ET Reborn LAN Movie Reminder

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Movie Reminder

This journal is a reminder for the ET Reborn LAN movie we are making. Over the last few weeks, we have received clips of the (3on3/6on6) seeding tournament and the LAN itself. We would like to receive more of those clips and that is why we want to ask you to share those moment with us.

We would like to emphasize that we are not just looking for those big panzer/strike/rifle/smg frags. ET is much more than that! If you have witnessed great team play, an incredible secure of the documents, an amazing team revive, all which is not specifically aimed at frags, please share those moments.

A brilliant example from outstanding team play can be found in the match: Germany neverbyte vs Europe
QuoteMatch link:
Player: Germany neverbyte (axis)
Time: 07:35 - 7:00, 2nd round
Map: radar
Short description: amazing recovery of west parts, eventually esSe steals and secures the west parts

We would like to receive more of those moments! Please send Poland requem or Netherlands Sebhes a private message including your frag/special moment from the LAN in the same format as shown in the example above.

this esSe again
Tites/eujen's boost on supply first stage.
tites skilldrop @ LAN
spankie, the best fragmovier ever
Hi folks!

Thanks for little contribution (via pm or here). I really appreciate but still there's not so much material to think about something bigger. Right now I'm busy with other project (with pretty known player!) which is also huge but it's almost completed. Just need one more month for polishing things, adding popups and hitsounds (yeah, simple but time-consuming) and then I think, I will be done (or at least 90%).

So if anyone still has any awesome action (not frags only, teamplays are also welcome) don't be ashamed and send me here (or Sebhes). Will do my best with such exceptional material! :)

How much you got atm? I posted several times on GTV in comments some funny actions (e.g. the germans when they stole a radar parts with an awesome trickjump...)
Hi, sorry for late reply! Well atm it's hard to tell but more like 10-15 actions right now and clearly it's not sufficient amount for something bigger. :P So I would be glad if you could send me those timestamps with links to particular matches. :)
what is the progress so far?
With LAN movie didn't do anything useful for last 2 months. :( I've been busy with other things and mostly I'm focused on Hunter's movie. Anyway - I'm constantly updating my profile with progress so there's no stress. Manually added hit-sounds and popups are taking most of the time. :!
They will!

Btw my work (hunter) so far for everyone interested:

Also popups already done (in AAE). As you can see there are 2 major gaps (at the beginning and near the end) - they substitute for intro/outro. Hitsounds require 50% of my time unfortunately. :S
Just watch rockit games click on sqzz and you got your self a movie
plenty of content for the blooper intermission

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