the same line as apricot but ok
trop long; pas lu

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