ET:U NC '15 - Team Germany

image: ger

With much pleasure I'm here to present you this years roster for Germany Team Germany. I've read many expectations about our lineup in the last weeks and some of you did expect the right result! I'm pretty happy to announce to you that I was able to hold our lineup which just participated at the recent ET Reborn Lan in Enschede. That means that a bunch of really good friends who know each other for many years already will have the honor to have some more time together on the battlefield.

Our lineup consists of:
  • Germany Daniel "Bl4d3" S. - whos our main fieldopps. Daniel is our machine when it comes to damage and spawnkills. His allrounding skills are also really important which opens up many good situations for us. He's also the one who likes to pause the game and takes the initiative when we are struggling to get the game back into our hands.

  • Germany Fatih "FiREBALL" H. - whos one of our medics. He's really a player who no one wants to miss in their lineup. Not only his great aim but also his good teamplay helped us alot already to win games. His personal attitude makes him a really awesome guy whos always there for a funny sentence but also his serious gaming on the other hand.

  • Germany Stefan "FLoPJEHZ" P. - whos our main rifle. He's our spammonster who likes to annoy opponents with his grenades. The control with the stick which he has is also insane. On the top of that he's also the one who leads us ingame, which makes him a really important player for us.

  • Germany Thomaz "KRESTi" M. - whos our allrounder. Normally I don't need to describe this guy and if I would describe him on a normal way I could write hours. He's really our keyplayer. When he rolls no one likes it to be his opponent. On the one hand he likes it to be sneaky and to clutch but also on the other hand to revive asses and be a teamplayer. He's able to play every class which makes him also a really usefull player which we never wanna miss! With his personality he brings much tranquility into the team.

  • Germany Simon "stownage" K. - who's also one of our medics. Simon isn't the guy whos usually on top of the stats, but that doesn't make him less important than the others. He's the one who doesn't care for stats but likes to win - and makes that possible with his awesome teamplay. When someone falls you can be pretty sure that stownage is the one to pick this ass up again. But still on the other side he's also a player whos able to aim well and helps alot with his shooting when it's needed.

  • Germany Phil "stRay" O. (c) - whos our main engineer. I'm the one who tries to help the team with all the objective stuff. I like it to win and will try all my best to make this possible by doing things to reach next stages. I'm doing all my best to organize the team to make them just feel free to play. I'm also trying to help FLoPJEHZ with his ingameleading.

But who would we be if we wouldn't have some great cover by our stand in players who could also open up another lineup which would be able to fulfill the high level at this years NC. At first I have to mention
Germany s1LENT whos also a really important player for us. I could also say he's on of our core anyways because without his help the team would be much weaker because he helped us alot during the preparation for the LAN. He's able to fit into every shoes - it doesn't matter which position. Thats why we can't miss him in our roster. With Germany kiwi we have a really talented aimer in our backhand. He has already been a part of Team Germany lineups back then and I'm pretty sure he can still retrieve his gameplay when it's needed. Also Germany Oxy and
Germany mental agreed to fill spots when it's needed. Both of them are really good players who are also very experienced. We are happy to have them and won't be nervous when we need them because we know we can have relied into them. A big pleasure is also to have the following legend in our roster. Germany drago is the most expenrienced guy in our team who has won everything what an ET player wanted to win back then. It's really nice to have this guy in the crew. It might be a surprise for some of you to announce that also Germany Ava will do his best to back us up. He's maybe not that experienced like everyone else in our roster but he has just shown at the ET Reborn Lan that he's a great player. We also like his personality and his attitude wherefor we want to give him the chance to show his skills in Germany Team-Germany.


Germany Bl4d3
Germany FiREBALL
Germany FLoPJEHZ
Germany KRESTi
Germany stownage
Germany stRay


Germany s1LENT
Germany kiwi
Germany Oxy
Germany mental
Germany drago
Germany Ava

Our goal is it for sure to win the cup and take the glory back to where it belongs - Germany. We won't have an easy way to reach that but we will do all the best to do so. There are really good other nations out there who will field up great lineups too. Some really good, close and entertaining games will come up! I wish everyone much fun specing and playing this years nationscup. See you on the battlefield.
mental backup YAY
Looking good!
QuoteHis personal attitude makes him a really awesome guy

You mean he's an awesome guy because he mocks other guys at lan just because they lost to him in a game?

But good luck, AND HOPEFULLY I WILL GET MORE OF image: kiwi-heart
Oksii in NC, now I've seen it all.
journal not news, learn to read srsly

QuoteYou will have until Thursday, May 21st to announce your lineup in a journal on
gg backup team stronger than main team

backup team stronger than your team
GL Lineup! :)
Never understood this German custom of presenting your teams like a bunch of criminals. :D

Good luck!
sry mate! gonna make it shorter the next time for u :*

Not sure if it's the same in Germany, but here in Holland the last names (for criminals) are almost never fully given (unless you read tabloids). The result is something like "Phil O., who was charged with assault and burglary". The newspost made me think of that. :D
ah now i got it haha :p well didnt want to make the last names public without the agreement of the boys.. we would have 100+ facebook queries on this way :p
als ob dich jemand bei facebook adden würde :P

Good read, wish you much luck in the NC.
gl boys!
Gl kresti and stownage kastenaim
sheet this stray takin it for real bro

all good

in da hood

but you should

e: Mental for ever bench :D
No Silent? No gr0ss? No win.
remove ze black egg with golden.
why no s1lent in main lu :( was he available?
"We want to prac for LAN"

That's why ;)

read: stray
I dont get why there was need of a news post being that u kept then same lineup.
Either way.... good luck <3 xoxo
never ever presented this lineup. sry for presenting tho
gl sTOWNAGE and Ava ;)
sieht ja aus wie das Art Of Wolfenstein linup :) Klasse eure namen zu lesen! Viel erfolg guys
bb tag pro spotted
this post means business
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